Not much really. One of my closest best friends wants me to join, well try out, for this band that was started by one of her friends. The only...
Who ISN'T Xion?
3/10. I turned down the chance to lick my girl's boobs because I was "nervous".
That reminds me of futurama.
The Halloween Tree today...but if you mean theater movies, Transformers II.
Their music is amazing, and I love the singer's voice- the new and the old.
I think it looks awesome. I'm getting tired of all of these computer animated's like it isn't even Disney /:
Honestly, I have been dying to see that movie.
No, haven't seen them. I probably could though. That song that they are playing in the video is about Jesus while they have a wall of death going on...haha. That's what I meant by rapping.
They canceled the best shows /:
I know haha. I didn't mean it in a perverted way XD They are a christian band, I don't think they'd do that kind of stuff. They used to rap live, like after some of the songs I mean, and once the old lead singer was trying to climb to the top of the building, and the security guard tried to get him down and then the lead singer kicked him in the head XD
Courage The Cowardly Dog was the shiznit. When I was a kid I thought that shows that weren't animated sucked...well, other than Malcolm in the Middle.
One thing she says is that she's Master and I'm her Slave. Kind of sexy to me. You should see some of the things they used to do live .-.
I'm still one. And if I can help it, I'm not going to die until I'm no longer a virgin. So I don't have to worry about suicide now, ever since...
She says lots of things haha. David and Lorie. They got a new lead singer, the old lead singer for Take The Crown. That's really cool for me because two of my favorite bands become one in a way haha.
Yeah. Are you a virg?
She says that she "treats" me XD They probably put a lot of thought into that...I wish my parents did that kind of thing for me haha. That's cool. blessthefall mixes up the instruments for fun.
Won't use protection I mean XD
That's how I feel, just pull it out- but my girlfriend said we have to use protection when/if we have sex, because if her mom found out she'd be...
I don't really care about how long it takes, I'm just thankful to get what I get haha. It's worked for me so far...really good. Her mom's name is Diana, they mixed up the letters and got Aidan. I think it's a pretty name too, what's your girlfriend's? I don't know the first time...but the second time my mom looked into my mouth and my gum was bleeding, so it that might have been the reason all along. My scream sounds like Matt Taynor/the drummer from blessthefall, which sucks because he doesn't scream in the songs...just plays drums, he only screamed in a video and that's how I know how he sounds.