A collection of poems, yeah. I never read any of the other poems in this collection though. I don't know though, it's just how I take it. Which is why universal poetry is the best. Whether or not it's on just one subject, it's written so that it can relate to tons of topics depending on the reader. Actually, Coheed and Cambria is a great example of that in their lyrics. I understand what you're doing. Now that you feel uncomfortable for being wrong about something, you resort to being immature. Oh man, sure got me.
Are you guys really that ignorant? If I wanted to find a "true" meaning behind a poem that is universal and can be taken any way that relates to your own life...there's not even a source for that. If it was for homework, I'd already have an answer.
It's actually not homework. I was listening to Silverstein, going through their old music, and the poem is at the end. Their song is about a relationship, so I started to piece together the correlations. http://www.plyrics.com/lyrics/silverstein/foreverandaday.html I'm in a Creative Writing program at an art school. I don't really need help to find out what a poem is about, as I already have my own thoughts about it. Thanks for judging me instead of having a logical conversation though (:
There is a place where the sidewalk ends And before the street begins, And there the grass grows soft and white, And there the sun burns crimson bright, And there the moon-bird rests from his flight To cool in the peppermint wind. Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black And the dark street winds and bends. Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And watch where the chalk-white arrows go To the place where the sidewalk ends. Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go, For the children, they mark, and the children, they know The place where the sidewalk ends- Shel Silverstein Since no one would post in the literature section, I decided to post it here. Can anyone have an intelligent discussion with me on your thoughts about this poem? I'm thinking it's written for any and every body to relate to it in their own life, because it seems very universal. I've read this poem before in school, which is very idiotic because I was far too young to appreciate it. My thoughts about the poem though, I feel as if it describes a relationship (yes, a lover relationship) that's about to end. The poem is definitely metaphoric. And the children may represent younger memories of when Shel was a teenager? It's an amazing poem to look in to. What I mean by young memories is the mistakes she made as a teenager in love, and because of her growth from them she knows that the relationship is coming to a close. Anyone else have thoughts?
Well, no one can really tell you what you did wrong if we don't know anything about the details of you two dating. But I honestly don't think that friends from early childhood should date anyway. Teenage friendships? Yeah, because there's bound to be some sort of attraction if you're really close on an emotional level with the person, whether you've kept it inside or have chosen to ignore the feelings with the thought that they may not be returned. Only time can really heal you, sorry for being unoriginal. But my first time being broke up with was after a year of dating a girl, well we took a break because she treated me like ****, then we dated again and I suppose I took advantage of her but I convinced myself it was love. Maybe you were in a similiar situation and just didn't realize it. Whether or not you want to believe it, there's always another.
Insight maybe?
Amazing. That's definitely the best post here.
Karate isn't much against like three? street fighters. Wait- are these guys built or just druggies? And I mean are they like the kids who every one knows does drugs and they're like really skinny and mello? Cause don't worry about them. They're just talk. Especially if they're not going to get into trouble. If they're built though...I'd just avoid them. Or become friends with them somehow over this whole ordeal. I don't know.
Shoplifting. Under age drinking.
Then, unelss your school is corrupt, which most are. And if those kids bring drugs again and get searched, then yeah- they'll get into trouble. But at a normal school they wouldn't get into trouble without evidence that they did the drugs or that any drugs were found on them. You'll be safe by that anyway. Just explain that to them the next time they come up to you.
Who is serious about what? That nothing will happen if they don't have evidence?
Why would you say that infront of the whole class? Doing the right thing would also be doing it confidentially. I don't know man, you really shouldn't have said that infront of everyone. Well, if they came to school the next day then hopefully, for their sake and yours, they wouldn't bring drugs again? Unless they were searched the day before when they had them and you told? Because that depends a lot. They can't really get into trouble unless it was caught on tape or they found it on them while searching. So if they weren't searched the day you told, then I doubt you'll get your ass kicked because nothing would happen. UNLESS they're stupid enough to bring them the next day. And thanks for making me lose the game Ienzo.
Oh, thanks. I never noticed that. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31137483&l=eab20d2d7a&id=1377047606
Facebook is my only source. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?i...2056419.1377047606&pid=31137483&id=1377047606 Yes, I dye my hair.
Please don't think I'm being a dick for giving you advice, I know what it's like haha. I'm a Creative Writer at an Art School, and the teachers there always try to rewrite everything for you to make it what they want. Don't think that's what I'm trying to do to you, because it's not. I'm just giving advice on what made some of my poetry better, especially the romantic ones.
Well, the only thing I think you need improvement on is needless repetition. This is just my opinion, of course. You say night and stars twice, both within two lines. It makes the poem flow a lot less and generally it becomes awkward to the reader. You’re going to want it to flow and feel natural, because I’m guessing that’s your emotion towards your girlfriend, right? Because this style of writing is romantic, without any…obstacles in between the love? And so the feel of the poem should mimic that- not repeat itself, causing the words to drag and become awkward. Just work on using synonyms and more formal, beautiful- but natural, adjectives.
That's...pretty disappointing /: I thought the last boss was going to have relevance to the plot, not be just some behemoth. I honestly thought it was going to be like an Anti-Form Sora or something like that. A really powerful foe that wasn't out of the question weird looking and was relevant to the plot. Like Eraques' heartless?
Birth By Sleep secret ending from Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+? A lot of people were spot on with a couple of things. Like Xehanort being Terra and Master Xehanort mixed? I think you're just using the theories that made little to no sense and looking over the secret ending assumptions generally. I never even heard anyone saying Master Xehanort, who was walking towards them at the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts II, was Riku.
I think it's going to be Kingdom Hearts III: Reconnect. I mean, hasn't that been thought of a lot before though?
Why don't you guys want more games? I mean, it's just my opinion that I want the suspense to add up a whole lot before Kingdom Hearts III. With that being said, I would love to see more titles. Just got to get the 3DS and I'll be set. And where's the gameplay? What's the shadow thing with red eyes? I didn't see any of that in this cutscene.