Oh, I know if something makes money it doesn't make it good. But I was just being realistic that if it works for him, he's not going to stop doing it that way. The Room would be an example of terribly made and terribly produced but it's still in theatres. The Room might be one of the greatest movies I've ever seen simply because of how terrible it is. If you haven't seen The Room, I highly, highly recommend you do. Words cannot describe the experience that comes with that movie. And I've been meaning to see 21 Jumpstreet. The Emmy Awards are ridiculous, this year at least. The Artist was definitely not the best movie. MoneyBall was far better in my opinion. Edit: An example of a bad director who had great writing skills would be George Lucas with A New Hope.
Whether or not his shows are perfectly written, they are successful none the less. He uses a strict formula for everything he does, and while it may not be pure genius, it works and it makes him money. If that's the only type of humor he's good at then so be it.
Then we have an understanding. The cons you just wrote about the movie is why I'm planning to see it though. It seems stupid funny. Like it'll be a casual movie to go see with friends and pay attention in and out of it. Because there's absolutely no build up to any of Seth's jokes, you don't have to pay attention the whole entire movie and then it becomes what I consider casual. I agree that it doesn't take a literary genius to come up with the things like Seth does, but this concept is actually original and I think it could be played with pretty nicely. But I would go see it just to have a fun time and not really pay attention every second to know what's going on because the trailer pretty much sums up the movie I think. I'm guessing he'll meet the girl, then there's going to be conflict with his bear ruining the relationship, then he'll lose the girl and perhaps there will be a dramatic moment in which he has to decide to leave his childhood friend behind or stay with the girl he ends up loving. Then he'll either choose the girl and the bear will be sad and then he'll change his mind or he'll choose the bear and the girl will become used to it. If something else happens other than that I would be surprised.
Well there's no harm in giving it a chance. It seriously does not look that bad. Like Seth's other media, this doesn't look like it's supposed to be taken serious at all. The concept is great but it doesn't mean the actual movie/story will follow through. But the concept of the movie isn't really serious, just wtf? funny. Just because the movie doesn't appeal to a certain audience doesn't mean it's not a good movie. From my point of view, this is hilarious considering the concept and the fact they take the childhood element and make it even more foul than the human character. It adds on to the wtf? humor even more. This movie is obviously intended for an audience seeking something new but not serious. Burn After Reading was hilarious, and it still had the serious feel throughout the whole movie, but that's because the concept was a very serious one. This concept is casual and so the intended audience, mind you, should take it for what it is.
This actually looks like it'll be pretty good. I mean the concept is promising. It's very original and you can't argue that. It's about a guy who has a stuffed animal and doesn't want to leave it behind in his childhood so the bear's grown up with him and they do ******y mature things together but are still scared of thunder? That's a hilarious concept actually. I wasn't looking so much at everything that was going on and really what the whole movie is going to be about.
But he's doing exactly that in the ending of Dream Drop Distance. There's eight keyblade wielders, seven have to fight the thirteen darknesses. Maybe it is Terra that doesn't show up because of Master Xehanort. But Sora is still going solo right now.
Well Sora went his separate way, didn't he?
Lately I've been playing as a strict archer. Basically when something gets too close it means I die. But hopefully with the new Teleport Spell mod someone posted up on Steam's Workshop, I'll be able to get away easier.
In my opinion, 2 is your only fully rational point. That being said, I would like to point out that number I: Most fans of the series know exactly what's going on, the trailers just throw fans off until the game is released. Kingdom Heart's storytelling is fantastic in the sense that subplots come together to form one conclusion, and thus the 'little things' are what you need to look for in the game(s) as well. In every one of the games something is clarified and then new questions arise. This isn't a bad thing. Some characters and even games are created only for fanservice it seems. 358/2 Days and Re:Coded really didn't need to happen. Birth By Sleep, on the other hand, actually means something to the progressing story. Here. Let's throw away 358/2 Days and Re:Coded and keep Birth By Sleep, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II. This isn't confusing at all. One can comprehend it all by themselves honestly, and if not just read the Xehanort and Ansem reports. The series isn't confusing if you take the two games that are filler out of the equation. That's not to say it isn't complicated, because it is. But that's what's so great about it. People fail to realize that Kingdom Hearts, in essence, is like a classical tale. Boy meets girl, falls in love with girl, boy's best friend meets girl, boy's best friend falls in love with her too, boy goes on quest to save girl from a jealous boy's best friend. If you want to take less than five minutes (realistically) to explain a series compiling from 10 years in the making, then just tell them that. It's not that interesting, is it? But if you want a dumbed-down plot, then play a game that isn't about playing a role in an ever-evolving universe. Try Mario. What the hell is the plot in that? There isn't one. Zelda takes time to explain as well. Halo takes way longer than Kingdom Hearts. So, in comparison to other major titles out there, Kingdom Hearts is pretty easy to explain and definitely comprehend if you spend ten minutes reading some sort of information in-game or out. Halo's storyline is spread through out anime shorts, six games (so far), and a ton of books. Zelda's plot changes every game really, so at least Kingdom Hearts has a complicated story line but keeps answering questions and adding new ones. I'd rather research a powerful story than being handed everything to me.
I agree on the console jumping around Square is obsessed with when it comes to Kingdom Hearts. It kind of feels like Kingdom Hearts has just become a side-project that they're experimenting on with different consoles before they release another major title. Some may argue that Kingdom Hearts wouldn't be Kingdom Hearts without the Disney aspect, but I think they need to make a game without Disney in it. To the story line, Disney characters don't mean anything other than Mickey. It would also help develop the story more clearly, seeing as though they wouldn't have to compromise for Disney's liking. And Mickey was only a good character when he was mysterious and worked in the shadows with Riku being the only person actually fighting alongside him. It gave a much more realistic feel to Mickey and Riku's relationship seeing as though they are both the more mysterious characters of the series. I think everyone can agree that Xemnas' battle with Riku as your own party member and him actually being useful and it seemed nostalgic was twenty times better than ever having ridiculous Disney characters ruin the game's experience. People who don't like the story because it is complex might be able to enjoy it if Disney characters weren't constantly ruining any serious moments and bringing unnecessary conflicts to the series. Birth By Sleep was the best story line wise. Is it a coincidence that you fought only by yourself and some times with other original characters? Disney didn't conflict with the story at all and that's what was great about Birth By Sleep. I haven't played Re:Coded, nor have I played 358/2 Days, but I can definitely say I understand all of the story thus far. If asked questions about Xion, I wouldn't be able to answer anything other than she's like half Sora and all of his memories as the second half or something weird like that, though. Re:Coded didn't strike me as being anything other than a clarification for what the letter said and a trailer for Dream Drop Distance. While it's true that Kingdom Hearts has a very complex story and it takes a long time to explain it, I don't think that should subtract from the fact that it's still an amazing story overall. Cut Disney out of the equation and it's perfect. To be honest, I love how complex it is because I feel like I'm following a series that I grew up with, not because of the nostalgic characters and gameplay, but because of the story and I care about...well really I only care about Terra and Riku.
Yeah, but the lab being in ruins. That part (where they are at currently) wasn't in ruins during Kingdom Hearts II. Edit: While the rest of Ansem's study WAS.
I think it's present time. The Xehanort scene I mean. In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+, it's obvious that Xemnas/Xehanort went back to the lab after they all got transformed into nobodies. The secret ending or normal ending of Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded had Yen Sid saying something along the lines of Since Xehanort's heartless was destroyed first, then his nobody, he has come together again. I'm guessing that this happened with Braig and Ienzo and whoever else, including Xehanort. It's apparent that they can go back there, Final Mix scene, and Braig's nobody was destroyed right when Xemnas was too, right? So them both returning to their human form isn't unlikely in my opinion. And it could be TerraXehanort since that's what he looked like before he became Ansem and Xemnas. Well, that's obvious. They both formed back together and made the same body they came from. So, Ienzo and the other dude is whatever about, but Braig and Xehanort definitely makes sense. And why would it be a flash back? At the end of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Braig asked Xehanort if his memories had returned already. He wouldn't ask again until way later or something big happened. It 75% isn't a flashback, or before Kingdom Hearts, because that would have been the experiment that made them nobodies, and now they look like somebodies again. So I doubt Braig would ask that question unless they became somebodies again.
Towards the end of the video, I swear it looks like a gummi ship or something like that. It looks like he's leaving the world, or the area I suppose. More than that, that doesn't look like Goofy or Donald at all to me. I honestly don't see it. I think they may have some of the same colors as Donald and Goofy, the 'party' memebers, but they just don't look like it to me. Isn't that Sora's Kingdom Hearts icon? Why wouldn't they use Donald and Goofy's? And before that someone who played a demo already said that the party members are new. Goofy and Donald aren't new, and the icons don't even resemble them at all to me. I don't think it's because of the blur either, since you can definitely make out Sora's face with complete ease. I don't even think those are party members at any rate. You only see Sora throughout the whole thing, except for the new enemy. Who I think looks more like an unversed than anything. I'm definitely just putting this out there, but if this is Traverse Town, the new members could possibly just be characters whose worlds were destroyed/fell into darkness, right? I mean, that's what Traverse Town is for anyway. The people who lost their worlds. So it would make sense for that world to have new members who are native to Traverse Town, right? And that could be anybody. Nomura could make up any characters in Traverse Town.
starlight2011studios, I can't even say how excited I was to see that someone used The Past, The Love, The Memory and made the top 5. It's definitely one of the most beautiful songs A Skylit Drive has ever made, always makes me tear up. And your video undoubtfully did it justice. I was looking forward to the part where he sings You will always be, the past, the love, the memory- But you did an AMAZING job leading up to the second stanza all the same. I definitely think you deserved this. The voice overs fit perfectly to the whole song as well. I would have put you as the top, but that may be me being biased. Either way though, you did a fantastic job and definitely did the song justice, like I said before.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 5. I think 2-D owns to be honest. It's kind of classic feeling and that's what I lean towards the most. Barely anyone has heard of it, but the one 2-D fighter for SNES, Power Instinct, was the best fighting game I have ever played. Next to, God I'll get flamed, Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 and above, and then Tekken, and then SSB. Naruto Ultimate Ninja was really good in my opinion because of how fast-paced it is. And the ultimate Justus and all the different combos. Also leveling up each character. Maxed out Itachi=FTW. I ocassionally watch Shippuden, but I still play those games a lot. 3-D Fighting games never seemed to have a good plot either. Kind of like pr0n.
I see. Make things literal. It's k.
Shakespeare definitely won that one. If people understood the refferences and what he's actually 'rapping', then I'm sure they'd choose it over the pretty colors. How can you even compete against SHAKESPEARE? The OP?
Well rofl. You're being pretty hypocritical in this situation.
ROFLMAO! I agree. That was bee's knees.
Yeah, now I think about it, that may be what I was talking about. I still vaguely remember talk about it though. Actual game. Whenenver I start a new game and get to that point, it always freezes up. But luckily I found my backup I made a long time ago and got past that part just yesterday. So thanks for your time guys.