oh. it's just when you watch vids with advertisements on your profile
Ram/Dragon "The Soul of Flame"
I wish I was my age now, but 20 years earlier. that means I would have experienced and remembered the '80s and '90s
now they ADVERTISE on your profile WITHOUT PERMISSION. I know it is their website, but I feel used
twilight town makes the most sense
hmm... let's ask Chuck Norris
LOL...Ven is so short I wonder what Erauqs's armor looks like
that's strange considering Roxas looks different from Sora...but looks exactly like Ven Spoiler and Xion's Ven incident will probably have something to do with this hmm...
do you think that Axel and Saix will be in the game? Spoiler Lea and "Isa" were friends in their previous life, as said in 358/2 Days. We already know Braig knows Ven, and will most likely be in the game, so it's pretty possible that Axel and Saix will make an appearance.
Axel sounded ridiculous when he was mad. He sounded like the lead singer of the B-52s "but I'll always be there to bring you back" I thought he was gonna break into "rock lobster"
The master's Keyblade is currently my favorite For some reason the master reminds me of Robert Downy Jr.
yes I have
FTW forever
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba Sithi uhm ingonyama Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
now that you're paying attention: no, I am not going to tell you who I'm talking about hint: Spoiler it's not myself
It's a Claymore