Why dont I know you in real life?! you so damn beautiful! Ill be really jealous if you have a boyfriend! i mean it! =D
wow... once again, your awesome! your the best! just awesome! *passes out*
OOC: I gotta go guys ;( bye!
"well... were back from a Big battle" we won, and now were taking a rest" or thats what im doing" hey, whats are your weapons??" he asked curiously Noxas then saw Sam entering the kitchen "Who are you?" he asked your new too?" Noxas then heard Darxess talking "Im with you!" he yelled to him
Noxas then got to the kitchen, gets some corn flakes, sit to the table and notices that theres someone there "Huh?" your new here?" Noxas looks at him "Im Noxas"
OOC: ok, so im in the ship, right?? BIC: *yawn* Noxas woke up "wheres everyone?" he asked himself "and Im hungry too..." Noxas then headed to the ships kitchen
OOC: ok, ill read it, thanks!
OOC: NICE! the second round started! ok, ok... what have I missed?? i need to know!!
by any chance could you convert it to ARMax?? *I hate AR* oh, and is there any code to have infinite MP??
hey, evil, can you give me a Infinite Health code? and by any chance could you give me the one you use?? (IF you use it)
OOC: yeah, the name should tell about the RP, but it should have a good name too, oh, and hey nulix, when everything is done, can you PM me or post it here?? im still confused, and i gotta go for a while...
OOC: ok, im a little confused, so can somebody tell be what happend in like the last 7-8 pages?? I really want to get in the final battle =D
"thanks..." he said to her ---------- "to the right?" hmm... I still cant find it..." Noxas said confused "damn... this school seems bigger from inside!"
Noxas then saw that Wing got hurt really bad "damn you!" Noxas then casts Reflega as he jumps against Vecked "you wont... be forgiven" he said to him "Do you know what reflega does Vecked?" he asks "It reflecks your attack back to you in an explotion!" then the cast hits Vecked "what do you think of that huh?"
Noxas woke up "seems I passed out" But this isnt the time to take a nap" Noxas then runs and the saw his Fenrir "Good to see you again" he said "lets go" Noxas then drives all the way to the battle, and he then saw Wing battling "Keyblade... please... I need your help" then a light appears in his right hand. the keyblade finally appeared again "Now, lets end this!" He then jumps out "Wing!" Im here!" Noxas jumps, and attacks
OOC: its a good idea jaxed! but i cant help though :( where did we left? i know the battle stopped yesterday, but i dont know where
he saw Jakura "h-hey... im Noxas... who are you?? do you know where this room is? Im new here" Noxas then shows a piece of paper
Noxas noticed Bellatrix "h-hi... im Noxas... im new here..." He said shyly to her "do you know where this room is?" i think im... im a bit lost"
"guys, our final battle is in that mountain *points to the mountain* right?" then what are we waiting for! he smiled as he said that "lets go!"
"Geryl goddamit!" where did you get THAT from?!" he asked him