i think SE is doing an excellent work! i just cant wait for this game! but i wouldn't mind a PS3 remake :rockdover:
"hey, what about making a grill?" we can eat chicken and stuff!"
"hehe, i was joking, dont worry!" he said "oh, hey Axel! whats up?"
"hehehe" cmon, tell me" have you kissed her yet?" he said joking again
"dang it, he saw me" he said to himself finally found ya guys! so, whats up?? you like her?? he said joking around
OOC: hey! im online now! btw... im not added in the first post?? remember! im the gambler of fate! Luxord! =P BIC: Luxord finished his sandwich (After hours XD), sat down and started watching tv "Where are the other?" he said ok, one last time, ill check that damn beach he then goes there and saw Roxas laying in the beach "Roxas!" he said
yeah, its WAY to early to begin asking for codes!
awesome! I cant wait for the games to release! and i cant believe i wasnt able to be on TGS! thanks Xadin and Pazuzu for posting this!
Luxord then stepped out of the portal "No ones here" Im outta here" its too hot for me" Luxord then gets back to the Org XIII's kitchen for a sandwich
OOC: ok, thanks! BIC: Luxord was wandering around, when he wondered where the others where "wheres the others?" he asked himself "Oh yeah, I heard something about a beach trip" he then summon a gate to the beach
OOC: hey! i want to join! hmm... i want to be Luxord! The gambler of fate!
Yeah, im sure there isnt any widescreen games for the DS... ok, i bet 10 bucks that its for the PSP!
yes, it was the same. thats why im reaaaally hoping that this is the PSP game. i just HAVE to get my hands on this! do you guys think thatt this will get to be anounced tomorrow at TGS??
hey! you have some awesome quality, so want to ask this: can you make me an avatar?? in birth by sleep, i want the scene where aqua looks stunned and then the camera zooms to Ven eye... Is that possible??
damn! this news are really getting me into a heart attack! i hope that this is for the psp! ill get a psp, and i really want this over all!!! please! make this to the PSP! and this IS kinda confirmed, since otherwise, there wouldn't be any scans, right?? man, this is great!!! cant wait for TGS either!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG *Hyper ventilates, and passes out* this is the greatest news in a looong time!! I damn hope this is real!!! I hope that the: - Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories 2 (Nintendo DS) - Kingdom Hearts 0 (PSP) gets to be on both (DS and PSP) consoles, that way every DS and PSP players will experience both games. I don't have any of those consoles, but im getting a psp on November in my birthday. Please Nomura! make it on both consoles!!! and I damn hope that the Roxas story in the Org. gets to be on the PSP!
oh well... try it again! hey, is there a way to have max defense up items?? i mean, like to have infinite elixirs, is there a way to have defense up or power ups??
Coy: you use Action Replay Max, right?? thats the device he is talking about a.k.a. cheat device, right Slyzer?
damn... i will getting a psp on my birthday in end november... 1up better not be lying!! it would be just awesome!!
OOC: ok... im in short in time today, so can anyone tell me in short whats been happening??