if your right... then i might have a chance! you really made my day! kinda... but thanks alot! that really cheered me up!
to do it... but i really dont want to hurt her heart, so i really dont know...
okay, we have known each other 3 years now... we talk pretty much every day, in school, and sometimes at other places. i would say that we are friends, but im feeling she got feelings to me. umm... is that good enough?? i can out more if its necessary??
really? i think it may be the version of the AR... maybe it has a game that already uses the FM id?? you prefer ARMax even if it doesn't supports Raw (which is easier to use?)
are you sure?? because you once gave me a master code that worked with EVERY code i tried... well, almost... wonder why it didn't work for you? :(
ok, thanks, ill try it Evil
can someone post a master code? i already asked for one, but it didnt work... i use ARMax ... i used Evilmans code... Hey Evil! could you post the one you use? i deleted my KH2FM folder in my ARMax by accident... if you see this, please answer me Evil!
okay okay... seems like everyone thinks its a bad idea... i really dont want to hurt her, so i think ill just hear to you guys... i think ill just kiss her in her cheek... and like some of you said, let her open the present first, then the kiss...
wow :shocked:, good luck! if you get to make the code, i would like to be the tester! :D oh, btw, do you have a ARMax master code?? i lost mine... :(
ok, im an idiot... i accidentaly i deleted my KH2FM folder from my ARMax, and i cant remember the Master Code i was using... can someone post one?? i remember i used evilmans...
thanks KHkid!
ok, i already searched the thread, so ill just ask: can anyone give me a No BGM?? I want to do some battles and put my own music in it ^^ oh, btw, I use ARMax
I like your "theory"! and i like the fanfic since i like the Ven/Aqua relationship XD (if you get to write the fanfic more in depth, could you pm me?)
ok, im voting: Limit Form! why you ask?? well.. because, when im playing, i ALWAYS choose Limit Form, because thats the form i pawn the most! Final Form got high speed and defense, but for some reason, Limit, ALWAYS got along with me better (even without using any limits) thats why i choose Limit form!
i beat him at 55 O_o lol, well, you could! btw, you will LOVE R/R! Its awesome!!
i know how you feel... i did that the first time I played too... well, you could get a save file? OR try beating him again? I dont think theres a code...
you had to press O that way, you save, and let the game know you beat the game...
without spikey hair theres no FF/KH! thats Nomuras rule! but yeah, thats probably the only conection...
thanks! gotta go for now... seeya!
really? well, ill join the club then... hmm... but im VERY sure about this... im really in love with her... i think this is up to me... ok, thanks thelightisgone123