OOC: wing! your back! well, im back too if you didnt notice! =D BIC: "naa, your not too useless, but yeah, i feel it" Noxas then turns to Wing "Do you remember me wing?? its me Noxas! but there isnt time for presentations, this is the final battle"
"whats up with you guys?" Noxas asks them "we were held captives, but we re now free to go, but your still agressive??" "damn, anyway, we gotta go"
OOC: ok, thanks! *sigh* "why did I have to get transfered?" I ask myself. Noxas then reaches the school "cool" he said "now, i wonder where im staying at" so he walks around the school, searching the "boss" of the school
"Hey guys! wait for me! he said as he runs to them
OOC: ok, im back, whats been happening?? we´re trapped right??
OOC: damn it!! gotta go for a while :nono: ill be back soon *i hope*
OOC: your back! wohoo!! =D yeah, im knocked out, now, get shot already!! (wtf?)
OOC: yup, very true, very true
OOC: good! BIC: when he fell to the ground, the last word he said was "Damn", then he saw someone getting near him, and passes out
OOC: ok... seeya later then :/ BIC: "whats that?" Noxas asked himself and to Xegreny. then the ship shot Noxas in the shoulder eith a dart, and fell asleep
OOC: wonder when the others are going to get online?! this is the final battle! whe should all be online! =D BIC: Noxas used a potion and kept fighting. he wasnt used to fight like this, without keyblades, but he was doing fine. "this isnt as easy as I though it would be!" he said jokering, but he then saw a a sword lying around "cool!" it isnt as good as a keyblade, but it will do!" he then runs against more enemies and fighting them with much more easy
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"damn... im not used to not use keyblades" he said exhausted " but i cant give up now" Good work Xegreny" he said to him
OOC: yeah it sounds good Nulix, im on it! BIC: good, lets kick some more *** then! he said positively to him
"ok" he then runs and fight them with the fists "Xegreny!, do you know where the others are??" he asks then a soldier appears behind Xegreny "Watch out!" he said to him. he then runs and kicks the soldier "you ok?"
OOC: ok, thanks for clearing all those questions out! BIC: Noxas then remembered the others talking about the war really close "The war!" damn, i slept over!" but why in a time like this!" he said in a hurry "a map... WHERES THE MAP!" he yelled... "here it is!" he then looks at it "there!" "I found it!" ok, a lake... but its a far!" damn... oh yeah, I forgot i got that new bike in the village!" hehe, nice timing!" he then goes to the hangar for the bike "I gotta give you a name, right?" the said to the bike... "fenrir" thats your name" he then left without looking back "I hope everyone is ok" he said... OOC: i dont know your name in the org, but ill just call you Orion, ok?? BIC: when he got there, he saw Orion battling "Orion!" he yelled. Noxas then stops Fenrir not so far. "You alright?" he asks. "sorry... i wont be a be a help right now... i cant summon it yet... my keyblade..." but ill assist you some how!"
OOC: i only have 228 posts with this one! xD but thats mostly because i didnt have the opportunity to get online on summer vacation! but... for real?! I really hope that theres a sequel! BIC: Noxas woke up, wondering where everyone was OOC: where is the battle exactly??
hmm... dont know exactly what this is about, but ill join! name: Noxas age: 15 looks: Cloud hair, with blue eyes. jeans, and casual t-shirts. hes 1.80 high and 62 kg... Gender: male Info: hes shy when he is in a strange place, but when he get used to the place, and gets friends, he open up