There has been an alien sighting in NC!!!!! I was sick and stayed at home... So I was watching the news, and this flying saucer thing flew across the sky. NO LIE!!!! I looked at the t.v and saw there was a special news break and there it was on the screen!!!! They put the video on Youtube already. Here's the link: THE LINK IS RIGHT HERE!!!!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!
Psychosocial - Slipknot
IT BELONGS TO ME!!!!!! I think it suits you pretty well.
I KNOW, RIGHT?!?! BTW on a totally Spam Zone related topic, I love your location status, Dalk.
DAMMIT, ASH!!!!! Why did you let Butterfee go?!?!?!
That episode made me cry...;_;....
............Tuce. What's your favorite one? you like Guitar Hero?
Yeah, my brain can't comprehend that crap.
*super ultra mega uber-duper gasp* POST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........Please?
It's gotta be in that right pattern and stuff, it can't match with another number inn the same square, row, or column... *head explodes*
I'm doin' pretty good, dude. How're you?
What's up, bro?
Yeah, but it's hard....
Yes, yes it does..XD
Not when you're possibly failing Geometry...
Oh, okay. I miss you, too...:)
I'm too dumb to play that.