JACKPOT!!!!! YOU LIE!!!!! O.O............... *thinks for a random lie* I raped him mentally!!!!
Another logical reason for this is to perform a threesome simultaneously.......>.>
Isn't the love of my life.
Oh HALE no! He's mine to rape!!!!
*ultra gasp* Says who?
All I have to say is:
I was expecting a Rick Roll.......Darn it!
Your knowledge escapes my grasp....can you please say the last line you just said in English, please?
*GASP* It went to sleep with this ***!
I oughta rape you for such hypocrasy!
Is this fricking better?!?!?! Kitty Cat
This cat looks at you in shame....f*cking shame, What?......
*dances with D~D*
*dances even more as aliens join him in the dance* *the Rick Roll'd video starts playing*
Psh! Who doesn't want people staring at them wide eyed with disbelief?! *starts doing The Robot*
Hey guys!!!!!!!!! I've got a pretty good idea for a code. I posted the following quote on KH Coding Forum:
I feel like a complete loser now...=(
I guess getting people Rick Roll'd is getting pretty old, huh?