Dude... DAVID!
I'm okay I guess... Hey, can I PM you?
Hey... How are things..?
How are you?
Anybody here listen to Abandon All Ships?
*glomps* Just came by to say hey. ^_^
Cool, cool... So what's new?
Woah, you remember that?
@Janime: Why thank you. =) @Gravity: *sigh* I was never popular here...
Who missed me and what's new?
Meh... They're okay... You?
Hey, have you not seen my PM's?
I was simply homesick...
Of course, dude! You were Sonic the last time I was on
What's up? It feels AMAZING to be back!
Hey, H. What's up?
Okay, so I tried, for my first time ever today, to Rick Roll some people. After I did it, I found out that somebody gave me bad rep for it! People Rick Roll other people ALL THE TIME!!!!! I don't understand why somebody would do that!!!
Want's to murder me, then burn me in a fire...
Is the most aweful, most disgusting, fricking b*tch in the world who doesn't give a sh*t about me...
Again with the big @$$ words.......