Yes, I know you've all grown to love my dangly parted man in a speedo. But, I feel it's getting old and wrinkly. Pick which of these you want me to change to or if you want me to keep it the same. Option 1: Option 2:******ed-girl-butcher-shop-chop.gif Option 3: Option 4: PICK NAO!
I made an MSN emote out of Dalk's face. :lolface: It's kind of small so I could fit it in the MSN file limit.
Remembers this game and it's glory?
Be back in an hour. Bye guys!
I lol'd at this.
What's been going on this past week? :.-.:
Look at picture one: Spoiler And then look at picture two: Spoiler Dalk is really professional eater, Pat Bertoletti!
I'm leaving in 8 hours for Minnesota. I'm gonna be gone for 8 days. I will miss only a select few of you. :/gasp: Mostly Rissy and Sorrow. But especially Dalk. :lolface:
And I was not disappointed. I definitely recommend it.
And I have internet. Give me things to entertain me.
Okay, as Sony fans know, MGS is like, the most epic game ever. Epic in the sense that it's awesome, but also in the literal meaning. Such as, it has a vast story and is huge overall and it's mainly just an interactive movie. Now, I was surfing Wikipedia one day, and came across a little sub-article on David Hayter's page about a possible Metal Gear Solid movie. Article provided here Now, I know we can't trust wikipedia 100%, but then I got curious and went to Internet Movie Data Base( to see if there was any verification. IMDB page found here Now, if you read over that page, it says that it has been announced, apparently. It's going to be directed by Kurt Wimmer and the script shall be written by Hideo Kojima. I'm not going to get my hopes up, because there is always the chance that this could be a lie posted by someone, or it might be real and go belly-up. But I'd like to know your guys' opinions. Do you think the movie would be successful? I believe so, since it's being written and supervised by Kojima. And in case you're wondering, the IMDB page was updated March 22, 2009. I'll put up more information when it becomes available. Anyone else anxious?
Identify the song and artist. Bonus points if you give his real name AND stage name. And no, I didn't change the language. Mellan oss två Det är oklart ute nu Är det så svårt att förstå Vad var det som gick så fel Mellan oss två Jag e så frusen nu Jag kan inte känna min själ Mitt hjärta har blivit till is O ändå så är det varmt Mellan oss två Mina krafter har tagit slut För jag lever i en värld svart o vitt Men att få ligga i din famn Är som solljus i tusen år Mina ögon är stängda nu Jag kan inte öppna dom igen Jag vill säga hur det ää Men jag har ingen röst Mellan oss två Varför lät vi detta gå så långt Var det för att visa att vi kan Eller va de byggt på hat och sorg Som vi inte klarat av Ditt hjärta vill jag ha kvar i våra liv Som vi delade när himmelen va blå Men vi leder inte längre någon vart Nu är det slut mellan oss två Mellan oss två This is so easy. :lolface:
This should be interesting. Post up to 3 smilies. Let's try and tell a story with it. Starting now. :ff10sora::=D::B|:
Personally, mine is the live one when he got all of America at the Macy's Day Parade. This is such a disaster waiting to happen and I love it! This thread has no negative repercussions at all. :lolface:
Xaale and myself both posted the birthday thread at exactly midnight (Rissy's time). And there's no way to view seconds. Rissy has to decide who wins. Me or Xaale. Others were posted 1 minute before. Rissy, decide!
I think that this is much better than the ACTUAL Yu Yu Hakusho movie. :lolface: ^Part 1^ ^Part 2^ ^Part 3^ ^Finale^ Who else finds this to be better than the actual Yu Yu Hakusho movie? Also, in Part 3, the guy that voices Reiko is the actual voice of Hiei from the series. Such an awesome parody. :lolface:
Do as the title says! Mine? Invader Zim, probably. Or Catdog Or Rugrats Or Figure It Out... SO MANY GOOD SHOWS IN THE 90'S!