Anyone remember that website that keeps talking about "the truth" and has links everywhere. It had like, a big ass page about the Egyptians or something like that? I don't know why, but I feel like investigating it right now but can't remember the name.
[You ever wished your life was more like Final Fantasy. Also tell which one. Mine would have to be XIII. I want to be a l'Cie so bad!]
Who knows, maybe this will take off. Anyway, we were talking about Prom on Voxli and there's a thread about it here, so why not have a KH-V Prom? Stupid? Yes. Brilliant? Far from it. Fun? Possibly. Okay, so the Prom is approaching! Do you guys have a date yet? Ask that special forumer to Prom and register here and we will have our Prom on April 16th. There will be posts and such. Maybe an after party on Voxli. You may go alone or have a date. You may only have one date and there will be awards given out for Prom King and Prom Queen. These two will receive special praise and such for being awesome. I don't care if homosexual couples are registered. I ain't no gay-hatin' southerner. The Prom will go from 8 pm my time until midnight. The time of this post was 12:18 my time. I'm ******ed with GMT so figure the math out yourself. Registered Couples: Cherry and Banana Jaden and Blair Dumblydore and Elizabeth Matt and Harriet What? and Haseo Arch and Aura Haley and Potter Host - Captain Hero Chaperone - Dalk DJ - Clear_So_You_Cant_See
Spoiler I want this so bad! I may end up ordering this nifty thing.
So, who else is pumped for Rockfest 2010? I'm going and it's gonna kick ass. May 15th at the Liberty Memorial in KCMO. Here's the band listing: First Stage: Godsmack Three Days Grace Seether Papa Roach Drowning Pool Rev Theory Halestorm Second Stage: Five Finger Death Punch Airbourne Janus The Veer Union Burn Halo Adelita's Way Shaman's Harvest Taddy Porter Two stages and twelve straight hours of rock! Post here to discuss if you're going and maybe we might run into each other. Here's the link to the official website if you want to know more about it. 50,000 people each year and it sells out in like, a week.
My friend and I just went to Wal-Mart at midnight to get Final Fantasy XIII. And just by the opening movies and credits, I am astonished at this game. I don't think I'll be having actual human contact for quite some time, everyone. This was so worth it.
I want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it
God Bless Johnny Dare.
For a while, my dog hasn't been feeling too well. Just recently, he stopped eating. We took him to the vet today to get a blood test and he's been diagnosed with kidney failure. My dog and best friend of 10 years is going to die soon and there's not a damn thing I can do but cry. I've been coming home to this dogs love every day for 10 years. I really need some support guys. I've been crying for 30 minutes now. I don't know how long it'll be before I get better.
Okay, so I was watching the subbed scenes of Birth By Sleep on YouTube when the dialogue started clicking with what was happening. Skip to about 7:40. There is some interesting dialogue. Aqua: "Terra, you're there, aren't you?" Terranort: "Resisting again?" (Terranort struggles) Terranort: "Get out of my heart!" (Terranort stabs himself with the Keyblade) After that, the Guardian dissipates out of Terra. That's when things began to click in my head. Terra is struggling for control and it's actually TERRA that stabs himself with the Keyblade. So I began to think that when the Guardian came out of Terranort, that was actually Master Xehanort. I know this sounds farfetched, which is why I also watched the secret ending. There are a few scenes in particular that helped to support this. Master Xehanort talks about how the Terranort body should have been destroyed and fails to heed his control. Terra responds by saying, "This is my heart. Just as I control this body, my heart is my own." Think about that for a second. Terra just expelled Master Xehanort's control from his body in a previous scene. And now he's saying that he's in control of the Terranort body. What? Yes, my theory is that Terra is in absolute control of the Terranort body. Going back to that video with the Braig/Terranort scene, he talks about how Terranort really has lost his memories. Then he actually pieces together that Xehanort is no longer present amidst Terranort and it's purely Terra using Xehanorts name. Which would mean that Terra did everything from KH1 through KH2 of his own accord without being controlled by Xehanort! Now, let's refer back to the secret ending conversation between Terra and Master Xehanort again. Master Xehanort: Have you already begun to reside in another's heart? Terra: *silent smirk* Master Xehanort: Eraqus would be so disappointed in you Let's examine this for a moment. I saw that some people were speculating that Terra had taken in Eraqus' heart when that fight ensued. But how could Terra reside in the heart of a dead person? That only leaves one option. Riku. Think back to when Terra spoke with Riku. He told Riku that he may possess the ability to become stronger and the first step was being able to hold the Keyblade. Riku touched the Keyblade and in that instant, Terra connected with Riku's heart, another thing Aqua noticed when she visited Destiny Islands. Terra: I no longer fear the darkness. Even if my heart is consumed, even if my body becomes darkness itself. I will do anything, no matter what the cost. I only have one goal. Xehanort: I like your determination. There is still time. Little by little, we'll see who'll end up in possession of this heart. However, I am taking measures to carry out my own plan as well. And the seed has already been planted. They are clearly talking about the possession of Riku's heart. Still skeptical? Don't forget that Xehanort's Heartless took control over Riku in Kingdom Hearts I and led him towards the darkness. That leads me to believe that this conversation takes place during Kingdom Hearts I and the ending keeps flopping time frames. **EDIT** Just watched a scene from Re: CoM and another thing popped in my brain. Mickey was talking to Riku about how he's walking a path he didn't know. Light AND dark. He has both powerful light and powerful darkness in his heart, just as Ven did. Perhaps in the next major title, Riku is going to be the key to form the X-Blade...? Just a thought that came in my head. So, if this isn't clicking with you, here's the abridged version: Master Xehanort took over Terra's body. Terra's emotions transposed into his armor. Terranort was a combo of Terra and Master Xehanort. Terra took control of the Terranort body. Terra expelled Master Xehanort and took his name. Terra began his research on hearts under Ansem's name after stealing MX's name. Master Xehanort took control of Riku's desires and led him to darkness. Sora freed him from Xehanort's control, but darkness still resides. The Organization arises. Xemnas(who is actually Terra, if you're following) wants to awaken Kingdom Hearts to regain his(Terra's) heart. Sora gets a note from Mickey to "free them from their torment" Coded happens. ???????? Kingdom Hearts 3. Now, this is a multi-faceted theory. If you have an area you're fuzzy on, ask and I'll go more in-depth. Otherwise it would take me ages to put it all in here at once and cover any arising question. Thoughts? Do you agree?
The first Kingdom Hearts came out a little over 7 years ago. When I was 11. Anyone else realizing just how long of a time that is?
Let's do it. This is going to be an epic quest, but I know that we can persevere! 1!!!!
I mean, I seriously think I am. I keep watching videos of people popping cysts and it's somewhat invigorating. I enjoy it.
Will you be my Valentine? :glomp:
I'mma go play some Wii Fit. Bye!
It's when spdude is going to log on again. And then implodes the universe from here.
And now that I have it, I thought your user title said you were a trap.
Spoiler It was posted on the Aqua stream a few minutes ago. There is Vanitas.