In Finland you can ride a scooter/moped.
Well it is possible. I tried doing so with my ex, but it was a mistake. Now we have to be near each other in school (we sit near each other at classes and stuff like that), but fight all the time.
SuFin <3333
Welcome to the Kiyoshi-town. The name Kiyoshi is a Japanese name meaning "Quiet child" (Found it from the internet so sorry if it's not right <.<). Some people might not understand this, but the people living here do. They all want to come to Kiyoshi-town to forget and be quiet about there problems. But the secrets never completely fade away. There always is stains. And as stains, they mean their children. The children made their family run away in shame. Maybe it was just because their sexuality, or maybe it was because that weird look they always got. Anyways, they all came here to forget about the outside world. Because in Kiyoshi-town, no-one is different. Rules! - For now, three characters each. -Say "Balloons" to let me know you read the rules. - I'm sorry to say this, but if you character isn't "weird enough" or a Mary Sue it isn't going to get accepted. I'll help you edit the character if you want. - No godmodding goddamn it! - No killing unless you get my and the one who uses the character you want to kill permission. - Every character has to have some very weird problem. No "They thought I was a witch, but I really aren't" (by the way, no magic -.-') or "I got into some fights and got kicked out form school". It can be more like "I have a huge anger management problem and nearly killed someone." - You have to forgive my weird examples. Dooo iiiit :B|: ! Actually you have to forget about rule number two and say "Your weird examples are forgiven". - If you brake the rules too many times you will be kicked out from the RP. - No txt talk. "Plz. Us. Gd. gramal. andspacescapitallettersandallthatcrap". See how annoying that can be..? (Plzsay u docuz i cn kep dointis.) - Have fun and be nice! OC form: Username: Name: Age: Gender: Bio (Why lives hear etc.): Appearance: History: Other: Username: In explicit Angst Name: Katie Elin Age: 15 Gender: Female Bio: She's schizophrenic. Her other personality, "Kaede" isn't really evil, but she's very rude and hates pretty much everyone except Katie. Appearance: Spoiler Katie always sees Kaede looking like this: Spoiler History: Her father left her mother when she was little, and because of that, they had to move. She didn't have any friends at her new home-town, so she made a year older imaginary friend called Kaede for herself. When she became ten she hadn't really thought of her friend in a while. She was bullied in school a lot and at age 13 when she remembered Kaede again, soon enough people noticed that she was "sharing a body" with her. Other: Noothing~ Username: In explicit Angst Name: James "Jamie" Clayper Age: 17 Gender: Male Bio: Bi-sexual. He dresses up as a girl most of the time. He looks a lot like a girl when he tries to, probably because he is so small. James tends to not tell people that he's actually a guy until he has to. Appearance: Spoiler History: Before, dressing up as a girl wasn't a problem, but when everybody heard that the sweet little Jamie was actually a guy it started being hard to live in their current home-town. Many homophobic sent hate letters to his home and some people actually started throwing stuff at him. His parents decided to sent him to Kiyoshi alone. Other: Noothing~
Moimoi ^^
Oh, I have classmates who hate me and would do the same thing!
I still didn't throw her :<
Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Or just seeing things? Maybe you had forgotten to take you medication the earlier night..?
I never actually throw her on you. And those are not the same as duckies!
When I was in first grade almost all of my class mates had cell phones. I remember talking to my friend how it's stupid to have a cell phone at this age. The next year my friend gets one saying: "It's not stupid anymore." or something like that. That year was a pain. Everyone were playing with their cell phones and calling to there friends except me. Well the next summer I get lost. I really could of used a cell phone there. Well finally on third grade I got my own phone. It was my dads old, but I was happy. I was kinda young, but I really needed it. These days I'd be dead without one. My closest friends live in other cities so it's nice to have a way to talk to them.
My big-sister once woke me up by screaming: "Duckyy!"
Maybe they just never actually want to give you up..?
"So, um... Did we have to go to the assembly hall or something?
<3 .
*noms cake, but leaves a peace for you* So good... *gives you your peace* Here ya go!
We're already dead. Alcohol?
"Oh yeah, ofcorse. Stupid me." Katherine said and laughed. Ooc: Even shorter post... Well gotta let my sister on the computer. See ya guys later!
Katherine followed Brad and Jaun. "Hm, so what year are you guys in?" Ooc: Short post Dx Oh, and I realized that Katherin's name is actually supposed to be Katherine.
Katherin looked at her room door. "Oh... That's good to hear then, I guess." She pulled out the keys to her room and unlocked the door. Without even looking around, she threw her bags on to the floor and left the room. "Shall we go?" Alexander shook his head when he saw how sloppily her sister just threw her bags on the floor. But he didn't have to worry about that. He started walking towards the assembly hall hoping he wasn't late.