The moon is pretty.
Hm, I could join. Do I have to fill out the OC form for Roxas..?
Yes, it's legal, but if you still live with your parents or something, they might have rules against it... Well, I dunno :/ I don't really believe porn has an age limit. Well ofcorse it does have it and it would be better if people would stick to it, but most people, if they're over 18 or not watch porn if they want to. People see it as more of a warning.
I think it's 'cause Hetalia has been so popular and people want to be different so they decided to start hating Hetalia. Ofcorse many might truly just hate the idea, characters or something else about it, but I bet at least some people just want to be different. I see no harm in being different, I myself like to be different and special, that's why I hate the fact that Hetalia is so popular, but you should really first just watch/read it and then base your opinion without listening what other people think of it :/
I sang to my science teacher riding a Motorcycle because I'm a Ninja!
Finnish Hetalia cosplayers are... The best x3 But I didn't know Hetalia then so I wasn't so interested of them.
Well last Friday I went to see a play my sister was in. The play was outside and at the end of the night I thought my toes had frozen. I really couldn't move them and it hurt like hell to walk. So basically I had to be about 1 hour and thirty minutes in -20°C >.< I'm at about 1.25 and 1.30 The short brunet without a costume. You're right. I should change it.
Well... No.
I was randomly watching vids from Animecon 09 when I saw myself in one of them just texting on my phone. I was... Surprised... And it was kinda funny that I saw one of my friends in school. Well I didn't really know here yet then, but funny to think that I was about five meters away from her and didn't even notice that she was a student in my school.
Oh... Wait... I read that you were away for crisis xDx
Huh..? What happened?
I believe that wont work for macs...
Mayo on pizza is good 8D At least microwave pizza~
I truly liked this movie. I went to see it yesterday and I was truly happy that I didn't actually know really anything about the movie until I saw it, so there wasn't too many "Yeah, I knew that would happen" parts.
I'm a very short person too ^_^' But you have a good sense of humor and you seem very nice so I believe you'll fit in just fine. Remember to read the rules and have lot's of fun~
Merry Christmas from Finland to everyone~
It's about 11.30 in Finland~
I'm fine. Christmas vacation started yesterday ^^ How about you?
Well hello thar~