Miss me, babe? Yeah, I haven't been active here for awhile... But I guess I sorta miss this place now..? Well anyways, hi. What's been going on? ...Who noticed that I was gone or can even remember me? (I used to be Roxas-Chick) :lolface:
'Kay, thanks ^^'
... Who's the character from your sig and avatar? ... >.<
Accordingly hates Midnight Star.
BlazBe. ... I honestly don't know.
Yes~ My number one favorite is US/UK but Sweden/Finland, Germany/Italy, Spain/Southern Italy, Denmark/Norway, Hungary/Austria, Prussia/Austria and...
Yes, that counts. Practicly anything would count xD And ya mean Chibitalia or the adult Italy? x'D
This group needs more love >3< What are your favorite pairings?
Yush, I'm obsessed -3- And Austria's so cute <3 You support any pairings..?
I started watching it this summer~ Read the manga too someday. The nordics are in it >w<
Ooh, I got so many. Well here's some: Viva La Vida - Coldplay Sakura Addiction - Hibari vs. Mukuro I can't decide - Scissor Sisters Just be friend - Luka (Though I like one other version better <.<') Free - Mao Abe Kotoba - Mao Abe And so many others~
Oh boy. What am I afraid of? Lot's of things. I fear death. Probably the fact that I don't know what's gonna happen then. I guess I can say I believe in god, or atleast I want to believe. I guess it's a bit comforting to 'know' that there is something after death too. But I guess I'm more afraid of death happening to someone I love, than me. I never want to experiance that. I really don't know what I'd do. Then... I'm afraid of hurting my loved once. If I've done something that might of hurt them I feel horrible and want to die. I also fear of never becoming strong. I'm a small person and I've never been that strong, but I want to protect my loved once. Expecially my two best friends. If something would happen and I wouldn't be able to help them because I'm too weak would be horrible... Hm... Then I'm a bit afraid of mirrors. Not like every moment, but if I'm alone in the house or at night I'm afraid when I look in to the mirror, I might see someone else in it or possibly something worse. And I wouldn't say that I'm afraid of the dark. It creeps me out and I don't like it, but I'm not afraid of it. Maybe sometimes after watching something creepy. And as the last one I could say men. Well no, I'm not afraid of men, but the thought of dating a guy creeps me out. I still like men, I'm bi-sexual, but it feels weird thinking of myself with them... That all I can think of now, but there are a lot more <3
Yep. My normal day: Wake up. Go to school. Come home. Go to the computer. Sleep. -3- And thanks, I got an okay costume done~
Hetaliah! >w< Hello~
this 'Kay, thanks... Was Dragon Ball popular then?
I have a theme week at school. Tomorrow is this 90's theme, but I'm not very excited in stuff like that. So I thought; "Hey, why not be an 90's otaku..!" as a joke and here I am, asking for help in it. So practicly... What should I wear? What animes and mangas were huge..? I never really watched anything that time 'cause I was very young. Soo, help..? Something simple is 'kay~ ^w^
The team something avatars..? If you mean them I was changed to "Team Edward". *shivers*
Yeah, that could be good. Kme92, could you edit that in..?
Well let's see here. Name - Roxas Forum Name - In explicit Angst Personality - A friendly kid willing to fight for what he thinks is right. Magic (USED IN KINGDOM HEARTS) - Hm... I dunno... Cure..? I guess that fit's him the best. Why do you deserve Kingdom Hearts? - (Um... Can this have something that might spoil just a bit 358/2 days..? I'm not sure was this said in the other games...)
What country do you live in? - Finland, because Finland, is Finland. What's your favourite colour? - Indigo or dark purple What's your favourite number(s)? - Seven ate nine. (7, 8, 9 -.-') What's your favourite letter? - K 8D Do you own any pets? Yes, a rabbit and some fish. Gender? - Female... And male There you go.