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  1. In explicit Angst
  2. In explicit Angst
    Thank youu~ <3
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. In explicit Angst
  4. In explicit Angst
    Same year too?
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. In explicit Angst
    I dream in colour. Atleast I think so :'D
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 11, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  6. In explicit Angst
    Welcome! Read the rules and stuff and you'll fit in just fine~
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 11, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. In explicit Angst
  8. In explicit Angst
    You're both in o/
    Oh, and I edited rule number 13. You have to link a video of the song that you're singing. And I added a "Preferred singing genre" to the character form so if you could tell it soon, it'd be appreciated <3 (I'll add it to my characters when I have time, I'm in a bit of a hurry now).
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. In explicit Angst
  10. In explicit Angst
  11. In explicit Angst
    Auditions for Glee club start on Tuesday 15.30 at the auditorium

    This RP is based on the show Glee. Everyone will be attending William McKinley High School but the point is to make your own characters with none of the old ones. So everyone from the Glee kids to Mr. Schuester will be replaced. The only character who will stay is going to be Principal Figgins and he will be used only when needed and with permission. At the start we'll only have the Glee club members and a coach but if more people join, there can be different characters (like members of the Cheerios and the football team etc.)


    1. Follow the basic KHV rules
    2. Watch your grammar. A few spell mistakes are okay but its rly anoing 2 reed this isnt it????
    3. Violence and romance can be as much as in the show. So some minor fights and maybe a bit of "bedroom action" as long as it's not written too specifically.
    4. Write "I'm a Gleek" on your character form to let me know you've read the rules.
    5. I'll contact you if you haven't been active in a week and in three weeks you're kicked out. Inform me if you have a reason for being away for a while (taking a break, going on vacation, busy with school/ work etc.)
    6. If you're quitting the RP, please let me know.
    7. Follow the rules. After four warnings you'll be kicked out.
    8. Play nice, kids. Seriously. Respect each other.
    9. Don't have a character that knows or is a relative of one of the original characters.
    10. For now, max 3 characters.
    11. No godmodding.
    12. If your character is the coach, you'll have to talk to me before making any assignments or huge decisions or stuff like that. I mights ask you to give some assignment too.
    13. When your character is singing, don't write the whole lyrics. You can do something like this though;
    ~ "How can I put this I-I-I. I'm an independent woman, I..."
    Close to tears, Sara started singing in front of the class.
    "How could I ever love another? How could you say you don't remember?"
    She turned her head to John who was looking at his feet. He had left her heart broken.
    "This one's for the happiness, I'll be wishing you forever."
    The girl ended her song just before bursting to tears.
    ~ (I know, fail example)
    You don't need to add any lyrics if you don't want to. Just link a video of the song you're singing.
    14. Only English songs to keep it simple.
    15. Ignore rule number four. Instead write; "Glee <3"
    16. I might add more rules later if needed.
    17. Have fun~

    Character form

    Age and grade:
    Club/ job (right now students can only be Glee club members, coach has to teach one or two subjects):
    Preferred singing genre:

    Username: In explicit Angst
    Name: Aaron Wells
    Age and grade: 16, 11th grade
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Short and dark brown hair, brown eyes. Tall and slim.
    Personality: Tends to be nice to everyone, even the bullies. Can't take a hint and doesn't understand social situations too well (like if someone's trying to flirt with- or tease him).
    Biography: Comes from a loving (and slightly rich) family of four (Mom, dad and little sister). Pretty good in school.
    Club/ job: Glee club
    Preferred singing genre: Mostly rock. A bit of pop too.
    Other: I might add something interesting to him later

    Username: In explicit Angst
    Name: Jeanne "John" Diaz
    Age and grade: 14, 9th grade
    Gender: Trans guy (born as a girl but sees herself as a guy)
    Appearance: Short blond hair which she likes to dye a lot. Kinda short.
    Personality: Even though she sees herself as a guy, she isn't really a "macho" person. Kind of like a "gay guy". Has a girly and a manly side. Short tempered and easy to give lectures.
    Biography: Not too good in school but tries her best. Only child. Even though her parents don't have anything against her being who she is, they refuse to call her a guy. She's also bi-sexual but likes girls more.
    Club/ job: Glee club
    Preferred singing genre: Almost anything. Emo, rock, dance and musicals.
    Other: To keep it simple I'll address her as a "she" but she calls herself a guy.

    Username: Jayn
    Name: Rhia Faust
    Age and grade: Seventeen, Junior. [11]
    Gender: Female.
    Appearance: Here. | Picture disclaimer; @BoboStephanieS, lookbook.
    Personality: Quiet, shy. Reserved.
    Biography: Parents are divorced, goes between houses. She does well in school and maintains a good relationship with her two older siblings.
    Club/ job: Glee Club.
    Preferred singing genre: Pop, rock.
    Other: Glee. <3

    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Roy Chrome
    Age and Grade: Sixteen, Sophmore [10]
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Dirty-blonde hair, deep blue eyes, normal skin tone, about 5'7" and 115 lbs. Usually wears very bright and vibrant clothing.
    Personality: Open, friendly. Caring.
    Biography: Homosexual, bullied throughout his life because of it.
    Club/Job: Glee Club <3
    Preferred Singing Genre: Hip-Hop/Pop
    Other: If you can't tell, I've based my character off of Kurt. I love him so, a cool way~

    Username: Noroz
    Name: André Bennington
    Age and grade: 17, Junior
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Medium height, Blue eyes, Brown hair with a blue faux hawk. His clothing style is Rock/Punk/Emo with a touch of class. Often wears a white shirt with a black vest and with black jeans. Medium build.
    Personality: Silent, but sings with his heart on his sleeve. Has a tendency to be cold towards people, but that's because he's always been somewhat a lone-wolf. Nice and laid back when people get to know him. Very protective towards his friends, and is easy to trust, something he deserves, as he is trustworthy.
    Biography: Comes from a loving family that supports him, has one sister, does very well in school, gradewise
    Club/ job: Glee Club member
    Preferred singing genre: (New)Rock/Acoustic
    Other: He's awesome. Oh, and by rock, I mean everything from Linkin Park, to 30 Seconds to Mars, to metal (usually not growling, but he is capable of doing it)
    Oh, just remembered, plays guitar, piano, drums and bass. (His life revolves around music)

    Username: TheOnly9one
    Name: Hannah Davis
    Age and grade: 18, senior
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Socially dysfunctional, cannot show any emotion unless on stage or at work. Been an outcast for so long that has great difficulty interacting with others.
    Biography: She hasn't really told anybody about her family life, other than that she is the only child, and has moved away from home.
    Club/ job: Glee club, formerly in the drama and debate clubs. Is a part-time waitress at a burlesque club (don't worry, I'll keep description of the work place minimal, if I even go there)
    Preferred singing genre: Pop-rock, modern musicals (Wicked, Rent)
    Other: Is publicly bi-sexual. Glee <3 Has an odd rivalry/chemistry thing going on with Sandra (described below)

    Username: to9o
    Name: Alexandra "Sandra" Brady
    Age and grade: 17, junior
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Very competitive and athletic, but had to drop out of all of her sports activities because of an injury. She's sociable, fairly popular and gets along with most people, but has a tendency of becoming very catty when irritated.
    Biography: Comes from a good, large family, is the middle child of five, which is part of the reason for the competitiveness. Has become somewhat depressed due to her injury, and reacts by snapping at other people.
    Club/ job: Glee club, formerly in the soccer, softball, swimming and tennis teams, and drama club.
    Preferred singing genre: R&B pop 'dancing music'
    Other: The rivalry/chemistry thing previously mentioned with Hannah.

    Username: Britishism
    Name: Eddy Marshall
    Age+Grade= 16, Junior
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Short blond hair, usually bright clothes, a white jacket is his only permanent clothing item. Tall and thin. His skin is tanned and he has large eyes.
    Personality: Outgoing, but sarcastic. He's a strong romantic and dreams of a perfect relationship. He talks a lot, and loves singing. Nice if you get to know him, but if you're shy around him he can be cold and rude. Usually happy, despite his cynicism.
    Bio: Born with two lesbian parents, he has no siblings. He never wanted to look for his donor. Has very little close friends, but a large group of friendly acquaintances. He acts happy, but feels sad inside do to spending most of his time alone. He's had a variety of a failed relationships, and although he wants to have a relationship, is tentative about entering one. Since he loves singing, he though glee might be a way to make close friends and use his talents. Straight.
    Clubs/jobs: Glee and he has a job as a delivery boy for a Thai place.
    Preferred singing genre: Blues, indie pop, rock.
    Other: Plays guitar and piano

    Name: Zack Heppler
    Age and grade: 16, Sophomore [10]
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: This hair style in brown, normally wears graphic or plain t-shirts [I would describe it for that day], baggy jeans, about 6' 1", tan, blue eyes, wears glasses when reading, has a small silver hoop in his left ear.
    Personality: Kind, cares but never shows it, sarcastic, childish, although he takes things loosely he can be serious. He doesn't get mad very easily, but when you make him mad, he's mad. He doesn't like to show it around his other friends but he has a strong passion for music, and although he hates to sing alone in front of other people he will when he puts his complete heart into it, although he prefers to play instruments.
    Biography: He never knew his mother and grew up with two gay 'fathers'. He often never spoke or speaks about his family, too embarrassed to admit it. Normally in school he had his friends and haters, just like everybody else. He likes to go to high places and just relax, think everything over. He was embarrased to have friends that were also boys because he always felt kind of 'different' around them. As he aged a bit more and discovered more things about life, including himself, as though reality slapped him, as soon as he learned out what 'gay' meant it was as though everything in his life made sense, in other words, he was gay. Ever since he found that out he never told anybody, too embarrassed to admit it, and his face turning red like a tomato whenever he thought of what would happen if anybody knew. He likes to clear his head out a lot through music.
    Club/ job: Glee member and a bus boy at a diner.
    Preferred singing genre: Rock.
    Other: Plays [electric] guitar, drums, and piano [Though mostly plays electric guitar]

    Username: To9o
    Name: Brandon Sherley (Mr. Sherley)
    Age and grade: 46
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Very tall (6'4''/195cm, fairly lean but more soft than muscular, warm brown eyes, dark hair, fairly good looking for his age.
    Personality: Calm and easygoing most of the time, with a wicked sense of humor.
    Biography: He used to be an amateur actor (mainly musicals and improv), before deciding to become a teacher. Used to be the Drama clubs teacher before it was disbanded, and decided to take Glee club under his wings, after the last teacher quit the school (something about tone deaf kids and clowns)
    Club/ job: English teacher, Glee Club, formerly the Drama Club teacher
    Preferred singing genre: Everything goes
    Other: -
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jun 10, 2011, 36 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. In explicit Angst
  13. In explicit Angst
  14. In explicit Angst
  15. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    So how are youu~?

    So how are youu~?
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for MadDoctorMaddie, Jun 9, 2011
  16. In explicit Angst


    I just graduated from middle school o/
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 8, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  17. In explicit Angst
    Fluently I can only speak English and Finnish. I fail at Swedish but know the basics.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 8, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  18. In explicit Angst
    Viva La Vida by Coldplay just ended. Now I'm listening to A-Yo from SHINee
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 8, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. In explicit Angst
  20. In explicit Angst