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  1. In explicit Angst
  2. In explicit Angst
  3. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    But what's up~?

    But what's up~?
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for MadDoctorMaddie, Jun 17, 2011
  4. In explicit Angst
    Maddi Jane's cover of Rolling in the Deep.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 16, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  5. In explicit Angst
  6. In explicit Angst
    You're accepted but is he a... couch...?

    Once again; read the rules. All of them are important.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. In explicit Angst
  8. In explicit Angst
    You're in~!

    Read the rules ones again.


    As two more names came to the sign up sheet, Jeanne got up and reached for a pen from her bag. She read the names on the paper and signed her own on it too.
    "John Diaz..." she quietly mumbled while signing. She smiled happily as the name got on the paper and started planning on a song to sing for the auditions. The blond started walking to her locker, trying to ignore the amused looks she got after signing. She was slightly shoved by some cheerleader but decided to keep her mouth shut and not yell all the hateful things she thought of to the girl who was currently giggling with her friends. As Jeanne reached to her locker, the school bell informed that it was time for class. She quickly grabbed her books before slamming the locker door closed and rushing to the class room.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. In explicit Angst
  10. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    Yeah, I told him o/

    Yeah, I told him o/
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for MadDoctorMaddie, Jun 14, 2011
  11. In explicit Angst
    Aaron was walking at the crowded halls. Already a few years he had been planning about it but now he was sure; he'd audition for Glee club. He was damn nervous since, even though he wasn't a shy person, he didn't like to sing in front of people. The teenager was just too insecure about his voice. Aaron let out a loud sigh when he finally had a pen in his hands, about to write his name on the paper on the wall. Some blond kid had just signed it, he was apparently named 'Eddy Marshall'. The sign up sheet also had the name 'André Bennington' on it. "Well, what's the worst thing that can happen?" Aaron thought as he signed his name for the auditions.

    "Already three signers..." the transsexual teen thought as she sat on her bag watching the sign up sheet get a few names on it. She was planning to sign it; but first see who all were going to do the same. 'John' had heard about the Glee kids getting bullied a lot. She knew that it wasn't wise for her to join the club; at the second day of school the 'different' kid had gotten a slushie thrown on her face, which was apparently common in this school. But it wasn't going to stop her from joining. Singing was her passion and Glee club was perfect for her.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. In explicit Angst
    I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters~
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    Okay, good ^^

    Okay, good ^^
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for Noroz, Jun 13, 2011
  14. In explicit Angst
  15. In explicit Angst

    Accepted o/

    We seem to have enough members so we could start now actually.

    You're in. The students can sign up for the auditions first but try to get the coach form done soon.

    You're in~

    So you guys can start now. I'm in a bit of a hurry so I can't do anything right now. But just remember that it starts from signing your name for the auditions.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. In explicit Angst
  17. In explicit Angst
  18. In explicit Angst
    To The End by My Chemical Romance <3
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. In explicit Angst


    I used to use Safari, and really liked it too, but it just suddenly started working really slowly. So I started using Firefox which is cool too~
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  20. In explicit Angst
    Read, the rules ones again, and you're in.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home