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  1. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    Great, thank you ^^ <3

    Great, thank you ^^ <3
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for Beau, Jul 5, 2011
  2. In explicit Angst
  3. In explicit Angst
  4. In explicit Angst
  5. In explicit Angst
  6. In explicit Angst
  7. In explicit Angst
  8. In explicit Angst
    I'm very sorry that I haven't been active in a while. Busy + writers block Dx
    From now on, I'll try to be more active over here.

    The dark haired teen walked inside his history class room. A heavy smell of sweat ran inside his nose as he sat down. Most of the students were sweating like hell and some lazily rested their head on their desk.
    "Hot day, huh?" Aaron asked from the jock sitting next to him who gave him an annoyed look as a response. He sighed in relief when the window was opened filling the class room with clean air. Aaron couldn't concentrate at all as the 50-something year old teacher started the lesson. His mind was filled with ideas for a song for the auditions.

    OOC: Oh, after this lesson everyone could get home and we'll skip to the auditions.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. In explicit Angst
  10. In explicit Angst
  11. In explicit Angst
  12. In explicit Angst
  13. In explicit Angst
  14. In explicit Angst
  15. In explicit Angst
    Misguided Ghosts by Paramore
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 23, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  16. In explicit Angst
  17. In explicit Angst
  18. In explicit Angst
  19. In explicit Angst
  20. In explicit Angst