Only serious answers please.
A simple question.
I won't revive the previous thread (and you shouldn't either), though it stands still unclosed. Would be like kicking a dead horse. Oh, look who's first. Get it done with, git. Just kill me already! *anticipation* I'll cut off your skin and sew clothing out of you. The blood and guts I'll make soup of. The bones and other such byproducts I'll feed to my dog.
What do you think of it? A me from another forum, I quote: It just occurred to me, that I am under 18. How mindblowingly stupid it was of me to not consider this, that I am a minor and still developing. The persons who adopt this schedule are likely 18 or over. I might have to wait...
with your help. So, lab rats-- I mean, no, that's wrong of me. It slipped. A thousand pardons. Test subjects. Is that any better? Curious folks (and only the curious), I need your help. I wish to conduct an experiment, but alas, I've not the materials required of me. And tbh, I am too lazy to go and grab them, to run to the nearest dollar store. And it's too late for that, too late in the night. BUT. But, and this is where you come in! One of you luckies just might. THE EXPERIMENT: The Ganzfeld Effect consists of 1) a ping pong ball 2) a radio + headphones 3) a red light THE PROCEDURE consists of 1) turn on the radio to a station with only white noise, put on headphones 2) cut the ping pong ball in half, tape each half over your eye 3) turn the red light so that it faces your eyes 4) sit for at least half an hour 5) ??? 6) PROFIT. KEEP TRIPPIN' FOR REFERENCE LARiA is not responsible for any bad hallucinations the rats might or might not have.
For any snippets of text and the like that hold which you want to remember, are of some significance to you. If the quotee is known, it would be appreciated if you mentioned the name, following after the quote itself is fine. It will be interesting to glimpse into your interests, and you might perhaps garner interest in sharing their quotes. "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allan Poe "Our senses enable us to perceive only a minute portion of the outside world." -Nikola Tesla "Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from the inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves. -Mitch Albom "I feel like people treat me oddly, as if I were mentally insane and sometimes it rubs off on me and I think that I am mentally insane. Whenever I am interacting with people I always feel as if I'm a bit mentally ill." -backspace The last is a quote from a user on another forum... It's stuck with me.
How is yours? Mine is bad, my mother noticed when I rode horseback and pointed it out. Now I am trying to correct it, but it requires so much effort, the supposedly "natural" feels unnatural; the "correct" feels incorrect. I naturally slump, the spine is wont to slump... like a grandma, I'll be. I lack energy too, the forum's resident granny here. I would have posted this in Discussions, but I find that I prefer the spam zone. Straight to the trash bin, they go: not worthy of serious consideration, these half-thought thoughts are not.
Have any of you any experience in it? I began lessons today (or yesterday, rather: lesson already had), once a week. Curious, I've not heard of many people horseback riding... perhaps, because they contain themselves usually to the rink; and steer clear of cars and other such things. I'm too timid with the animal, too gentle, and you cannot be overly gentle with a horse, so I've heard. We'll see where this goes.
Your theme(s). No summary or fancy formatting necessary. The OP is silly. I found it very difficult to pick a theme. Ideally I might have picked a piano piece, or something of that nature. But when I think of a theme I don't typically think of such, so, here's something of a more juvenile nature. There also lies the difficulty in choosing a theme based on not mood, which is a fickle thing; but on the personality itself, which is more grounded. Because I've found that I can't stick to a single song, I've two themes pertaining to two broad categories. I overthink things thru, sure. Silly, silly, you don't have to be as thorough as me. Spoiler [video=youtube;Gc7McVR-oYQ][/video] Neurosis I thought this hardness was a shell. It's a hard, hard, hard core. [video=youtube;CscVsuTuA6E][/video] Curious New Worlds were born, calling me on... I think the second song more fitting at the moment... Everyone refuses to post in my threads. But more irritating is that sometimes I will get just a few replies, teases, and someone will soon after mimic, like a little monkey. Then they get far, far more replies. It's no first, and I wonder why. The Mozart/Classical fans thread was made in 2010, I understand, but a person had posted in it soon after my thread was created. The Story Collaborations thread was copied too, but for the life of me I can't find the thread. Too many threads come up when you search "story", and I haven't the motivation to scroll and click each and every one. Oh well. I might rather this be ignored.
The unintentionally funny. For instance. I cannot look at Fernando Botero's works without cracking a grin, can you? It is the expressions on his enlarged characters, HURR DURR. The bullfight especially. They look constipated? It's of poor quality, it's of less humour. Not as funny I'm afraid, ah... (warning for some BDSM? I cannot even tell) Spoiler ↓ Her eyes follow you. ↓ ...I don't quite follow. ↓ again, it's the expression over everything else There are quite a few that are rather more of a squick, but I willn't post because of the PG-13 guidelines, censoring our expression. Who am I kidding, when have I ever followed the guidelines - and besides, the nudeness is of an artistic nature and should therefore be valid. It is more to do with... but the lot of you would not care to see some fat ladies in the nick, now would you? I doubt it. So I'll save it, hide the view.
Mixing blood. Has anyone done it? What was the agreement, if not too personal? It would be nice, I think, to have someone to do it with. A recurent fantasy of mine, a spoken promise being made and then the hand is slit, blood oozing. How common a practice is this? I am coming up with very little on the internet, on blood pacts; just a bunch of WoW stuff coming up, I've no idea. Perhaps it is not called a 'blood pact'? What is it called, hmm... When two parties willingly exchange blood, meaningfully.
I wonder, what do people think of the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs? It is not exactly recent but, I found it... horrifyingly interesting. A brief run-through, two Ukrainian boys were arrested and charged with 21 murders. They generally hadn't any tactic as far as I know, killing on a whim at random. Weapon of choice is anything they are holding, blunt objects; they murdered their victims none too gracefully. They've much history with past animal abuse. Their case is infamous in that they recorded some of their murders on cam, one of the videos leaking out onto the internet... and it is, still up. If you so wished to, you could google the video this very moment and watch it. I have not watched it and I haven't any intentions to, would make me sick. In it they murder a man with a toolbox, if I'm not mistaken, it has been some time since I've read up on it. A screwdriver through the eye. Sickening. Not PG-13, of course. Hmm. I suppose I wonder, how many know of this case? Have any of you heard of it? I wonder just how notorious it is.
What is your mother tongue, and which other languages are you fluent in? Languages you wish to know? English Spanish (very limited) Macedonian (very limited) Exempt the two, I am a monoglot. Spanish and Macedonian are most probably not even worth a mention, when I said limited I meant limited. I am taking Spanish in school and making no efforts outside of it to learn, learning bits and pieces grudgingly-- rather important given where I live, but I've no interest in it personally. Macedonian is more of a language I wish to know, and by god there is no reason why I should not be fluent in it by now; I've plenty of means of learning, several books, my father speaks it fluently. I can only blame my laziness and Spanish, Spanish interference. Since Spanish is for a grade, I've not much time for Macedonian. A sad state of affairs. But on Macedonian, I've a very very limited vocab, and if given a passage to read I could stumble through pronunciation. I've an interest in... Czech Russian Esperanto <-- man-made language Finnish <-- or some other Nordic language I'll get back to you when I learn all of the above. Right. I dream, she dreams... Mezzofanti is her inspiration.
Jumpy I took a lengthy walk outside, listening to music. An effort to calm myself but by the end my stomach felt knotted, brushed past some teens my age and couldn't think, how to greet them what was appropriate; eyes darting to and fro. It is almost comical how flustered I became, people walk past me and thoughts turn sick-- a nervous wreck is me. Music progressively became louder, I may have picked a bad choice. I saw the kids twice on my walk around the cul-de-sac, I was doing fine and then they were there. Good grief, leave me be! They were not even so close, but close enough... In sight. Across the street from me. And all I could think of was how they must be staring at me, squeaky laughs, mocking me, the devils. A cul-de-sac, I mentioned. Surrounded my suburban houses, never before have I felt so terribly claustrophobic... Even when the kids were out of my line of vision, I couldn't stop thinking of the windows, people peering. God damn! NO PRIVACY. But I digress. Irrelevant, irrelevant all of this. I fear, I could have teared if I stayed outside for any longer. Not quite a panic attack, but definitely had the potential to quickly escalate into such. The only remaining trace of the episode is a slightly tense throat, tight... The walk was intensely tense, I sped through it, my pace quickened... The point, the point... How do you calm yourself? Techniques? Things you do, you know, that put you at ease. I might not be in need of it now, but who knows, this information might be to my advantage if ever this episode repeats itself. For me, I cannot think of anything but... Barrowing into warm sheets, covers. Hiding underneath. Small, warm places, crevices; remarkably different from my night's walk, in which claustrophobia overwhelmed... That is different, I was constrained by not my surroundings but by people's gaze. Different, different. And sweet sweets, eating sweets unhealthy as that is. Really I do not like my writing style. Off-topic...
Suggest your favorite foods. Do try to include a suggestion or two from your own nationality but, feel free to suggest foods that are foreign to you, foreign foods you like. The foods suggestions thread, foreign or not. Do include, also, where the food hails from. Its name. And whatnot. Photos are optional. I apologise if these foods have been suggested already by none other than myself, I have posted before probably... but, conglomerating this into a single thread. Pastrmajlija - Macedonia sans the pork, for I am a vegetarian Spoiler Zelnik - Macedonia Spoiler Okroshka - Russia cold soup Spoiler Crêpe - France Oh, where to start? Consumption not limited to the French, crêpes are widespread. Spoiler Krep, Palaçinka in Albanian Palačinka in Bosnian, Czech, Croatian, Macedonian Flensje in Dutch Pannukaka in Faroese Ohukainen, Lätty, Lettu, Räiskäle in Finnish I think, you get it... Misoshiru - Japan miso soup Spoiler Fudge - America tbh, haven't the faintest idea where fudge has its origin. An excuse to post something from the US, as I said, one from your nationality... Spoiler Will add some more later, undoubtedly. That's all for now, however.
The year is 1945. The two world powers are seated at a table, mommy America a mere arm's length away from mother Russia who, at this range of closeness, was tense. Mommy America, however, had no sense of personal space whatsoever and felt not a qualm with reaching across the table, bumping elbows and snatching a single 'nother chili dog, sighing contently as the meaty goodness filled her belly's inners. What a surprise it had been, strict and severe mother Russia inviting mommy America over to a tea party! She was no fan of tea. But the other world power had offered her a helping of dogs on the side, and how could she refuse then? Junk food, the light of her life, fire of her loins. Her sin, her soul. Junk food. "PožÃ¡lusta. Help yourself, da?" And America would help herself alright. To another chili dog, that is. She hadn't a clue what language that woman was speaking in, but it sounded funny. She was pretty suspicious at first, Russia inviting her over to a tea party (dogs included no less!). And Russia never invited anyone to anything, let alone little ol' missus America. Never invited her to anything. To anything. And, and suddenly, mommy America found herself all too aware of her shortage of gowns; all secondhand, all shabby, and all largely unworn. She settled finally on a red 'n' white striped one. She liked the colors red and white. And she liked stripes. And the shock of mother Russia inviting her over for a girls' night out soon slipped her mind; her suspicions soon swept away, swatted like flies. "...tea good?" America giggled. Mother Russia trying to lessen the air of awkwardness surrounding her, quite obviously, and quite frankly, mommy America found it quite endearing. <3~ She cursed under her breath. She was beginning to sound an awful lot like missus Britain, her cranky old bat of a mom. Quite. But no. She didn't like tea, much preferred a coke, and mother Russia was not getting the hint. The ruskie continued to up out of her seat and refill, rerefill, rererefill her half-empty teacup. She had had enough. "Is time we talk business." Mommy America's eyes narrowed, brows furrowed. So, so it was... the ruskie was not interested in her, for a get-together. Of course. She allowed her hopes to be raised, raised as had her billowing flag after her split from the missus on 1776. Mommy didn't want for any of this business shit; she left that shit to England, the shit eater of the family. Haha. Shit eater. Shit. Shit! Repeated reiterations... funny words, she don't know what those means. Haha. Oh, bloody hell. Her mother would say. Not even yet gotten into the rum and acting a total drunkard. "Talk business?" A hand was stuffed into the front of her shinel, and out a bottle of vodka was whipped from Russia's pocket. A gasp from America, her breath having been held for several seconds. She had been taken by surprise. Totally by surprise. Totally. By. Surprise. "Very dense. You are, mama. Tea was facade. You choose now. In right hand vodka, in left vodka. You choose vodka or you choose vodka. Best vodka in all of Moscow. Choose quickly, mama." Then mother Russia surprised mommy America once more, by producing a crystalline glass out of what appeared to be, not a split of a second before, thin air. A vodka glass out of thin air. Mother Russia must have spiked her visitor's teacup with alcohol before proposing the vodka/vodka offer, because she was seeing things. Must uh been. And now, she was seemingly trapped. With what the ruskie would think to be a fork in the road for her. Oh, yeah! Bitch. She'd show her. "I'm sorry. Your tea tastes like piss, and I'm willing to bet that your alcoholic beverages ain't any better." And with that, mommy America whipped a bottle of bourbon out her coat sleeve. And she stared mother Russia straight in the eyes, she was no wuss like her missus, and would be damned to back out now-- she was determined to show this bitch who the real world superpower was. She had gone and made herself another path, another road in the fork... or whateva. Now, now it was a proper fork. Three choices, not two. I mean, two, not one. Vodka, vodka, one choice really. I mean, forks have three tines! America was no ace at math but she was fairly sure of her calculations. And then, they both raised the bottles... Then, they both lowered the bottles to their lips... And began to drink. And began to chug. And the Cold War began. Spoiler Now! What happened after America and Russia whipped out the alcohol? I leave that to you. What happened? What occurred? Let your creativity carry you and please, be descriptive.
...what plays? For me, this plays. Kids stop and stare. Uh-huh. :grin: Another thread, another spare minute of silence. Spare me the silence, I should. Stop producing worthless threads, I should.
In this thread, a catharsis is in order. A catharsis of all things creepy. Any form will do, be it video, image, music, etc. Grab your dearest stuffie 'cause you'll need him close to heart for this thread. There is one video... one video, that I am remembering now. I am impulsed to shake my head violently, and even now I visibly shudder watching it... watching it, non, I'm not even going to. I recall hiding under a blanket and with a boy friend of mine, we forced ourselves to watch it. I will... will leave it here. Very, very disturbing. To me, at least. It seems to be quite innocent, doesn't it? I do not know why it creeps me out so. It must be... must be... ehm... he or she, (s)he seems so disjointed. Barely human! Which is odd, isn't it, I mean me creeped by something 'barely human'? This coming from the one who obsessed over marionettes. Those are 'barely human'. But that's different. Different, yes different. They are obviously not human, but (s)he... is human... legs tapping about... but so creepily, my god this macabre danse of hers... so creepy.. *shudder* unable to describe it properly. It truly creeps me out. I absolutely cannot watch it without tearing, or shuddering, or cringing. I will put it under spoilers even, mein gott do not watch if you know you cannot handle these things. I might classify it under high octane nightmare fuel. Spoiler [video=youtube;ISBeBuVKXL0][/video] And this one I find not so much creepy as I do overwhelming. Overwhelms my senses, fast moving... not anywhere near as terrifying as bunny goddess imo, but spoilered regardless. Spoiler [video=youtube;G2NCUXTuMcg][/video]
Which animal are you? Spoiler: overview Positive Charismatic, Sociable, Intelligent, Affable, Quick-Witted, Popular Negative Exploitive, Calculative, Secretive, Greedy, Acquisitive, Devious Positive Honest, Loyal, Popular, Sincere, Steadfast, Reliable Negative Stubborn, Impatient, Inflexible, Narrow-Minded, Sulking Positive Enthusiastic, Optimistic, Courageous, Bold, Sociable, Energetic Negative Volatile, Impulsive, Hot-headed, Restless, Disobedient, Vain, Stubborn Positive Astute, Thoughtful, Refined, Docile, Wise Negative Cunning, Snobbish, Possessive, Fussy, Obsessive Positive Resourceful, Self-Assured, Adaptable, Original, Valiant, Enthusiastic Negative Arrogant, Hot-headed, Unpredictable, Critical, Irritable, Discourteous Positive Insightful, Shrewd, Discreet, Wise, Compassionate, Subtle Negative Proud, Manipulative, Malicious, Possessive, Vain, Sluggish Positive Friendly, Vivacious, Enduring, Witty, Cheerful, Refined, Independent Negative Selfish, Reckless, Vain, Impatient, Volatile Positive Intelligent, Artistic, Gentle, Kind, Cultured, Sensitive Negative Fussy, Insecure, Ingratiative, Self-Indulgent, Dependent Positive Persuasive, Resourceful, Good-Humoured, Ingenious, Versatile, Imaginative Negative Superficial, Restless, Impudent, Sly, Mischievousness, Untruthful Positive Passionate, Resilient, Patriotic, Industrious, Courageous, Protective Negative Conceited, Blunt, Rude, Bossy, Aggressive, Impatient Positive Devoted, Resilient, Unselfish, Honest, Resourceful, Reliable Negative Nosy, Cynical, Cantakerous, Pessimistic, Anxious, Introverted Positive Sincere, Diligent, Genuine, Obliging, Generous, Friendly Negative Materialistic, Pigheaded, Gullible, Naive, Lazy, Superficial Spoiler: in depth Spoiler: Rat Rats are imaginative, charming, and truly generous to the ones they love. However, Rats have a tendency to be quick tempered and overly critical. At ease with company and groups of people, their intelligence and observation allows them to quickly grasp a situation from multiple perspectives. Rats know how to spot opportunities and seize them, but their opportunism, ambition and restlessness can lead to too many commitments. Don't be fooled -- although shrewd in business at times, Rats are passionate lovers, with a depth of feeling that is seldom recognized by others. The following occupations best suit the Rat personality. WRITER ¤ BROADCASTER ¤ ACTOR ¤ LAWYER ¤ POLITICIAN ¤ RACE CAR DRIVER ¤ ENGINEER ¤ RESEARCHER ¤ MANAGER ¤ ENTREPRENEUR Some notable Rats in these fields include William Shakespeare, Amadeus Mozart, Gene Kelly, Winston Churchill and George Washington. Spoiler: Ox Born leaders, Ox people inspire confidence from all those around them. They are conservative, methodical, and good with their hands. However, they can be at times chauvinistic and demanding. In fact, the strength of an Ox person comes out in great shows of determination, obstinance, and defense for what they believe in. Although they enjoy their private life and doing things on their own, Oxen are strong, dutiful and reliable. They construct firm bonds with their home and family, and while not the most romantic of the animals, Oxen make affectionate, faithful partners and lovers. The following occupations best suit the Ox personality. PAINTER ¤ MECHANIC ¤ ARCHITECT ¤ FARMER ¤ ARMY OFFICER ¤ BANKER ¤ REAL ESTATE AGENT ¤ ARCHEOLOGIST ¤ MANAGER ¤ ENGINEER No one with an Ox personality is afraid of hard work. Some notable Oxen include Napolean, Vincent Van Gogh, Walt Disney and Richard Nixon. Spoiler: Tiger Tigers are sensitive, emotional and capable of great love. They are extremely competitive, especially when it boils down to honor or protecting the ones they love. They need independence but love to dominate. This strong sense of dignity, coupled with their eagerness to face challenges, make them natural (although difficult) leaders. Always restless and alert, they aren't afraid to go for what they want. Tigers make honest, generous friends and passionate lovers. In turn, they expect others to be honest with them, but criticism or disapproval gets them depressed. Still, Tigers always bounce back to face new challenges and take bigger chances. The following occupations best suit the Tiger personality. LECTURER ¤ PILOT ¤ WRITER ¤ MATADOR ¤ EXPLORER ¤ RACE CAR DRIVER ¤ POLITICIAN ¤ MISSIONARY ¤ ACTOR ¤ MUSICIAN Some notable Tigers in these fields include Groucho Marx, Oscar Wilde, Marilyn Monroe, Marco Polo and Dwight D. Eisnehower. Spoiler: Rabbit Rabbits are people everyone likes to be around -- Affectionate, obliging, and pleasant. However, can get too sentimental and sometimes seem superficial. They keep out of disputes, even if they have to turn a blind eye. Rabbits are emotional and even selfish when it comes to enjoying themselves, but they would never deliberately hurt anyone. Even though they seem quiet (and even unattentive), their intuition and intelligence gives them the diplomatic skills to distance themselves from bad situations. Well-groomed, mannered and always fashionable, the Rabbit's conservative exterior hides a love for fun, which catches other people off guard. Rabbits excel at assessing a situation and providing a solution when the time is right. They are sensitive lovers, and seek a partner who can offer security in life. The following occupations best suit the Rabbit personality. ACTOR ¤ HERBALIST ¤ JUDGE ¤ DIPLOMAT ¤ THERAPIST ¤ WRITER ¤ OPHTHALMOLOGIST ¤ FASHION DESIGNER ¤ TEACHER ¤ ADMINISTRATOR Some notable Rabbits in these fields include Arthur Miller, Orson Welles, King Henry V, Confucius and Albert Einstein. Spoiler: Dragon Full of vitality and enthusiasm, Dragons are popular individuals, despite being seen as foolhardy or "big-mouthed" at times. They are intelligent, gifted perfectionists that are demanding of others. Their intolerance usually causes a stir, but Dragons enjoy attracting attention, and prefer demanding situations to everyday rountines. To Dragons, rules and regulations are made only for others. They live, act, and think big, but their pride and self-confidence can prevent them from accepting help when they need it the most. Self-reliant and sufficient, they can survive without close relationships, but are energized with companions that share their wavelength. The following occupations best suit the Dragon personality. COMPUTER ANALYST ¤ ENGINEER ¤ INVENTOR ¤ PSYCHOANALYST ¤ SALESPERSON ¤ ADVERTISING AGENT ¤ POLITICIAN ¤ MANAGER ¤ PHILOSOPHER ¤ LAWYER Some notable Dragons in these fields include Joan D'Arc, Sigmund Freud, Pele, and Sarah Bernhardt. Spoiler: Snake Rich in wisdom and charm, Snakes are romantic and deep thinkers. Their intuition guides them strongly. Snakes usually do things at their own pace, and when the moment is right, shed their skin and take up something completely new. It is for this reason that people avoid Snakes -- They can't handle their mistrust and secretiveness. Although sociable at times, they have a strong desire to be left alone. Snakes are actually subtle workers -- imperceptibly manuevering and manipulating until they are in the position to get what they want. Attracted to elegant and refined partners, they are deeply jealous and possessive when involved in relationships. The following occupations best suit the Snake personality. TECHNOLOGIST ¤ PAINTER ¤ PHILOSOPHER ¤ SPIRITUAL LEADER ¤ SOCIOLOGIST ¤ MAGICIAN ¤ PSYCHOLOGIST ¤ MYSTIC ¤ JEWELER ¤ INVESTIGATOR Some notable Snakes in these fields include Darwin, Edgar Allen Poe, Abraham Lincoln, Grace Kelly, John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Spoiler: Horse The capacity for the Horse's hard work is amazing. Horses are their own people -- very independent. While intelligent and friendly, they have a strong streak of selfishness and cunning. and should guard against being egotistical. Usually lively and popular, they and mentally alert and good with words. Although they enjoy a good challenge and are prepared to devote themselves to success, they have no qualms with running in the opposite direction if they consider their role 'beneath them'. Horses rarely worry about settling down. Good companions and leaders, they can have fits of stubbornness or explosive temper tantrums. They fall in love blindly -- when in love horses tend to lose their head, and are liable to make mistakes before finding the right partner. The following occupations best suit the Horse personality. TRANSLATOR ¤ ATHLETE ¤ PILOT ¤ TOUR OPERATOR ¤ HOTELIER ¤ BARTENDER ¤ JOURNALIST ¤ LIBRARIAN ¤ PERFORMER ¤ ADVENTURER Some notable Horses in these fields include Rembrandt, Chopin, Mike Tyson, Rita Hayworth, Boris Yeltsin and Billy Graham. Spoiler: Sheep Except for a knack of always getting off on the wrong foot, Sheep can be charming company. Sheep sometimes hold back their emotions, and are not fully appreciated for their true nature. Still, they are first to complain about discomfort. Naturally pessimistic, mild mannered and even shy, the Sheep person is a sympathetic voice. Lovers of art and nature, they tend to spoil themselves. Still, they are creative, cultured and well-mannered -- A civilizing influence on others. Some Sheep are timid and easily upset, while others can be adaptable and sure-footed when the need arises. Either way, Sheep prefer to live and work with other people, and find emotional satisfaction with partners that provide them security in life. The following occupations best suit the Sheep personality. ARCHITECT ¤ CARTOGRAPHER ¤ TOWN PLANNER ¤ ART HISTORIAN ¤ ILLUSTRATOR ¤ ACTOR ¤ MUSICIAN ¤ DAYCARE WORKER ¤ FLORIST ¤ PEDIATRICIAN Some notable Sheep in these fields include Michelangelo, Buster Keaton, Laurence Olivier, Jane Austen and Mark Twain. Spoiler: Monkey Monkeys are intelligent, witty and possess an overall magnetic personality. They are sociable and easy to communicate with -- Monkeys love to talk. Fast learners and quick on the draw, they can be crafty opportunists, and can adapt to many situations. Some people love the eccentricity of the Monkey personality; others mistrust their restless, sly, inquistive behaviour. Monkeys indulge in deceit -- just for the stir it causes -- and shrug it off as a joke. Despite an exceptional brightness, they cannot imagine themselves in other people's shoes, rendering them unsympathetic and unintuitive. Possessing a wide range of interests, Monkeys can perform well in many jobs, but are to restless to work from 9 - 5. A bit of a tease, Monkeys need partners that can keep them stimulated. The following occupations best suit the Monkey personality. SCIENTIST ¤ JOURNALIST ¤ EDITOR ¤ FILM DIRECTOR ¤ JEWELLER ¤ ACTOR ¤ WRITER ¤ AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER ¤ ENGINEER ¤ MARKET TRADER Some notable Monkeys in these fields include James Stewart, Joan Crawford, Bob Marley, Leonardo Da Vinci, Julius Caesar and Elizabeth Taylor. Spoiler: Rooster Roosters are hard workers; shrewd and definite in their decision making, often speaking their minds. Because of this, Roosters seem to boast. They like to put all their cards on the table and respect those who do the same. Roosters love to mix socially -- They are dreamers, flashy dressers and extravagant. They love to attract attention and admiration, and and get angry when someone steals the spotlight. Despite being melodramatic, they are exceptionally practical, logical, and have excellent powers of discrimination. This leaves them with high standards of excellence which at times frustrates others. Although they attract many suitors, they are loyal, levelheaded partners make a commitment. The following occupations best suit the Rooster personality. ACTOR ¤ DENTIST ¤ DANCER ¤ INSURANCE AGENT ¤ OPERA SINGER ¤ ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL ¤ FINANCIAL ADVISOR ¤ MUSICIAN ¤ DANCER Some notable Roosters in these fields include Eric Clapton, Dolly Parton, Rudyard Kipling, and Katharine Hepburn. Spoiler: Dog Dogs are naturally honest and faithful to the ones they love. Dogs seem to specialize -- they find an hobby or interest they enjoy and stick to it. Unfortunately, most Dog people are plagued by worry, a sharp tongue, and a tendency to find fault in things. They have a sense of justice and fair play, and are particularly good at finding logical solutions to problems. As far as Dogs are concerned, it is the people that count. Trustworthy friends and good conversationalists, Dogs have a tendency to hold grudges until appeased. Despite having a temper at times, they need loving, stable relationships. Once they've found their mate, they are faithful for life. The following occupations best suit the Dog personality. LAWYER ¤ ACTIVIST ¤ TEACHER ¤ SCIENTIST ¤ SECRET AGENT ¤ PRIEST ¤ PSYCHIATRIST ¤ CLERIC ¤ DOCTOR ¤ POLITICIAN Some notable Dogs in these fields include Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Sylvester Stallone, Norman Schwarzkopf and Liza Minnelli. Spoiler: Pig Pigs are splendid companions, intellectuals with a very strong need to set difficult goals and carry them out. They are sincere, tolerant, and honest. By expecting the same from others, they are incredibly naive and sometimes taken advantage of. Regardless, they seldom hold a grudge. Pigs are exceptionally funny and good-humoured, and will overlook other people's faults for the sake of social harmony. They love their homes, but spend most of their time and energy indulging themselves with the best of everything -- they secretly crave a life of luxury. Their steadfast, patient nature make them good, amicable organizers, but even Pigs have limits, and their rage is something to behold! When it comes to love, they are true romantics who spend the money for the full nine yards. The following occupations best suit the Pig personality. TEACHER ¤ DESIGNER ¤ ARTIST ¤ ACTOR ¤ ENTERTAINER ¤ DENTIST; STUDENT ¤ BUTCHER ¤ FARMER ¤ DOCTOR Some notable Pigs in these fields include Fred Astaire, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tennesee Williams, and Ernest Hemmingway. An Ox is me. Very off, I must say.
Continue to stare into the pendulum, amaury, as it swings to and fro. We shall begin whenever you are ready, at your convenience. I hope the couch is comfy for you? You will be sitting in the exact same positioning for awhile...