Because current obsession. Spoiler Daredevil, I would have to say. He started out another Spidey expy, but since his debut has grown into a character of his own special brand. I heavily suspect the fault for his lack of popularity lies in his less than inspiring rogues gallery. Truly an understatement, that - his villains tend to be Spiderman hand-me-downs, and are exceptionally unexceptional, with a few exceptions (Bullseye, Typhoid Mary, Echo, Purple Man). It also might just be that he does not appeal to Marvel's target audience, too dark and humourless. Indeed, I enjoy reading Daredevil, but it can become too much. It's hard to care about the involved characters when an event horizon has been passed, showing no hope for improvement. tl;dr read DD in small doses There are those spotlight stealers-- yea, you know who you are-- Batman, Spiderman, and Wolverine. Then there are those lesser known characters, who deserve more love. Which characters do you consider to be vastly underrated?
Even as a child, I found the game to be horrifying. Plucked straight from the ground, the only parental figure they come to know is you, Olimar. Like children, eager to please they follow his every command. They'll carry and fight and be eaten, day by day (as the song goes). When the first pikmin dies, in his journal entry Olimar is appalled and mourns the loss. Yet later on in the game, when they die in masses, the fallen min are not even mentioned; they are not even spared an afterthought. A million is a statistic, after all. On a happier note, Pikmin 3 will be out November! Yay! Now order them to their deaths, in the name of our capitalistic society.
And if so, have any of you been acquainted with him? I want a friendly neighborhood Batman... Spoiler
take it. Would be a little less predictable of them to create real-life scenarios of their own, to not incorporate that from the show itself. For anyone who has seen it, it's little more than a dead giveaway. I think the deciding factor for me was the last question, "What sort of person are you attracted to?" I was about to click, someone honest, but then went for the following: "Dependable. Someone who has always been there and always will." That sealed my fate as a baka Shinji, the final nail in the coffin. What an Ikari-esque response.
It is a common misconception that mice love cheese, when in reality they praefer oats, grains, fruits and seeds. If you feed a rabbit only carrots, it will die. Carrots are too sugary, and should be offered sparingly. Elephants have been observed to honour their dead, performing rituals involving the deceased's bones. Besides humans, they are the only other species to ritualise death. In the late 1800s, Yellow Kid popularised the use of word balloons in comic strips. Prepubescent boys (castrati) were castrated in order to maintain a high voice into adulthood. Castrati tended to portray women, as at this point in time it was socially unacceptable for women to sing onstage.
example: Raven (Teen Titans) is Twilight Sparkle (MLP). Both voiced by Tara Strong. My mind hath been blown. Has any other VA pulled a metaphorical rabbit out of their metaphorical hat, surprising you thoroughly? Share.
Doubtless such a thread has been made before, but: if you could have any (one) superpower, what would it be? For me, shapeshifting. Includes the ability to a) grow wings (flight) b) grow gills (aquatic respiration) c) enhance muscle tone (strength) Spoiler: depiction Cheating or not? I wonder. I think not.
The populous has some questionable BMIs. So, nerds? I'll admit some surprise that I have yet to develop any health problems... aside from an (un)healthy dose of lethargia, and oversleeping (tired after 10+ hrs of rest). Trying to fix this. No data available for age 14. For age 15: Obesity Index 18bmi National Below average You have a lower BMI than 95% of females aged 15-29 in your country Global Below average You have a lower BMI than 79% of females aged 15-29 in the world Did you know? If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 65,235,844 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population You're most like someone from Vietnam
Strays I fed. Just sharing.
the most popular videos in all of YouTube? Spoiler [video=youtube;MZJXUkSy45Y][/video] [video=youtube;nBRoGduSv9A][/video] [video=youtube;CpZFucWSk6g][/video]
Quote a catchphrase, or motto, of any character from any series. Do not reveal the character's identity, that is for others to guess. Here's an easy one... "Mr. McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Who is it?
For me, it is ultimately a tie between Bill Bixby and Mark Ruffalo... I can't do this. It is with much hesitance that I cast my vote. Allow me to provide an elaboration; Bixby initially rejected playing Banner under the premise that any adaption of a superhero comic would be stupid. I admit that I hold this against him, regardless of whether or not he learned to like the role. He did. Make no mistake, he played an excellent Banner. However, he was not as open-minded as I would have liked... We have yet to see or hear much of Ruffalo. One might hold him at a disadvantage then, but I beg to differ. He is totally fresh, and there is a lot to hope for in him. Freshness is refreshing. These are subtle reasons, but it was a tie to begin with. So I reserve the right to form decisions based on half thought, silly reasonings.
Guess where it's from. *Hint: Don't title the file its name, that would be a dead giveaway.
Those who don't have cheated their biological nature. Yet what other species contemplates death? None to my knowledge, at least none do the way we humans do, and that is, to fear it beyond the innate fight and flight response; to actively contemplate it even when not under imminent danger. Animals will fear it in the face of threat, but for humans it is infinitely more persistent than that. In severe cases, that fear may even debilitate their everyday functioning-- handicap them, corrode their little minds. No other animal fears to such an extent. Those who do not fear death have cheated a cheat. Humans are just a bundle of complexities, aren't they? That said, I do. It is not an ever-present fear, but I acknowledge its presence. There is, however, an ever-present sense of detachment. It is of a bit comfort under simpler terms: now I am here, then I'll be there; leaving the destination undetermined is indeed of a bit comfort, although that relief is short-lived. I admire those who have surpassed their own nature. May I have access to a cheat sheet, please?
I searched a favorite X-Men villain and was met with this. Many laughs were had. That goofy dance, I don't even... Who are your favorite comic book villains? I am not very well-versed in comic books, though interest has been kindling high for a long while now. Even so, I have a few favorite villains. The Joker is a card, but Magneto trumps still. As for why - the Joker is the Joker, 'nuff said. What's not to love about demented clowns? (see: Hisoka, Kafka, Pennywise) And Magneto is MASTER OF MAGNET. The lines in that game were adorably lame. On a more serious note, I rather like him despite his gawky outfit. I've a soft spot for extremist characters fighting for another group's survival, villainy with good intentions; misguided or not, the sentiment is what matters. The bucket-headed man is highly relatable in his cynicism.
I am Mouse. Curious but cautious. Timid. Spoiler
Do you find people to be predictable? To be honest, I find the most predictable of people to be the ones that call others out on their predictability. No, perhaps that is not it. Perhaps it is that these people are the ones that annoy me most, and so I would like to belittle them and say, hah, you mister are more predictable than us all! But that is probably not it. I want to belittle them because I think them too self-assured for their own good, they think that they can track the predictabilities themselves, and separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak. How mindblowingly all-knowing they must be, to be able to call us out on our own predictable patterns *sarcasm*. Who are they, to call anyone else "predictable"? As if they are any less predictable. As if they have not ever had a predictable day themselves. As if the predictable person's predictability is a surprise-- get this, a surprise. It should not be. Me, I do not think people "predictable". But I am beyond being surprised. They just do, or they don't do. Predictable or not? You decide. P.S. I don't know
Which fictional characters (from any form of media, be it anime/manga, videogame, novel, film, etc.) do you identify with? If any? It is likely that I've made a thread similar to this in the past, it feels familiar. But if I have, I cannot remember/cannot bother to check. And, as we've plenty of newer members now, this thread is worth a shot anyhow. Pictures/descriptions of your character(s) are not required, but appreciated. I will not like to describe my characters, in doing so I will have to describe myself... I don't want to, but I damn well realise that if I don't, the repliers (you) will likely not. And I am interested in who the people identify with. A price to pay, obligated to speak of myself. So... prepare for some half-assed descriptions. Feel free to wing it, too. Lain ~ Serial Experiments Lain depersonalised/realised, multifaceted yet simultaneously nondescript, critical & sadistic, lost, somewhat lonely, totally bewildered, childlike Tsukasa ~ .Hack//Sign deprecative, cynical, easily hurt, flighty, fragile, unreliable, fearful, repetitious, gender dysphoric, lonely, lost, expectant, self-centered, gentle, kind at her best ...they are similar to me in emotional range. Still, I can't help but feel a very key trait is missing. Curiouser and curiouser. Curiosity. They can be, but they couldn't be any more curious than your average person. And curiosity is a very defining trait, for me. I am often told to stop asking questions. I don't.