Search Results

  1. LARiA
    Have you experienced this phenomena known as crushing, 'puppy love,' infatuation? If you have experienced several variations thereof, how do crushes on the interpersonal level differ from crushes on celebrity figures? What was the underlying basis for each attachment? Was it strung from romantic feeling or sexual desire, or was it strung from platonic admiration -- colloquially referred to as man crushes or girl crushes, and not necessarily an indicator of sexual orientation?

    I do not often experience crushes, but I've enough experience to be capable of relating two forms: personal and impersonal, i.e. celebrity (or even fictitious) crushes. I hesitate to call it such, as the overwhelming majority of 'celebrity crushes' I have had were on deceased persons. Indeed, it seems a natural requirement that the person be buried six feet under till I find them appealing.

    I hear people grieving over the implausibility of their unrequited affections, however those woes are foreign to me. My crushes, personal or otherwise, tend to be ground in admiration as opposed to need of possession; desire to lay the world at their feet, and shower them with appreciation. I've heard it proposed that most crushes are based on the imposition of a person's valued attributed onto another person -- the object of their desires. Whilst that theory certainly holds true for most variations of selfish puppy love, it is a simplified understanding insofar as it only takes into consideration those crushes based in possession. I, personally, don't care for that.

    I don't have silly date fantasies.
    Thread by: LARiA, Dec 9, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. LARiA
    As I have been watching a lot of Dark Shadows recently, this question came to the forefront of my mind.

    Crash course on the origin of the term vampyr. Originally, there was no distinction between vampires and zombies -- in the modern sense of the word. In early Slavic mythology, authentic vampires did not have fangs, nor did they drink blood. They were by no means intelligent or attractive. Ugly, rotting, bloated, red-faced; they killed and they ate (flesh, guts, skin and all) any creature unlucky enough to cross their paths.

    Then Bram Stoker's Dracula made his debut, and Anne Rice's vampires followed suite. The genre was forever changed. Vampires became tragic, elegant, sensitive, characters who sucked from their prey's neck with fangs and possessed an actual conscious. The first example of a sympathetic vampire figure in fiction however goes to Varney the Vampire, the 1845-47 serial that influenced Stoker's Dracula.

    Prime examples of this archetype exemplified in media:
    Barnabas Collins (Dark Shadows)
    Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
    Countess Zaleska (Dracula's Daughter)
    Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire)

    You get the point.​
    Got a favorite bloodsucker(s)?​

    Thread by: LARiA, Nov 9, 2013, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. LARiA
    Am I the only one who knows of this game's existence? I was one of those sadly kids who couldn't get past the first stage, threw the Genesis controller at the wall in despair because good grief. If memory serves me correctly, this game was bloody impossible!

    I've been meaning to sit down and play this game fully through, as it seems like a game I'd really enjoy. No directions are given as to where to go or what to do, which really adds to the creepy / abandoned atmosphere. Ambient music. Non-human / animal player. Yeah.

    The AVGN should do an episode on Ecco the Dolphin, if he hasn't already.

    Thread by: LARiA, Oct 2, 2013, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. LARiA
    Children are daemons.

    . . .

    Another useless poll. This time, votes are public.
    Thread by: LARiA, Sep 22, 2013, 52 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. LARiA
    I am very ticklish. I think ticklers should have every finger chopped off as compensation for their wicked deeds.[DOUBLEPOST=1379779695][/DOUBLEPOST]I meant to make votes public. It ain't worth it if it's not public, how will I know who to torture...
    Thread by: LARiA, Sep 21, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. LARiA
    Obligatory captain poll.
    Thread by: LARiA, Sep 16, 2013, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. LARiA
    I have provided a list below of some of the more popular mangaka, including a brief overview of their career (in the event that someone should not remember who penned their favorite series).​
    If perchance your favorite shounen mangaka is not on the list of available options, and has not been accounted for; click 'other,' and specify whom the absentee is. Do keep in mind that this poll is inquiring who your favorite shounen (boys' comics) mangaka is, so if you answer "Junji Ito!"
    -- I will concede that your taste in the horror genre is top notch, but also that is an incorrect answer [terminated].
    Masashi Kishimoto

    Tite Kubo

    Eiichiro Oda
    One Piece

    Akira Toriyama
    Dr. Slump
    Dragon Ball

    Hiro Mashima
    Rave Master
    Fairy Tale

    Yoshihiro Togashi
    Yu Yu Hakusho
    Hunter x Hunter

    Osamu Tezuka
    Astro Boy
    Kimba the White Lion

    Nobuhiro Watsuki
    Rurouni Kenshin

    Hiromu Arakawa
    Full Metal Alchemist
    Hero Tales

    Rumiko Takahasi
    Ranma ½

    Hiroyuki Takei
    Shaman King

    Katsura Hoshino

    Atsushi Okubo
    Soul Eater

    Hirohiko Araki
    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    Kentaro Yabuki
    Black Cat

    Apologies if your favorite is not on this list. I am no connoisseur of Japanese comique, to be sure.
    Thread by: LARiA, Aug 7, 2013, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. LARiA
    I am surprised that a thread has not been made for this already. The media may be keeping relatively quiet about the affair in Turkey, but social networks such as twitter are teeming with updates.
    • Source: CNN
    • Published: 06/02/13
    Thread by: LARiA, Jun 2, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Current Events
  9. LARiA

    Caption Game

    The rules are simple. Post an image, preferably blank and without text. Respond to the above user's image with a caption. Since I am first, I am exempt from the second step.

    Be creative.

    Thread by: LARiA, May 13, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  10. LARiA
    Does anyone have an explanation for this? Check out the estimated delivery time. It's ridiculous. I'm not even going to be here by the time it should arrive. I will be an ocean's length away by then.

    And the price? I expect the pages to be lined with gold.

    Thread by: LARiA, May 12, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. LARiA

    The kind people
    Have a wonderful dream
    Margaret on the guillotine
    Cause people like you
    Make me feel so tired
    When will you die?
    When will you die?
    When will you die?
    When will you die?
    When will you die?[DOUBLEPOST=1368154507][/DOUBLEPOST]ALTERNATIVELY...

    Thread by: LARiA, May 9, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. LARiA
    My contribution below;


    Shhh. I drew this with a touchpad.
    Thread by: LARiA, Apr 27, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. LARiA
    Who has now earned a proper and well-deserved spot in LARiA's List of Blessed People Who've Graced This Earth With Their Presence. Ooh, mark my words. His spot has been fixed proper, indeed.

    yea I get it no one cares about this but me

    I would like to plant a kiss on this man's cheek as a demonstration of my affections. Well, not really. But I am very pleased! And he would receive a hug perhaps. Certainly. Yes, I would hug Joss Whedon.

    Just the other day I was musing over how Great it would be to see Pietro and Wanda on the big screen. I acknowledged that it would probably never happen. I don't recall that movieverse!Magneto ever had any children. Thus, I did not think they would appear in film anytime soon unless the entire franchise was rebooted as it would conflict with canon. Now, perhaps that was silly of me. The X-Men film franchise is riddled with contradictions and loopholes and inconsistencies already. Fox couldn't care less about stable plot lines or consistency, and for once I am actually grateful of the fact!


    P.S. They best portray Wanda curly-haired.
    Thread by: LARiA, Apr 25, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. LARiA
    • take a drink every time Sforzato makes a new thread
    (add onto this list as you see fit)
    Thread by: LARiA, Apr 19, 2013, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. LARiA

    bad movies

    Be it So Bad It's Good, or just plain bad.

    I've walked this Earth. I've seen some bad stuff.

    The Fantastic Four (1994) film has an interesting history. The company which produced it was about to lose rights to the comic book, so. They opted to create a very low-budget film, never supposed to have been released to cinema. It's long been rumored that Avi Arad burned the remaining existing copies.
    Thread by: LARiA, Apr 14, 2013, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. LARiA
    You may want to check this out.

    Twenty thirteen, the summer the gallinippers struck.
    Thread by: LARiA, Mar 10, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. LARiA
    And as if to mock me, the case contains discs 2, 3, and 4. I still have the product key, so resorting to illegal means should really be unnecessary. It seems a mighty shame that I should be unable to play this game simply because I lack a physical copy of the first disc...

    May anyone offer a solution?
    Thread by: LARiA, Dec 27, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. LARiA
    Thread by: LARiA, Oct 8, 2012, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. LARiA


    Post/discuss paintings you like. An appreciation thread of sorts.

    Louis Wain's kitty pics are most interesting. His schizophrenia worsened in the latter years of his life, which is believed to have influenced his later works. See below, the progression. Even further below be Vladimir Kush, who I recently discovered. Surrealism and whatnot. I like it.






    Thread by: LARiA, Sep 29, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  20. LARiA
    morosely amusing, still horrifying
    just, just... read.

    warning: prob not pg-13
    Thread by: LARiA, Sep 21, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone