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  1. . : tale_wind
    Post by: . : tale_wind, Oct 5, 2021 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. . : tale_wind
  3. . : tale_wind
  4. . : tale_wind
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by . : tale_wind, Aug 10, 2021
  5. . : tale_wind

    Post by: . : tale_wind, Aug 10, 2021 in forum: The Playground
  6. . : tale_wind
    Considering how much time I've spent on Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (like, so much), which has a comparable track list, I'm sure that once I've got my hands on it I'll be absolutely hooked, and that's just with single-player. Even so, at least the game quickly dropped in price after launch; currently it's only $30 USD at Amazon and GameStop.
    Post by: . : tale_wind, Aug 5, 2021 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
  7. . : tale_wind
    Post by: . : tale_wind, Aug 5, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. . : tale_wind

    I'm on the job hunt right now, and one of my low-key goals is to be making enough money by November that I can feel comfortable buying the full game and a subscription, and then Endwalker once it drops and then blazing through the three paid expansions as fast as reasonably possible.

    In the meantime, you can hit me up on the following worlds:
    • Exodus: Han'urel Ivars (Roegadyn DRG main) (my Main™)
    • Ultros: Cantus Porta (Hyur ARC main) (i'm still leveling him up lol)
    • Famfrit: Akio Ishioka (Au Ra PLD main) (though tbh i might make NIN his new main, tanking is hard ;;)
    Which, hey, by the way, speaking of buying the full game, that reminds me! If you're reading this and haven't taken the plunge into the game yet, [deep breath]

    Post by: . : tale_wind, Aug 5, 2021 in forum: Gaming
  9. . : tale_wind
    oh gosh oh geez i don't know what text macro i want to use anymore
    Post by: . : tale_wind, Aug 5, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. . : tale_wind
  11. . : tale_wind
    >additional tracks from 2.8

    Post by: . : tale_wind, Aug 13, 2020 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. . : tale_wind
    Do you need a party to join in Union χ? Conversely, do you need some more members for your party? Drop your requests in here! Whether seeking a party or players, make sure you mention your play level (e.g., casual or hardcore, beginner or veteran, etc.) and what Union you belong to.

    Enjoy the Lux collecting together!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jun 24, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  13. . : tale_wind
    View attachment 50549

    Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
    launched on iOS and Android in the west on April 7, 2016. On April 5, I pitched an idea to the rest of the KHV staff: What if we set up official KHV parties within the game? And we set to work organizing said parties and even a weekly leaderboard to go with them, so we could have some friendly competition in the community. We launched the parties on the game's release day, and after a delay from our intended July launch, the first leaderboard went up on August 8, 2016.

    Four years later, we're well into Union χ, and Dark Road is on the horizon. But with the continued declines in activity in both the KHV community and within the in-game parties, we've decided that it's time to retire the KHV parties and leaderboards. For those who still play the game (or who will in the future), a party recruitment thread will be created so you can still play with your friends from the community.

    I'd like to thank, first of all, my fellow staff members who helped brainstorm and organize this whole thing. I'd also like to specifically thank everyone who helped out as a party leader (in alphabetical order): @Aelin, @Arch, @Calxiyn, @Cat~, @Explode, @Fearless, @Karuta, @Krowley, @LadyAzura, and @Scarred Nobody. And one more special thank you to @Plums for editing that lovely header image for the leaderboards. And lastly, thank you to everyone who played with us, no matter for how long, or for how much Lux you contributed. Thank you all for the fun times. We'll see each other at the Daybreak Town fountain plaza again!

    May your heart be your guiding key! Aced did nothing wrong! Ursus forever!


    To commemorate almost four years of the KHV leaderboards, here are some records I've compiled!

    (The Lux records are probably right? I didn't check every single weekly leaderboard lol; at least with the week-to-week placements I had a spreadsheet I continually kept throughout the years.)

    First Top Score:
    1. KHV_Vulpes: week of 8/1/2016 - 8/7/2016
    2. KHV_Anguis: week of 9/26/2016 - 10/2/2016
    3. KHV_Unicornis: week of 10/10/2016 - 10/16/2016
    4. KHV_Leopardus: week of 3/27/2017 - 4/2/2017
    5. KHV_Ursus: week of 5/1/2017 - 5/7/2017
    Longest First Place Streak:
    1. KHV_Unicornis: 24 weeks (10/10/2016 - 3/26/2017)
    2. KHV_Vulpes: 8 weeks (8/1/2016 - 9/25/2016)
    3. KHV_Anguis: 8 weeks (8/5/2019 - 9/29/2019)
    4. KHV_Leopardus: 5 weeks (4/22/2019 - 5/26/2019)
    5. KHV_Ursus: 5 weeks (1/20/2020 - 2/23/2020)
    Total Weeks in First Place:
    1. KHV_Unicornis: 89 weeks
    2. KHV_Anguis: 45 weeks
    3. KHV_Vulpes: 24 weeks
    4. KHV_Ursus: 19 weeks
    5. KHV_Leopardus: 15 weeks
    First Earned Party Don't Stop:
    1. KHV_Vulpes: 8/22/2016
    2. KHV_Unicornis: 10/31/2016
    3. KHV_Anguis: 10/16/2017
    4. KHV_Leopardus: 5/13/2019
    5. KHV_Ursus: 2/10/2020
    Highest Lux Total per Party:
    1. KHV_Anguis: 173,359,151,891 (12/23/2019 - 12/29/2019)
    2. KHV_Ursus: 107,236,565,920 Lux (1/20/2020 - 1/26/2020)
    3. KHV_Leopardus: 72,968,278,474 Lux (1/13/2020 - 1/19/2020)
    4. KHV_Unicornis: 71,931,800,982 Lux (5/14/2018 - 5/20/2018)
    5. KHV_Vulpes: 42,290,498,574 Lux (5/18/2020 - 5/24/2020)
    Highest Individual Lux Score per Party:
    1. KHV_Anguis: 173,359,151,891 - @Explode (12/23/2019 - 12/29/2019)
    2. KHV_Ursus: 107,236,565,920 Lux - @tamale (1/20/2020 - 1/26/2020)
    3. KHV_Leopardus: 72,868,314,774 Lux - @Cat~ (1/13/2020 - 1/19/2020)
    4. KHV_Unicornis: 34,058,791,767 Lux - @GarrettFinch (5/14/2018 - 5/20/2018)
    5. KHV_Vulpes: 32,446,358,867 Lux - @Fearless (5/18/2020 - 5/24/2020)
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jun 15, 2020, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  14. . : tale_wind
    It shares the same app as Union X, but is its own separate thing.
    Post by: . : tale_wind, Jun 15, 2020 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. . : tale_wind
    Specifically, Skuld and Urd are the names of two of the three Norns, figures who are analogous to the Fates of Greek mythology. (The third is named Verdandi, so there's a name to watch out for in the future!) Bragi is a god of poetry, Vor is a goddess of wisdom, and Hermod is a messenger of the gods and one of the sons of Odin.
    Post by: . : tale_wind, Jun 9, 2020 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    Tied for last place this week are KHV_Anguis, KHV_Leopardus, and KHV_Unicornis with a total of zero Lux each. Better luck next time!

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 2,390,670,663 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 2,390,670,663 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

    In first place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 41,148,031,405 Lux! The top scorer was @phoenixkh93 with 23,240,265,848 Lux—about 56% of the party's earnings. @Fearless followed with 17,907,765,557 Lux.
    1. KHV_Vulpes
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Anguis, KHV_Leopardus, KHV_Unicornis
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Vulpes! Master Ava would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for two more weeks to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—tamale and phoenixkh93! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jun 1, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  17. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    Tied for last place this week are KHV_Anguis and KHV_Unicornis with a total of zero Lux each. Better luck next time!

    In third place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 2,167,462 Lux! The top scorer was @Scarred Nobody with 2,167,462 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 4,872,957,204 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 4,872,957,204 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

    In first place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 42,290,498,574 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 32,446,358,867 Lux—about 77% of the party's earnings. @phoenixkh93 followed with 9,844,139,707 Lux.
    1. KHV_Vulpes
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Leopardus
    4. KHV_Anguis, KHV_Unicornis
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Vulpes! Master Ava would be thrilled with all your work! You've maintained your top position for three weeks and have earned the Party Don't Stop pin! Keep up the good work!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—Scarred Nobody, tamale, and Fearless! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 25, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  18. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    Tied for last place this week are KHV_Anguis, KHV_Leopardus, and KHV_Unicornis with a total of zero Lux each. Better luck next time!

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 5,720,467,095 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 5,720,467,095 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

    In first place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 34,418,856,896 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 26,018,723,016 Lux—about 76% of the party's earnings. @phoenixkh93 followed with 8,400,133,880 Lux.
    1. KHV_Vulpes
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Anguis, KHV_Leopardus, KHV_Unicornis
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Vulpes! Master Ava would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for one more week to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—tamale and Fearless! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 18, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  19. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of zero Lux. Better luck next time!

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 27,796 Lux! The top scorer was @Scarred Nobody with 27,796 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

    In third place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 120,846,283 Lux! The top scorer was @~Acy_XIII~ with 120,846,283 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 26,615,579,782 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 26,615,579,782 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

    In first place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 29,950,332,566 Lux! The top scorer was @phoenixkh93 with 16,611,192,854 Lux—about 56% of the party's earnings. @Fearless followed with 13,339,139,712 Lux.
    1. KHV_Vulpes
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Anguis
    4. KHV_Leopardus
    5. KHV_Unicornis
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Vulpes! Master Ava would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for two more weeks to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—Scarred Nobody, ~Acy_XIII~, tamale, and phoenixkh93! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 11, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  20. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    Tied for fifth place this week are KHV_Anguis, KHV_Leopardus, and KHV_Unicornis with a total of zero Lux. Better luck next time!

    In second place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 21,681,674,594 Lux! The top scorer was @phoenixkh93 with 13,448,941,279 Lux—about 62% of the party's earnings. @Fearless followed with 8,232,733,315 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 23,909,230,883 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 23,909,230,883 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.
    1. KHV_Ursus
    2. KHV_Vulpes
    3. KHV_Anguis, KHV_Leopardus, KHV_Unicornis
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Ursus! Master Aced would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for two more weeks to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—phoenixkh93 and tamale! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 4, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ