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  1. StardustXtreme
    We use either or

    We use those sites to create the Customs.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. StardustXtreme
    Okay I think we'll have to limit Space Gift here as well because you have way too many cards that can deal an absolute (No pun intended) defeat and as for that last iamge of Jaden, that's creepy, I need to seriously change that if I had the DVD on hand to screenshot -sweatdrops-

    As for new cards, the new Masked HEROes look very cool, I just might have to fashion a deck around them (Since they are based off Kamen Riders) along with a Custom Deck of said Kamen Riders.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. StardustXtreme


    Vanille blinked as she saw another girl come into the garden an smelt the flowers with a smile, she was obviously a nature girl like herself and came around, holding a spray can. "Is there something I can help you with?" She asked her politely.

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harodl saw the small display of magic, it was interesting and definitely not the sort he was accustomed to, she must have a magical core on her person and able to cast wandlessly, but that takes years of practice and plus, she sounded like this was something she didn't want discovered btu then she talked about engagement from her sister just talking with someone for a few days, it sounded like a first meeting as well, now Harold knew there were some magical binding contracts in the Wizarding World set by parents for marriage but at least you ahd some forewarning beforehand, it sounded like her sister just up and decided it without any consent.

    "There's probably a very good reason behind it so I shouldn't assume anything yet, keep an open mind." Harold thought and pulled a chair up and sat in it, staring at Elsa who was on the bed.

    "There's probably a reason behind this engagement, did your parents consult his family about it?" Harold regretted asking that question as she looked downcast, something obviously happened to her family by her facial expression turning downcast, he decided to change the subject and maybe help Elsa feel a bit more comfortable.

    "Accio glass." Harold said with a palm out as Elsa's glass of water was called to his hand and he caught it and the look of surprise on Elsa's face. "I'm a wizard, so seeing something out of the ordinary is normal for me." Harold levitated the Glass in his hand and made it rotate a few inches above his hand. "However, us wizards or witches tend to keep this side of ourselves hidden due to a Statue of Secrecy and well, among other things, but we live side by side with the people and act natural, your magic is slightly different but I suspect it works in the same way we utilize our magic." Harold finished and moved his hand, letting the glass simply float in mid-air as Elsa seemed sceptical it was actual magic.

    "You think I attached wires or something? Go ahead, move your hand all around it." Harold said with a smile.

    ~Tokyo Cathedral~

    Yuri stretched his arms out before hearing footsteps and placed his hands on his satchel on his back as he saw Alice come with a woman with red hair. "Took you long enough, I think I was about to doze off." He said cheekily.

    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    True, I could possibly make a turn and have Three Shooting Star Dragon's or 3 Quasars but that's why in the banlist they are limited to 1 since I could as a non-random, use SSD's Effect and reveal 5 Tuner monsters and attack five times while Quasar would allow me two attacks regardless and negate literally anything once.

    And I do not hate you for Star Eater, it's just the card that's all and what it's effect is truly capable of, cause there can be a way to make two on the field or summon another one after a single turn.

    Say if we did return a monster back to hand or destroy it to stop the Synchro Summoning, doesn't stop that person from getting a fill-in by special summoning or something, rendering the activation of said card useless.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. StardustXtreme
    WhiteRose-Aki would like to pint out she doesn't play Yu-Gi-Oh! that much so any cards she was recommended is a big help for her and helps her think up new strategies, as for Haou, I think we might want to restrict his access to Synchros, Haou was known for Destructive Fusions in the show and that made him truly terrifying for the time he actually appeared.

    But before you say 'So? You use T.G. Hyper Liberian in your duels' and I have a good reason or this, Yusei plays around with the Synchro Archetype, only time he doesn't is for Draco-Equiste through Miracle Synchro Fusion.

    Star Eater I also recommend being Limited to 1 due it's effect of not allowing you activate effects when it's Summoned.


    So that's him, I recall Jaden speaking of this man.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. StardustXtreme
    Indeed it is.

    And me playing Solitare with that hand? I never play it that much.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. StardustXtreme
    Alright since you didn't set any cards, I'll make my move freely, so I draw!


    Hand: 1

    [​IMG] Since your Star Eater's effect is now not active, I can activate Shootign Star Dragons' Effect! I reveal top five cards of my deck and if there's a Tuner Monster reveale,d eh can attack that many times, ehre's my 5 cards!


    Got you, that's two attacks.

    Shooting Star Dragon, Attack Star Eater and Black Winged Dragon with Stardust Miragea! Thanks to this, you take damage of 100 and 500 exactly putting you on 7600.


    Shooting Quasar Dragon's effect, the number of Synchro Monsters I used for his Summon, he can attack that many times and since I used only two monsters, and you got nothing left to defend you, I'll send him your way directly, Shooting Quasar Dragon attack her with The Creation Burst! and that's two 4000 direct attacks so, that's the game done and set.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. StardustXtreme
    I cannot chain anything due to Star Eater's effect when it was synchro summoned so i'll take damage really, first Star Eater's attack.

    LP: 7300

    Then Black Winged's

    LP: 7000.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. StardustXtreme
  10. StardustXtreme
    I am willing to part with Joe if Hector or HoL wish to have a main Gokaiger member.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme
    OOC: it's best to ask if there's any chain while you summon the monsters cause the opponent might negate or destroy it, btu for humor, I'll let you summon Star Eater and Black-Winged

    Before you summoned Star Eater, I'll chain Safe Zone to Spark Dragon, protecting it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 13, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. StardustXtreme
    I activate my facedown card, Breakthrough Skill!


    Thanks to this card, I negate the effects of Gale the Whirlwind so Shooting Quasar Dragon is safe, you may continue.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 13, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. StardustXtreme
    Correct, I won't chain anything, you may continue.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 12, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. StardustXtreme
    That's what you get with 2nd best Duelist in the Arena, granted I did summon the most powerful Dragon Synchros of Quasar, red Nova and Shooting Star once, and even then, without the Dragons, I still had Junk Warrior reach 20,000+ ATK once.

    Jaden's Deck is strong, I have no doubt with that statement but no-one's seen Yuma's played here, sure I play it somewhat in DN but that's different, if I did do Yuma, I'd have to incorporate a way to get Utopia's forms come and now be backfired upon.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. StardustXtreme
    Already done my response if you look up.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. StardustXtreme
  17. StardustXtreme
    Very well, I won't hold back anything.

    Here we go! I draw!

    - Draw Phase -

    Hand: 6

    -Standby Phase -


    _ MaiN phase 1 -

    First I activate the spell card, One for One, thanks to this card, I can discard one card from my hand and Special Summon a Level One Monster from from my deck, so, by discarding Glow-Up Blub, I can call forth my Tuningware from my deck.

    Hand: 4


    Next I'll use my Normal Summon to help call out my Junk Synchron, and because I was able to summon him, I'm able to Special Summon a Level two ro below monster from my Graveyard, Glow-Up Bulb, returns with his effects negated.

    Hand: 3


    Next I'll activate this, the Spell Card known as Machine Duplication and target my tuning ware, thanks to this, I can Special Summon two more copies from my Deck to the field.

    Hand: 2


    Now watch cause I'm going to be creating a Synchro Summon, first I'll tune, level 3 Junk SYnchron with 2 Level 1 Tuningware's, these two mosnters shall become the path it's light shines upon, Appear, the Keeper of Knowledge! T.G. Hyper Librarian!

    And because I was able to summon him with Tuningware as Material two of them in fact, I get to draw a card for each Tuningware used, so that's two cards for me.

    Hand: 4

    Next I'll be Tuning my level 1 Glow-Up Bulb with Level 1 Tuningware, Gathering wishes will call out a new speed's horizon! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! The Power of Hope, Synchro Tuner, Formula Synchron!"

    I activate Formula Synchron's effect, when he's summoned, I get to draw 1 card, next since Tuningware is used as Material, I draw another card and finally, Hyper's effect, I can draw a card when I Synchro Summon, so in total, that's three cards for me to draw!

    Hand: 7

    But that's not all, I activate this spell card, Tuning, I search my deck for a Synchron Monster and add that monster to my hand, but in exchange, I must send the top card of my deck to the Graveyard so I'll add Quickdraw Synchron and get rid of this card.
    [​IMG] (Milled Card)

    Hand: 6 (W/ Tuning played) 7 (Added Quickdraw)

    Next I'll Special Summon Quickdraw by discarding 1 Monster in my hand so I choose my Level Eater to go there.

    Hand: 5

    Next I'll Special Summon Quillbolt hedhog from my graveyard as I have a Tuner Monster in play, namely, Formula and Quickdraw, however, if I sued his effect this way, he's banished when destroyed to the Graveyard.

    Next I'll tune Level 5 Quickdraw Synchron with level 2 Quillbotl hedgehog that'll be banished I Synchro Summon My Nitro Warrior, However, I cannot draw a card since nitro Synchron wasn't used but thanks to Hyper's eff, I can do that!

    Hand: 6

    I activate Glow-Up Bulb's effect in my Graveyard now, by milling the top card of my deck, I can Special Summon it back to the field, so I'll send this card to my graveyard.

    Now I tune Level 1 Glow-Up Bulb with level 7 Nitro Warrior, Gathering stars will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!

    Hyper's effect kicks in, I draw 1 card!

    Hand: 7

    Now I activate De-Synchro! I Spilt Forumla Synchron back into Glow-Up Bulb and Tuningware only to brign Formual back and thanks to this, I draw 3 cards, one from Tuningware, 1 from Forumla's effect and 3rd from Hyper

    Hand: 9

    Now, I activate Tuning once more, getting another Quickdraw and I discard a second Quillbolt thanks to Tuning's effect

    Hand: 8


    I Special Summon that Quickdraw out and bring back Quillbolt from my graveyard only to Synchro Summon my Junk Warrior! and I draw 1 card with T.G effect!

    Hand: 9

    Now I tune Level two Formula Synchon with Level 5 T.G Hyper and Junk Warrior! Synchron Summon! SHooting Quasar Dragon!

    Next I use Monster Reborn, so come back Forumla!

    Hand: 8

    I Tune Level 8 Stardust with Level 2 Forumla, Synchro Summon! Clear Mind! Come out! Shooting Star Dragon!

    Now I activate Double SUmmon, I can Normal Summon once more this turn, but first, I use Level Eater's Effect in my Graveyard and reduce Quasar's Level 12 to 11 to Special Summon him!

    Hand: 7

    I'll use my second Summon to Tribue Level Eater for Salvage Warrior whose effect activates, I target Junk Synchron in my graveyard!

    Hand: 6

    Now I Tune Level 3 Junk Synchron with level 5 Salvage Warrior! Come, a new incarnation of Stardust! Stardust Spark Dragon!

    I activate Stardust Shimmer, by banishing Salvage Warrior and Forumla Synchron and Glow-Up Bulb, I can bring back Stardust Dragon!

    Hand: 5


    Lastly I set all my remaining cards facedown in my backrow!



    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. StardustXtreme
    [QUOTE="Toon-Girl-Abby, post: 4188779, member: 62083
    "Oh, thank you! Yes, I would love to learn more about these 'duels'" Misa replied cheerfully. "I don't know if my boyfriend Light might be around here too.. And I don't know what to do here so...."


    "Nice to meet you too! Oh, thank you too!"



    Then why don't you set the rules since you asked for a duel, I must warn you, I won't hold back.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. StardustXtreme
    Things happen, plus the world of reality loves pestering you.

    You're in well, Domino City if that helps, and I suppose I can also show you the ropes of what we, the 'Duelists' do here.

    Aki's one of my good friends yes, she's a Duelist just like me, we fought one another and aloningside each other, I suppose you could call it being comrades.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. StardustXtreme
    That's a Duel Disk, We play Duel Monsters with it with holograms based on the monster, I have one too, are you perhaps new to the Game?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground