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  1. StardustXtreme
    I'd say most likely Aqua, she has no sense of time of how long she's trapped within the Realm of Darkness, plus she'd be fighting Pure Hearted Heartless all those years, not to mention while it seems she never aged one bit, I suspect the Realm of Darkness is synched off from the passage of Time as is Castle Oblivion with Ventus in stasis.

    Also you have to wonder about food supply for Aqua unless when she saw the Enchanted Dominion fall to darkness, she gets food there.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. StardustXtreme

    Excellent, my name is Konami, my last name...well, that's not important, however since you two are tagging together, I'll have to get a partner of my own, say Akiza, would you mind joining my side? Here are the terms for our Tag Duel

    LP: 8000
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: Yes
    Manga Exclusives: Yes
    Video Game Exclusives: Yes
    God Cards: No
    Illegal Cards: No
    Player Rotation: Nagisa, Akiza, Honoka, Konami, Nagisa and so on
    Number of Cards per Deck: 45-50
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc:
    No OTK's as this is a Duel to help Nagisa and Honoka get used to the game
    We share LP but have separate fields, the Graveyards are free to be used by anyone.
    4th player in this case, Konami will be allowed to make the first attack then after that all players are free to attack.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. StardustXtreme
    They are Duel Disks, it seems you were brought to be introduced to the world of Duel Monsters, if you like, I can show you what happens during a Duel, it's nice to have newcomers and get into the Game, and since you are both friends, how about we make it a Tag Duel?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. StardustXtreme
    Looks like I'll have to step in.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. StardustXtreme


    Vanille smiled as Emma went to water the plants, it wa snice to see someone adore nature as much as she did.


    Kazu nodded and sat across from Akiza, setting his tray of food down a she too begun to eat while Haruto are a lunch of donuts while Tidus did pretty much the same, the cafeteria being somewhat silent, obviously to respect the unwritten law that lunch is peaceful.


    Ankh raised an eyebrow, Kazari just let slip some interesting information and leapt down from wher ehe was. "That I can work with... better keep an eye on that idiot after all." Ankh went off to find Eiji and Kimberly, munching on a ice cream lolly stick.

    ~Harold and Elsa~

    Harold raised an eyebrow at Elsa's answer. "Of course, anyone would be surprised someone can use magic easily and want to see how it works for their agenda's..." Harold thought, he knew that all to well by Dumbledore's plans, he more looked at the big picture than the smaller details and was a manipulative man while trying to look good as the most powerful Wizard, even most people would want a taste of something they could use to further their goals, the government always has those corrupt officials.

    "Well, I'm not going to report you to the authorities, as far I can see, you're just a scared woman who's afraid of what she can do, you're welcome to stay as long as you want to, I'm not so cruel to toss you out onto the streets without little to no money or a place to sleep." Harold reassured her. "Don't worry about where you're sleeping either, you'd be surprised what else magic can do for us." Harold gave Elsa a smile.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    "Narumi Detective Agency, I'm the hard-coiled detective who works here with my partner and my landlord, we take jobs from finding animals to the big ones, there's nothing we can't do that our citizens ask of us." Shotaro explained to her.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme
    -Insert Final Fantasy fanfare after Duel's finish-
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 4, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. StardustXtreme
    I do want to play Masked HEROes as well, it'll be nice Tag with Jaden who'd sue Elementals while I use it, but sadly, YGOPro only has up to like Dark Law while DN has them all.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. StardustXtreme
    yeah but with those Ancient Leafs, Wonder Wands and White Elephant's Gift, that just makes it even more of a reason to limit those cards.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. StardustXtreme
    You could make a condition that Super Poly cannot be used on the opponent's monsters, just his own field.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. StardustXtreme
    Well, it depends on her, I mean 32,000 is a lot of LP as wlela hand of ten, plus I doubt you'd eb able to blow away that much LP in one go, but if that's the case, you'd have to explain the battle rotation.

    Like Haou -> Abby -> Zane -> Abby then Haou.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. StardustXtreme
    32,000!? That's insane!
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. StardustXtreme
    Don't blame me if you don't want it to be more fair with how good those two are.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. StardustXtreme
    Really now? a tag duel of the Supreme King and Truesdale, that'd be overwhelming for two newcomers, why not work on opposite sides to make it a bit more fairer?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. StardustXtreme
    I'm sure you're allowed to edit if Lyris will allow it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. StardustXtreme


    Vanille just gave a smile to Emma. "You didn't disturb me at all, it's nice to see someone appreciates the hard work and effort put into the garden by the students, it just goes show there are people who care about Mother Nature." Vanille answered and continued. "If you like, you can help me out by getting that watering can and start on that side of the garden." Vanille offered to her.


    Haruto's lunch was quite unique, it was a paper bag and when he put his hand inside, he brought out a plain sugared donut and bit into it, relishing in it's taste as Gentaro wave dhis arms rather energetically to be noticed and he raised a free hand to let him know he was noticed, Tsukasa, just played with his food for a few minutes as he wa sbeing hawk-eyed by natsumi, it swore she was like a predator with those eyes.

    Kazu meanwhile, had a tray of food and surveyed his surroundings and found the girl, Akiza and went to her table. "May I join you?" he asked her while vergil was in a corner of the lunch room, sitting by his lonesome for two reasons, one was to not be around his brother and two, it was to provide communication within the school so everyone knew a teacher was available for anything, damn that contract on teacher-student relationships.

    Tidus was eating well, what every lunch would include, proteins and vitamins, that kind of stuff to keep him in top shape, of course he wasn't so stupid as to swallow ti all down too fast like one time.


    Ankh heard Kaazri's voice and leapt down from it, looking at the human feline. "That's the spoils of the victor, Kazari, but I'll be taking all those Medals, maybe I'll do you a favour and leave you with just one Cell Medal and leave you with a Single Core Medal." Ankh answered with a dry tone.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro gave a sigh as he finished typewriting his report, there wasn't any new cases that came in due to the emotional trauma the city was in and he heard the door bell jingle and saw a strange girl who more looked like she belonged in a church, she seemed to be confused about where she was. "Can I help you miss?" Shotaro asked as he got out of his chair to stretch himself

    ~Elsa and Harold~

    Harold was asked who he was by Elsa, it wouldn't eb right to lie to royalty, at least in this case. "I'm Harold Flamel, an adopted son and once a student of the famous Nicolas Flamel, the one who created the rumoured Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of Eternal Life and to turn lead into gold." He answered quite casually, as if the fact he was adopted by a world renowned Alchemist was like asking about the weather. "And I know who you are by the word of that police officer, but this is really the first I heard of you, where I lived with Nick, we didn't hear much news about the outside world due to the secrecy of location and to be neutral to events that occur."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme
    Just your everyday ordinary Duelist who enjoys the game.

    Qeustion is, who are you? A ruler or just acting through Jaden's body?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. StardustXtreme
    Nope, cause with him I've got free reign with any card I please really.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. StardustXtreme
    OOC: Not really, no one taken Red Hat aka Konami

    Well, excuse me while I had to tend to my Duel Runner, it needed some tweaks, plus, I wanted to plug my ears from that abridged jack.

    Seems like We got Pegasus vs Zane Truesdale huh, interesting, despite the cartoonish looks of those powerful creatures.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. StardustXtreme
    Red Hat is what most people call me.

    It's you!

    Hey Yusei, been a while.

    What brings you here?

    Oh for a duel, and I brought Akiza back from wherever she was sent to.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. StardustXtreme
    Would you believe Seto Kaiba's?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground