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  1. StardustXtreme

    ~Gaston's House~

    Harold was sweatdropping at Mario's suggestion of being a 'british pimp' as he so titled it. "Seriously? That's what I look like to everyone else?" Harold thought, he did have some good hearing and knew what the words meant, well, he imagined what it meant anyways before two other women were scolding the little man like he was a creature udner a microscope or something. "The power of the woman.... scary." Harold thought, remembering his mother's scoldings, when you're under that glare of a woman, somehow you find yourself shrinking back, as if it were a special power no one could match before the woman who said for Mario to do his homework left to cool down outside and the other one, she was quite tall for a woman to add as she introduced herself as Lita Kino.

    "A pleasure to meet you Miss Kino, I'm Harold Flamel and these ladies you defended are Lady Yuna, Lady Rikku and Lady belle, we did not expect him to jump to that conclusion but to be fair, I only just met these three ladies today as I only recently moved here." Harold explained to her, he thought he should at least do something to thank her. "Would you do me the honour of a dance? I am quite good on my feet." Harold suggested to her. "I'll also dance with these ladies sometime tonight as well should they wish to if that is alright with you all?"

    ~Outside Gaston's House~

    Kazu stopped reminiscing and looked to Akiza. "Well then, shall we go in?" he asked her.


    Some X-Borgs fallen from shots as a man was coming from the darkness, holding a unique gun, fashioned like a book. "Looks like someone's having a minion day, Henshin." Tsukasa said as he put on the Decadriver and pulled out a card. "Kamen Ride: Decade!" The belt called out as Kamen Rider Decade stood there, dusting his hands together.

    "Now, let's get rid of these low level soldiers." Tsukasa said before some X-Borgs took offense to what he said and went for him as He pulled out a card. "Attack RIde: Blast!" He slid it intot he belt and fired again as many more shots were fired, some even curving. "Those old old geezers and their pet gargoyle were more amusing." Tsuaksa muttered.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Now now, let's not make an argument here, we settle things here like how the show and manga do it, through Card Games.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. StardustXtreme
    Welcome backs Jay~
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. StardustXtreme

    ~Gaston's House~

    Harold felt someone bump into his person, from behind, it was any of the three girls he was accompanying, was it someone who didn't look where he was going as Yuna and Belle a she turned around and he was surprised at what he saw, a doppelganger of himself, except glasses that looked too big and green eyes, he couldn't believe it but it was Harry Potter, while he carried a air of meekiness, Harold carried more pride and so, a stark contrast to him, they would be mistaken for brothers had it not been for his own eyes being blue.

    "Well, I didn't think I'd meet him like this." Harold thought as Harry apologized. "Do I really sound like that? " Harold then spoke, despite the unusual situation. "It's quite alright, there is a lot of people here so you were bound to bump into someone eventually." Harold noted in a polite manner. "I'm Harold Flamel, Son of Nicolas and Perenelle and these are my escorts for the evening, Lady Yuna, Lady Belle and Lady Rikku." Harold introduced the girls to Harry, remaining polite and courteous. "And you are Harry Potter I'm guessing since my father did mention the Potters having an heir a syou do have your mother's eyes but unkempt hair of your father's/, it isn't that hard to connect the dots when it was on the Daily Prophet, I best not keep your friends waiting for a drink, a good day to you Mr. Potter." Harold said with a small bow.

    ~Outside Gaston's House~

    Kazu heard Akiza's question and he took a moment to think. "Well, you know you stay at the Academy for a total of three years and the separate dorms, Silfer Red, Ra Yellow and Obelisk Blue, in the hierarchy, Red being bottom, you learn many things about Duel Monsters and other subjects, I remained a Red for most of the time, meeting incredible Duelists like Zane Truesdale for example along with Jaden Yuki, Syrus Truesdale, Alexis Rhodes, Chazz Princeton, you name it, most of the big names, I met them, course there was some adventures, the day Duel Monsters cards turned blank cause of the Sacred Beast Cards, the Society of Light Incident, Duel Academy's disappearance to another world and back, it was a...eventful three years." Kazu noted, looking back on the experience.

    -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Apartment-

    Vergil sat in a chair, reading a book. "Then go and buy some of that pizza you so love, unless you're so lazy you can't make something yourself?" Vergil asked rather coolly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    Hmmm seeing those Duel Dragons makes me want to make a Dragunity Deck for a fanfic to utilize for them.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop, Departure-

    Harold was surprised the two women, Belle and Yuna each took an arm, now, he imagined at the party, men might be jealous and think he bagged two women. "Merlin, I never thought I see this happen." Harold thought to himself in mild surprise, then again, he never interacted with women much, only his aunt, he bet she and Nicolas were grinning down on him or something, what a way to start huh?

    Harold followed RIkku and Paine with Yuna and Belle on his arms to Gaston's House and it seemed lively, especially considering the house's structure and it was a bit amazing. "This Gaston guy sure knows how to make a party work in such a big building." Harold commented, it certainly had a energetic atmosphere. "Well, I suppose we ought to go in and enjoy ourselves?" Harold suggested to them and they went in and there was a lot of faces to keep track of.

    "Okay, he sure is popular." Harold answered in a bit fo disbelief until a song played and he let his ears listen, he wasn't a critic of music but it was good.

    ~Ishtar Apartment, Departure-

    Kazu laughed a bit nervously at ishizu's comment before he and Akiza went out, hand in hand as Akiza told him not to worry about Marik's behaviour. "I don't doubt he is a good guy, I know some people like him, well, except he's more open to his sister and wants to be a comedy duo but he can be serious when he puts his mind to it, well, when it's something important and not goofing off." Kazu chuckled at remembering Atticus Rhodes's antics and Alexis's response. "It feels somewhat odd not wearing my usual stuff, I usually attend every ceremony or event like that, but I suppose a change of clothes doesn't hurt too much." Kazu commented, he had a vague idea of where they were going by other people with dates or something.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme

    -Flower Shop-

    Harold heard the knocking and the voice of Yuna and opened the door after getting changed into some rather fetching clothes, nothing too loud or too expensive, he wore a striped jacket unbuttoned with a black undershirt with some dark coloured jeans and a notable belt around with some trainers in white with some indents of red markings, his hair though, well he left it as it is, he guessed it was a informal party and saw the girls in their dresses, he was rather stumped by their appearance, Beast having the same expression, he was surprised even Paine managed to pull it off.

    "Holy Merlin.... Are these really the same women?" Harold thought, they all looked great and he knew he had to say something else it'd be considered rude. "Um... Wow, just when I thought I couldn't be more surprised than I am right now, you provided me wrong." Harold managed to say.

    -Ishtar Apartment-

    Kazu emerged out from the room, opting to wear the red suit Marik provided for him, he did look so very different without his trademark Red Hat or the fingerless gloves and his usual attire, he looked like a rather handsome male who could pass off a an eye-catcher and not as a Duelist. "Now I know how Aster feels with this kind of attire, hoo boy." Kazu thought and when he saw AKiza, he had to blink a few times, thinking what he was seeing was a mirage or a trick. "Whoa, I thought this was just a illusion but's really her." Kazu thought and spoke. "Wow Akiza, you look... great." Kazu scratched his cheek in embarrassment.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 6, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold left the trunk and close dit, hearing some knocking from a girl and he opened it as Rikku asked him if he had any good clothes for them and he spoke. "Do I look like someone who carries women's clothing?" Harold asked seriously, Why did she ask him that question? Did she think he was some pervert who buys women's clothes, or something and keeps it on hand for an occasion? He looked down and saw the valley that all men want to venture into, he didn't know why but his uncle said it's a mystery as to why men react to those first, it's like an unwritten fact, breasts are like magnets for men especially when you hit that puberty stage whne you thought kisses and such were horrible, how the mind of mankind evolves.

    Harold thankfully looked away, he had to thank Merlin that his aunt said to be respectful about women's bodies, especially THAT area. "Well... I admit they are fascinating but it's not like that's all they got going for them...right?" Harold thought and knew every pervert on the planet would incline to disagree and say those twin mountains are the best thing for women... unless they are just the shallow and can't tell the difference between personality or lust.

    ~Ishtar Apartment~

    Kazu was being kept a close eye on by Marik, obvious sceptical about him, it wasn't a surprise a she leant against the wall, observing Marik select an outfit for himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold raised an eyebrow at the invitation proposed by Rikku and Yuna, it was certainly unexpected, but he doubted the party was limited to a certain group of people and friend could come along, besides, it would help him get to know other people and probably showcase some skills he learnt thanks to his Aunt, getting invited to important balls or similar things, it was drilled into his brain about manners and respect and knowing some dance skills so that he doesn't step on their toes or anything, it was called preparation but he didn't mind it, at times he wanted to take a break from learning magic most times and different languages of the magical kind, such as Goblins for one, it paid to be respectful to Goblins, especially at Gringotts.

    "Should be interesting, I doubt the old man Dumbles would attend a student party." Harold thought but so far, Dumbledore hasn't located him to use in his plans of the 'greater good' as he focuses on the big picture than the small details. "Sure why not? I'll just get changed into something more... appropriate than work clothes." Harold said and went upstairs back into his room, closing the door for privacy a swell as locking it, he wondered if he should notify Elsa just in case she didn't feel like she was being forgotten and knew he had to delve into his trunk anyways for suitable attire anyway andopened it with a magical wave and descended down and noticed a big difference than the previous time eh was here.

    "Ice? Could she be...?" Harold saw Ice sculptures that well, seemed to show a mastery of the art, the walls were a bit frozen too, but tit was nothing an Incendio could fiz, so logn as she doesn't freeze important stuff, he came across the young Queen sitting at the table.

    "You really let it go in here, I have to thank Merlin it's easily remedied." Before Elsa gave a faint blush of red as he pulled a chair and sat down at it. "I've been invited to a party by fellow residents of this building, I would invite you but they'll be an officer of the law attending apparently so I can't promise you'll be safe, I could disguise you but there could be others like myself attending and may figure out the counter spell." He explained as Elsa listen and looked a bit downhearted, probably cause of recent events.

    "You seem worried, maybe for your sister, if you like, I can try and get in contact with her whenever I can and set up a magical connection between you both, on the grounds with your permission." Harold offered to Elsa, he knew a few magical objects would work.


    Kazu was interested at this party, it would be nice to attend and see who else there was, maybe fellow students of the school and nodded to join Akiza.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme
    I don't mind doing so.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop

    Harold stretched his arms after helping Lenne out and sawe Aerith set off in a fancy dress to her date, one of the girls mentioning a party. "A Party huh..." Harold thought and reminisced about what a party was, he never personally experienced one with different people, his own birthday party was all he experienced due to well, the secrecy of where the Flamels lived as to not be bombarded with guests or people who wanted to learn what the famous Alchemist had and the Stone, if he had to guess, it could be a good experience for him, Perenelle Flamel did say he should converse with others his age.

    "It wouldn't hurt to try I suppose?" Harold thought to himself, but should he considering he had Elsa in his trunk and she was safe from any outsiders, btu ti certainly wouldn't be fair on her, and she'd be easily recognized if out, not unless he used a Glamour Charm to hide her true appearance or something.


    Kazu raised an eyebrow at rare duel monsters cards, it probably wasn't anything too dangerous, last thing he needed was some psychopath trying to take over the world through the game, it did seem odd, the fate of the world decided by a Children's Card Game but he never really questioned that logic, though that Taco bell Dog or whatever breed it was, it was odd seeing it talk, then again, there was Scrooge McDuck and stranger things , it was all natural.


    Syaoran nodded and crossed his arms. "If he's lived for that long, shouldn't history records show about him?" He asked curiously~



    The youth walked with hands in his pockets down a hill of cheery blossoms and seen a girl, wearing the same uniform as him, she had brown hair with something of an antenna sticking up and she said one word that confused him, it was Anpan, or bread as it was called. little did he know, this one instant, this one moment in time, would be a life changer
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold exited his room, shutting the door and heard a multitude of footsteps ascending the stairs and looked over, seeing chaos with four other women. "Either this guy is a chick magnet or maybe oore residents of this house." Harold thought, he didn't get quite a good look at their faces or anything, but they seemed to wear a school uniform in different styles, probably to suit their appearances, he didn't know which school they went to as he descended the stairs and got a more clearer look, they all looked like nice women that any man would fall for, the gothic haired one, eh wasn't so sure but he wasn't going to tell her that, they yellow haired girl had unique swirls in her eyes.

    "A mutation maybe?" Harold contemplated in his thoughts, the woman while dark brown hair seemed to emit a aura of peacefulness, probably akin to Aerith downstairs, little did he know, her brain was eager for more knowledge from books and there was a unique girl with different coloured eyes, now that was surprising and he simply bowed lightly to acknowledge their presence and passed by them, returning to the store and catching Carter still in the store, with a bouquet of flowers and asking Aerith if she was available for a date.

    "An officer of the law asking for a date while on the job? Merlin, what's next? A ranting foul mouthed chef who is very open about food?" Harold thought and went to help lenne with the flowers, offering her assistance but he felt a shiver down his spine, for some reason, the chef commented didn't seem so far-fetched.


    Kazu took the offered Ice Cream from Ishizu and gave it an experimental lick, his taste buds tasted saltiness from it but it somehow tasted rather sweet, he couldn't quite describe it but it's like when you try seawater, it tastes really horrible and you want to spit it out, well this somehow managed to do the reverse, it was like something one could never expect as a ice cream flavour at all. "This is...really good!" kazu said after a few minutes, it was just so surprising.


    Syaoran had the Laisin Board as Sakura sat from across him and Kero flying. "So, I asked mom who this Roger Bacon is and it turns out, he's a magician who is and I can't believe I'm saying this, 700 years old, but he doesn't even look like it from what we saw, is that kind of magic even possible?" Syaoran asked in bewilderment and confusion.


    Shotaro nodded. "Yeah, youths should spend their time enjoying life as much as possible, just don't anything that'll get yourself in trouble." Shotaro pointed out to Hermione.


    Tidus was in his room, getting dresse,d eh heard a party was going to occur and he wanted in on it, let loose so to say.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
    I'll be busy with RP's and other things, like Minecraft for one.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. StardustXtreme
    Only reason why is due to Internet problems I had, so that's why sometimes I'm seen.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. StardustXtreme


    Harold exited the trunk and closed it shut properly, Elsa was going to be fine in there, as he explained previously and the air wasn't going to run out or anything, plus the police wouldn't eb abel to find her as they wouldn't guess this was a magical trunk, it can be deceiving with just one compartment, Harold admitted, he loved magic. "Of all the things they can do..." Harold gave a small chuckle at the memory of his first discovery of magic before Nicolas and his wife taught him everything they knew, funny how a Philosopher's' Stone, the stuff of legend lay pretty much in the least expectant place in the entire world, a Flower Shop, oh the irony.


    Kazu listened, he never heard of this flavour before at all, in fact, he didn't think he ever had ice cream once during the stay at Duel Academy, and a duck was managing it all with probably the cuddliest flying creature known to womankind, the rumoured Moogle, Kazu knew who this duck was, who didn't? "Scrooge McDuck, one of the most richest people in the world, I wouldn't be surprised if his vault was littered with gold." Kazu thought. Oh, if he only knew what Scrooge did in his spare time in that vault, actually swimming in it and ahvign a diving board too.


    Shotaro was curious. "Demonic presence aibou? An S-type perhaps?" Shotaro asked in concern, it wasn't a Dopant to say the least.


    Yuri saw ALice as she was hugged and embraced. "How could you get lost that easily?" Yuri asked in probably disbelief someone actually could get lost without realizing.


    Tsukasa sat outside on the school ground, fiddling with his camera, having a pass of exceptions as a man who can do anything was a helpful boon, if he actually wanted to, he could put in some effort and actually get a proper job for wlel, almost everything the world had to offer, but instead, he chose photography, the one thing he can't seem to do right.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme

    ~The Magical Trunk~

    Harold nodded as Elsa was still amazed. "Don't worry about light or anything, it'll be switched on when the trunk's shut, it runs off on my Magical Core, it's just a small fraction." Harold said to her and stretched his arms out. "I'll be heading out, I don't know how long it'll be until that guy wants to warrant a search or someone enters my room or asks for me." Harold said and placed a hand on her shoulder. "If you ever need me for something, just touch that sphere nearby the door, it'll alert me though an magical object I'd have on hand, I'm not going to trap you in here or force you to stay, you're free to go whenever you want Elsa." Harold finished, looking at her.


    Kazu looked at ishizu, it wasn't everyday you see an Egyptian woman but he did admit, she had a great look and an aura of a certain... gentleness unplaced by anyone he seen at Duel Academy as she asked if Akiza wished to join her with him for a treat out into town, it sounded promising and he nodded. "Sure, I got nothing else planned for the day, I'll be more than happy to accompany you two." Kazu answered dpolitely.


    Vergil sat his desk, grading the student's paperwork, the bane of every teachers tenure, oh how he wished he could destroy these with Yamato but they always come back with more than the last time, Vergil had to admit, albeit, begrudgingly that paperwork was the one adversary he couldn't beat. "These are better used as toilet paper... I wonder how someone even puts up this bore... there are much more interesting things than grading some kid's work."

    Vergil leant back in his chair, he heard about the new cook Nintendo high recently hired and he had to respect the foul mouthed Gordon Ramsay for being so upfront about how food should be done and not afraid of any backlash, it was no wonder he had so many restruant branches around the world and it was top quality. "I pity the poor fools who get on his angry list." Vergil put his hands together.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme

    ~Harold's Room~

    Harold nodded to Elsa and took her gloved hand and lead her down into the staircase as he lightened up the tip of his wand down a passageway, Elsa still in surprise. "Magic can do this too, it's just an expansion charm that won't dispel and well, among other things." They soon came to an archway and within was a surprise for Elsa, an actual living room complete with table, plates, chairs, anything one could imagine with an adjunct kitchen as well as two doors and he lead her though one, it had a bathroom complete with toilet, shower and tub and a sink with a mirror.

    "The water is done with an everlasting Agumenti Charm and just a tweak of temperature to get hot water, the toilet same thing, however the contents get vanished after the... business." Harold said carefully, not wanting to disgust Elsa and lead her back to the living room. "Food, there's quite a few bits leftover two days ago so they are still in date, fridge and freezer same things, and now for the last thing." Harold lead her through the next door, showing a single bed with a desk and a bookcase with well, different kinds of magical books. "And this is where'll you'll be staying, I usually sleep here whenever I cannot find a room or an inn that's completely booked, don't worry about air though, there's a magical enchantment in the rooms here to create air and of course light in here, nothing will ever move out of place due to a sticking charm so if I carry my suitcase on it's side, nothing will occur and even if I shrink it down, the room remains the same size, no shaking movements will occur either so don't worry about that."

    Harold looked to Elsa who had the most shocked expression eh seen her have thus far, she never even conceived the thought that magic could do all of this and she was standing in the middle of it all, it seemed impossible to have living quarters within your trunk at all yet here it was.


    Akiza apologized to the teacher and went with him down tot he second floor before she asked him if he was serious about what he said. "Every last bit of it Akiza, I keep my promises and never go back on them, I value the bonds I make with others." Kazu placed his hat back on his head. "I'm not afraid of what your power is, I know someone similar to you in the regard so it's nothing special, but I will stay by you and support you whenever you need me to." Kazu sated, looking at her
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme


    Kazu stared at Akiza, if she was threatening to jump off seriously that'll be something on his conscience, the girl was terrified and who knows what she could do in that state of mind, she could climb the fence and then well... he'd rather not think about it. "Why should I stay away when a friend of mine is in distress?" Kazu said to her, he needed to keep her distracted and talking. "Just because you have those powers, doesn't mean I should stop being friends with you, I had my fair share of crazy adventures at Duel Academy like you wouldn't believe." Kaazu took a cautionary step forward.

    "Tell me to stay away and I'll just do the opposite, I'm not so cowardly as to leave someone behind just because they happened to have a special power, I seen someone like you summon Monsters before, I saw other dimensions where Duel Monsters are live, so I'm not scared at all,!" Kazu bolted to Akiza, his hat coming off to reveal his wavy brown hair as he embraced the girl close, she did try fighting against him.

    "I believe that power of yours can do good and help others, and if you should ever feel frightened or unsure about what to do, I'll always be there for you, all I ask from you is to believe and trust in me." Kazu said quietly into her ear.

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold watched Aerith behave like a mother does to a child, telling Adam to behave and wait until dinner and the two left him alone, the door shut and descended the stairs before seeing Lenne and chaos talk with a young adult male, catching the words of 'if you be lyin' to me, I will kick someone's ass, with or without powers, ya hear' and Harold found that rude and he folded his arms, he didn't know if Lenne or chaos could speak up but he spoke.

    "Queen Elsa? Yeah, I heard she's missing from an Officer Jenny, I would of thought she would of relayed which buildings she inquired." Harold said calmly, then again he couldn't' expect Officer Jenny to remember every building and this guy seemed different. "We know just about as much as the latest gossip Officer, I doubt Queen Elsa could of gone far in Tokyo, considering the size of this city." Harold
    said thoughtfully, if only the man knew she was right above his nose, but he doubted Elsa wanted to be seen.

    Going to have to use some magic in case the cops decide to search the house just in case. Harold sweatdropped a little from this officer entering Adam’s room and seeing him, either he’d run scared or question to Aerith why something like that is living in this place.

    “But I’m speaking out of turn, forgive me, I’ll leave this to the landlord, Aeirth, I’ll be heading back to my room to finish unpacking, please knock when dinner is ready.” Harold said with a smile to her and went back to his room, knocking a certain manner for Elsa to know he was coming in and he stepped in, seeing her still sat on his bed, out of sight from the window as he put up silencing charms around the room so others won't hear what was being said.

    “We might have a problem, there’s another officer here and I doubt this one will go like the previous one, I have a feeling he’ll ask the landlord to search the rooms so, before he comes here…” Harold brought out a wand of what seemed to be Elsa, to be wood and she looked puzzled.

    “It’s a wand of Dragon Heartstring with Ash, 7inches, all Witches or Wizards have a wand, it better amplifies our magic through a conduit, I can do most things wandlessly but this requires one.” He tapped his trunk twice as it unlocked and opened and it was much like Alastor Moody’s except it was smaller and had seven different compartments; much like a chest of drawers and one compartment was open, revealing strangely, a staircase descending down to an archway.

    “Would you like to join me?” Harold asked her


    Ankh watched as Kazari take the female, he had no doubt the backstabbing feline would make good on his offer. “Be ready for a Yummy at any time Eiji.” Ankh said to him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme

    ~Beast's Room~

    Harold looked upon the Beast and thought. "A failed Animagus transformation? No... can't be that or Transfiguration either or Polyjuice for that matter... It's magic but not one I'm familiar with, It doesn't feel like a Dark incantation though..." Harold thought, it seemed like they didn't know anything about magic except for maybe Adam as Aerith calls him as he was the receiver of it as Harold folded his arms. "That seems placed upon you, it has to be done by witch or wizard in that regard." Harold answered bluntly earning a stare of surprise from Beast and possibly Aerith.

    "At least that's I would guess, but I'm not sure, I don't know anything about magic curses though since I'm no expert in them." Harold said, he wanted to keep his identity as a wizard a secret for as long as he could, except for Elsa since she was a different case when being frightened of her powers, Beast here seemed resigned to it.


    Ankh stared at the bandages then to Kimberly and looked to Eiji. "You expect me to do something about it? Fine just so long you stop persisting." Ankh said before changing his ahd to the gauntlet and punched Kimberly through the stomach causing Cell Medals to come out from her abdomen as he felt around inside before finding the thing he wanted and pulled out hard, bringing out a small baby-like Yummy as the hole caused by the Cell Medals disappeared, leaving Kimberly somewhat unscathed. "This thing won't give much Cell Medals, I would of wanted it to grow more first so there's more to gather if I haven't made that stupid promise with you Eiji." Ankh tossed the baby Yummy behind him and gathered a ball fof ir ein his hand and shot it, causing the Yummy to explode in maybe a few Cell Medals.

    "I expect a payment in plenty of Ice Cream for this Eiji." Ankh stated.

    ~Rooftop of the School~

    Kazu finally found Akiza and slowly approached her as she turned around, afraid.


    Haruto returned to Kooyomi and smiled, as the others had returned from the Command Centre.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 31, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme

    ~Command Centre~

    Marevlous smirked with folded arms. "Of course we will defeat these guys, that's why you called us here in the first place." Marvelous stated bluntly as Tsukasa puts his hands in his pockets. "Goldar,, Rita and Zedd, I met them before." He said and everyone was on him, eyes or whatever Alpha used to see him and Tsukasa leant casually against a panel. "They wanted me to join them, but I refused and beat them down, I prefer not having a nagging pair of old people telling me what to do, but fi you're telling us to defeat them, I get the gist of it." Tsuaksa said calmly.

    Ankh gave an annoyed tch. "Tell us what warranted such a meet-up baldy, I got more important things to do than waste time listening to your ramblings." Ankh hotly said.

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold helped the girls out in the store, not being afraid to get his hands dirty or anything, and he had a knack for gardening and adding in frsh soil and he washed his hands, as he came across a closed door and touched it, ti wa sthe beast's. "There's some kind of magic behind this door, but what could it be?" Harold thought as he was puzzled, it was Elsa's by any means, plus she was in his room, the magic here felt a bit more... oppressive somehow, did Aerith or the other residents know they had something like this in their own house?

    "Can't be a House Elf, surely not? Their magic differs from Witches or Wizards." Harold thought, it felt like it was similar to a human's until footsteps were heard and he turned his head, Seeign Aerith with hand son her hips, looking at him, she didn't have Elsa with her so he wasn't caught on that, plus he doubted she'd enter his room to respect privacy so Elsa would be safe on that front.

    "What's behind here?" Harold asked her straight out, eh wasn't going to beat around the bush and went for the direct approach, if the magic behind this door was something Dark, he couldn't promise anyone's safety.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro sighed, he hoped Alice had a case but she didn't. "If you want, you are welcome to stay until my landlord returns. I can't say when though, you're welcome to coffee or tea." Shotaro offered to her.


    Kazu raised an eyebrow at Draco's attempts of chatting up a girl, it was somewhat hialrous to see him try but points for trying, until eh removed his big hairclip that seemed more like one of thse workout weights but pointed, it was an old thing to wear and her bang fell and she accidently summoned a real monster, this surprised him. "Does she have the power to summon Duel Monsters cards like Jaden?"

    Akiza ran almost immediately in reaction and ran like the wind, twilight Rose Knight disappearing mere moments after, scaring the boy who caused it and to go pale white and Kazu had finished his lunch and took the hairclip out of he trembling boys hand. “You might want to go to the bathroom.” Kazu said and left, putting the empty tray on a pile above a bin much like fast food restaurants and went off to find the troubled girl, but where she was, he didn’t know and just went for the school rooftop, someone will be most likely where someone would go to be alone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home