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  1. StardustXtreme

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro was about top opne the door when it was opened for him, not by his partner but by an officer, Jenny in that case as she asked for their assistance, it wasn't certainly a first and Shotaro put his hat on. "I'm surprised you haven't located her, but with the recent events, I'm not surprised, I'll be more than happy to help Officer, after all, Tokyo's my back garden, there's nothing I don't know about it." Shotaro said and looked to her. "How about a small favour in exchange? Our landlord went missing and we're concerned, could I ask you to maybe track where her location might be, my partner Phillip will give you the details." and with a small tilt of his hat, Shotaro left on his motorcycle to locate a information broker he knew all to well.


    Vergil spoke clearly. "Dante, if you want to goof off and fall into debt because you asked for a date, need I remind you the etiquette our mother drilled into our heads?" Vergil put his hands on the pommel of Yamato. "Number one, get to know the woman in question, number two, take her to places she might like, not a fast-food restaurant where Pizza is the answer and number three, just because she is an attractive lady, doesn't mean she'd be available if she has someone else." Vergil gave a sigh. "This is why you simply had to move back into the hosue because your business hasn't exactly got well has it? How many times has it been since Demons smashed that place to rubble? More than I'm sure you can count."

    Vergil remained calm and collected while he embarrassed Dante. "Miss Tyler, I apologize in advance if my idiot brother offends you vocally or by his own actions, the more capable teachers we have in this establishment the better, and I shall not doubt your word about your chosen field until I'm proven otherwise, now if you'll excuse me, I have a class of children to attend to and see how far along they got with the book I assigned them and see how long it takes before the parental complaints reaches our dear Headmaster." Vergil make a swish of his his coat and walked out the office.

    Harold finished his breakfast and said he’ll head out and get a feel for Tokyo so he’d know his surroundings to which he was offered to be accompanied. “No need to, I can manage myself.” He said rather politely and went back to his room and entered the trunk to speak with Elsa.

    “Here’s some parchment, it’s charmed to another piece of paper I have so when you write in that that, it sinks in and appears on the other page, I’ll see if I can locate your sister today and give her the other piece then that way, you have a form of communication.” Harold said to her, showing her how it worked.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Being busy, trying to platinum 2.5 BBS
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 5, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  3. StardustXtreme

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro looked up from his typewriter. "I thought girls her age do that, but four days is a long time, even for a kid." Shotaro said and leaned back in his chair. "Phillip, let's find her." Shotaro sated and got out of his chair, grabbing his hat and placing it on his head. "I'll see if the police caught her on any camera's, if not, we'll check around the last place she was at and use what we have to try and track her down, could ask to see if the other Riders would be willing to help or the Rangers, we'd cover more ground that way, contact Zordon and see whose available, I'll use Bat and Stag Memories to try and scour the city." Shotaro said, heading out.


    Masaru held a small map with directions and came across Nintendo High. "This seems to be the place, now, to find the headmaster and see where I'm at." Masaru said before heaving his backpack and walking into the premises.


    Vanille was attending to the flowers as before humming as she recalled a few days before, Fang's strange transformation and her stuttering when she was caught out of it, all vanilla said was. "Really now Fang? I know there's superheroes who wear spandex but you wearing that? It's too....not-like you." Vanille did tease her long-time friend as she tried to explain.


    Vergil grimaced at the prospect of today, more teaching buffoons as the door opened and a woman named Rose Tyler introduced herself as a new teacher and he gave her once look over. "Just be sure to teach them like you mean it Miss Tyler, they'll evaluate you and see if you are worth their attention." Vergil looked to his desk of papers that were parental complaints of his class, Demonology and the book he assigned his pupils, considering the background of it and it could give them nightmares. "And this is why no-one appreciates foreknowledge can be a asset, I should of just taken P.E and train them into the ground." Vergil thought and started on his papers, not of apology but rather put the useless ones in the bin.

    "Next year I'm going to disappear and fight Demons again in the Bloody Palace, this teaching will rust my skills without any mercy." Vergil thought at the bane of all Teachers, blasted paperwork, cut them down and more appear, a waste of time in his opinion.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    While it's true two cards can summon said Xyz Monster and you can use Ticket to replenish your hand, Manga Exclusive Cards aren't limited but also, here's an example.

    Say you Summon Utopia, then discard a Rank-Up magic card to change Utopia into Number 99: Utopic Dragon then play Ticket, it'd allow you draw ten cards and sicne Ticket isn't Limited or anything, nothing can stop you from using the same card again.

    Other cards dedicated to drawing viz Xyz Monsters are

    Xyz Reborn Plus (Manga Normal Trap)
    Special Summon 1 Xyz Monster from your Graveyard, and if you do, attach this card to it as an Xyz Material. While this card is attached as an Xyz Material: You can detach this card; draw 2 cards.

    Xyz Treasure (Anime Normal Spell)
    Draw 1 card for each face-up Xyz Monster on the field

    Rank-Up Advantage (Anime Continuous Spell)
    When an Xyz Monster is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Rank-Up-Magic" Spell Card: You can draw 1 card. Negate the effects of an opponent's monster that is targeted for an attack by an Xyz Monster Special Summoned by the effect of a "Rank-Up-Magic" Spell Card

    Xyz Meteor (Anime Normal Trap)
    Target 1 face-up Xyz Monster you control; this turn, if it attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. If you do: You can draw 1 card.

    Xyz Strike (Anime Counter Trap)
    During either player's Battle Step, if a face-up Xyz Monster you control battles a face-up Xyz Monster your opponent controls, when an opponent's Trap Card is activated: Negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it, then draw 1 card and reveal it. If that card is a monster, switch the ATK of the battling monsters until the end of the Battle Phase, then your opponent's battling monster's ATK becomes 0. If not, double any battle damage you take from that battle. Then, send the drawn card to the Graveyard.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  5. StardustXtreme
    You might want to recheck that

    LP: 8000 for Yusei and Yuma, 16000 for Supreme King
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: Yes
    Manga Exclusives: No
    Video Game Exclusives: Yes
    God Cards: No
    Illegal Cards: No
    Player Rotation: Haou, Yuma, Haou, Yusei, and repeat
    Number of Cards per Deck: 80
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Old School Rules as Haou gets ten cards to draw at the start while Yuma and Yusei share LP, Graveyard and Field, response time will be the same as a ordinary Duel the Arena Rules are and let's try and actually have the Duel be an anime one, not ending within the first few turns.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  6. StardustXtreme
    LP: 8000 for Yusei and Yuma, 16000 for Supreme King
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: Yes
    Manga Exclusives: No
    Video Game Exclusives: Yes
    God Cards: No
    Illegal Cards: No
    Player Rotation: Haou, Yuma, Haou, Yusei, and repeat
    Number of Cards per Deck: 80
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Old School Rules as Haou gets ten cards to draw at the start while Yuma and Yusei share LP, Graveyard and Field, response time will be the same as a ordinary Duel the Arena Rules are and let's try and actually have the Duel be an anime one, not ending within the first few turns.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. StardustXtreme
    Well how about we go for two-on-one for now and see where that gets us, if a third player does wish to join they can join in like how Battle Royale does

    LP: 8000 for Yusei and Yuma, 16000 for Supreme King
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: Yes
    Manga Exclusives: Yes
    Video Game Exclusives: Yes
    God Cards: No
    Illegal Cards: No
    Player Rotation: Haou, Yuma, Haou, Yusei, and repeat
    Number of Cards per Deck: 80
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Haou gets ten cards to draw at the start while Yuma and Yusei share LP, Graveyard and Field, any newcomers who join in the Duel initiates Battle Royale Rules and can choose to work together to take down Haou, if a newcomer does come, when Haou would end his turn, that newcomer takes the next turn. (Going by Arc-V Battle Royale Rules)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  8. StardustXtreme
    As you wish, just thought it would be awesome if Supreme king being so much of a badass he can take on three protagonists at once, much like Paradox tried to and technically would of won even if Yusei did use Stardust's Effect to negate malefic Truth Dragon as it would of returned to Paradox's side unless Magic Gate of Miracles had the effect of when said Monster is taken, it makes the revival effect be on their side of the field than Paradox's
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  9. StardustXtreme
    Here's a challenge I purpose to the Supreme King

    LP: 8000
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: Yes
    Manga Exclusives: Yes
    Video Game Exclusives: Yes
    God Cards: No
    Illegal Cards: No
    Player Rotation: Similar to Paradox Duel in BBT, except it's Haou, Yuma, Haou, Yusei, Haou, Jaden and repeat
    Number of Cards per Deck: 80
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Yuma, Yusei and Jaden share LP, Field and Graveyard.

    Sound like a challenge, your Highness?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  10. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold let out a yawn as he stirred awake form his bed with bed hair and flattened it with some water from the sink in the room and washing his face, last night was certainly one to remember, he managed to walk back the girls he went with back home to which they stated they thoroughly enjoyed their night, he checked up on Elsa before going to bed to ensure she was okay and said he'll figure out a way for her to communicate with her sister, he had a vague idea by using enchanted paper in which one writes a message and it sinks into to and shows up on another's paper, thus forming a two-way communication line, it wasn't that hard to do.

    Harold yawned and got dressed in his usual attire, using magic to get the creases and wrinkles out and descended downstairs to get something to eat, Aerith had returned the house before they did and answered she enjoyed yesterday as Harold went for toast as breakfast.

    "How I get in contact with Elsa's sister, that'll be a challenge in itself." Harold thought, he didn't have a familiar or an Owl or a House Elf, he supposed he could use some Floo Powder and go to Diagon Alley but that was such a long trip as it was in Britain and he was in Japan, posting a letter wouldn't do much as he imagined most mail gets redirected or destroyed.

    Taking a bite into his toast, he was in thought, he wasn't going to break into a building, only other choice would be to wait out for her sister to be out in the open and sneak the letter alongside her or something.

    "Not exactly-" Harold paused as he saw the other girls, some in pajyamas, others in school uniforms, it was a combination of cuteness he admitted that. "Oh that's right, there is a High School around these parts." Harold registered in his mind.

    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    Albert sat nearby a window with a pot of tea and some toast and sipped it, watching as a new day dawned upon Tokyo before he heard his door open and soon finished his breakfast, wondering as to what he could do for the day, he took his cane and exited his room, Rassilon had no objectives for him, the old warlock knew this would be the case as he had his ideas that could benefit the Order, plus Rassilon did need someone more younger and fitter for undertaking long missions and noted Elise heading for the Dungeon.

    "Never thought I'd see the day a young woman enters that place on her own, the world is certainly full of surprises." Albert muttered, he knew who the resident within the Dungeon was and it seemed young Elise was his interrogator, while he did not doubt the woman's abilities, it was odd to do it first thing in the morning and so he quietly followed and leant his back behind an archway, out of sight and out of the torches light.

    ~Kazu's Dorm~

    Kazu had his breakfast and regular wash as he got dressed back into his usual attire with cap included, the night was a good one and Akiza said she enjoyed herself when he walked her back to her room, as well as asking him if she could see him tomorrow to which he agreed upon.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    ~Gaston's House~

    Kazu noted people were leaving and took this as a sign as the party was over and he looked to Akiza- "Seems like it's all over Akiza, shall we head back?" Kazu suggested to her with a smile as Harold noticed this as well with the crowd thinning out and looked at a clock, it was late at night or rather coming up to midnight, they proabbaly spent maybe two-to-three hours here and he looked to the girls that he went with, Yuna, Rikku and Belle, Belle had refused to dance, opting for more of an observer and declining any invitations.

    "Looks like we should head back to the house, it's getting late and I'm sure Aerith will wonder where we are at this time." Harold soundly made his point.

    ~Crystal Order~

    Albert walked along one of many hallways, humming to himself, the place was like a maze unless you knew where to go, talk about expansive and he saw another young upstart, Elise, she was quite an unique woman, and he chuckled to himself. "Ah, if only I were younger, I might of had a chance." Albert thought humorously, he admitted he was becoming old as she was walking by.

    "A pleasant evening, wouldn't you agree Miss de la Serre?" Albert asked the young woman.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    [My list updated, edit first page when you get a chance Kenneth

    In Use:

    Tsukasa Kadoya [Kamen Rider Decade]
    Shotaro Hidari [Kamen Rider W]
    Haruto Souma [Kamen Rider Wizard}
    Yu Narukami [Persona 4 Golden]
    Captain Marvelous [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    Yuri Hyuga [Shadow Hearts Covenant]
    Roger Bacon/Albert Simon [Shadow Hearts Covenant}
    Tidus [FInal Fantasy X/Dissidia 012]
    Igor [Persona]
    Syaoran Li [Cardcaptors]
    Oerba Dia Vanille [FInal Fantasy XIII]
    Ankh [Kamen Rider OOO]
    Bartz Klauser [Final Fantasy V}
    Kazu Tokura [Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force OC]
    Harold Flamel [Harry Potter OC]
    MarvelousAQL [Hyperdimension Neptunia]
    Aoi/CPU Blue Heart [Hyperdimension Neptunia OC]
    Vergil [Devil May Cry 3]
    Yuuki Konno [Sword Art Online II]
    Masaru Kurogasa [OC/Kamen Rider Gaim]
    DJ Sagara [Kamen Rider Gaim]

    Kirito [Sword Art Online]
    Ichigo Kurosaki [Bleach]
    Guan Yinping [Dynasty Warriors]
    Wang Yuanji [Dynasty Warriors]
    Inuyasha [InuYasha/The Final Act]
    Keima Katsuragi [The World God Only Knows]
    Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider DIEnd (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Oliver [Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch]
    Tomoya Okazaki [Clannad/Clannad: After Story]
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 29, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
    Interesting a new method beyond Fusion or Synchro Summoning.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. StardustXtreme
    Or rather if they did, they'll add the text you can only only activate 'Pot of Greed' once per turn as so to stop people getting many Pots.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. StardustXtreme
    Well seems like first generation of Yu-Gi-Oh is getting a revitalize

    Dark Burning Magic
    If you control a "Dark Magician Girl" monster: Destroy all face-up monsters your opponent controls.

    Ring of Peace
    To activate this card, you must draw it for your normal draw in your Draw Phase while your opponent controls 3 or more monsters and you control no cards, reveal it, and keep it revealed until the start of Main Phase 1. At the start of your Main Phase 1 that same turn, you can: Add 1 card from your Deck to your hand.

    Dark Burning Attack
    If you control monsters whose original names are "Dark Magician" and "Dark Magician Girl": Destroy all cards your opponent controls.

    Eternal Soul
    You can activate 1 of these effects. You can only use this effect of "Eternal Soul" once per turn.
    Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand or Graveyard.
    ● Add 1 "Dark Magic Attack" or "Thousand Knives" from your Deck to your hand.
    All "Dark Magicians" in your Monster Zone are unaffected by your opponent's card effects. If this face-up card leaves the field: Destroy all monsters you control.

    Oh and.... hell yeah!

    Ultimaya Tzolk'in
    (This card is always treated as a Level 12 monster.)
    Cannot be Synchro Summoned. Must be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by sending 1 Level 5 or higher Tuner monster and 1 Level 5 or higher non-Tuner monster you control with the same Level to the Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, when a Spell/Trap Card(s) is Set on your side of the field: You can Special Summon 1 "Power Tool" Synchro Monster or 1 Level 7 or 8 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. While you control another Synchro Monster, this card cannot be targeted with effects or for attacks.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. StardustXtreme
    Excuse me but the club I go to just recently updated it and plus I had other things to do
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. StardustXtreme
    Well new banlist came up and it's no surprise that Super Polyimerzation got hit by it, considering the Shaddolls.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. StardustXtreme
    I believe this is pertaining the fact I use Utopia most times in Duelling Network, I'm just gonna try and figure out a combo with the new Yusei additions that Synchron Extreme given us, such as Stardust/Jet Warriors with Starlight Junktion, Scrap Fist, Limtover Drive, Scrap-Iron Statue and of course the Synchro Tuner, Accel Synchron, I shall also call Scrap First being Limited due to it's effect.

    Target 1 "Junk Warrior" you control; this turn, if it battles an opponent's monster, apply these effects.
    ● Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step.
    ● If it attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.
    ● Double any battle damage your opponent takes from battles involving it.
    ● It cannot be destroyed by battle.
    Destroy that opponent's monster at the end of the Damage Step.

    Since I can most likely perform a OTK with Junk Warrior gaining the Calculator effects and any other boosting card, considering with me being able to get Junk Warrior past 20,000 ATK once, with the card being limited, I'd be forced to recover it from the Graveyard through a Trap or Spell instead of holding three copies of it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. StardustXtreme

    ~Gaston's Party~

    Harold listened to Yuna's apology "It's quite alright Yuna, it's an open party so there could of been a chance you meeting someone you know." Harold reassured her a she danced with the young woman and Tidus was slow to catch on the dance moves, occasionally stepping on Rikku's feet as he wasn't a good dancer as Kazu did the same, but faring much better with Akiza, all thanks to the rhythm of the dance.

    ~Female Dorm Room~

    A young black haired woman laid upon her bed asleep, snoozing away peacefully, this was Yuuki Konno, one of the more popular girls within the school grounds, especially with how she carries herself, but she carried a secret, she was once a terminally ill patient of hospital had it not been for Japan's technological advancements thanks to Lex Luthor in which she was able to live, but now with Luthor passed away, the only achievement Luthor did for a person out of a rare act of kindness remained with her.

    ~Masaru's House, his bedroom~

    Masaru placed the Strange Belt on him and it wrapped around his waist with the Indiactor changing form blank to a picture of a armoured warrior. "W-what...?" Masaru was confused and felt an indent, it seemed something was supposed to go there and he looked at the back of the strange item based on a Orange and presse dthe side switch. "Orange!" which surprised him and he put it in the indent before pressing down Lock as it spoke. "Lock On~!" and from above a crack appear as an orange descended from some ther dimension with the noise of the Driver and he was surprised.

    "E-E--Eh?!" Masaru said before removing the Lockseed and the strange armour disappeared and he removed the belt immediately to replace them on the desk. "What is... this?"
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    Wow, no update pertaining to Caliber and Mother's Roasrio Arcs.

    Caliber arc was rather good, especially the Sinon tail pulling, but I think it's a definite agreement that Mother's Rosario arc is gonna be the probably best arc so far and the circumstances surrounding the guild, the Sleeping Knights and of course, Yuuki Konno, showing that even someone terminally ill can still bring life to everyone, considering what she has been through.

    Kirito proves he can be a perceptive person, as evidenced by telling Yuuki was in Full-Dive for a year longer than him and even admits Yuuki would beat him, of course he never tried using Dual Blades against her as well putting him in a Floor Raid Group's way to let them take the boss, I admit, his reflexes seem to be almost too perfect, being able to accurately predict where a projectile is likely to connect, but I have to keep in mind he had been fighting for his life for two years constantly on the front lines of SAO as a lone person for most of the time.

    My guess is right now, Sword Art Online II will end on the Mother's Rosario Arc as they are close to the original number of episodes in the first season, since the Alicization Arc is after it and that arc hasn't finished in the Manga.

    I suspect Mother's Rosario will be a close second to an emotional arc with Clannad still taking first place in my list honestly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga