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  1. StardustXtreme

    ~Matt's Residence~

    Harold took the name of the district. "Hell's Kitchen? Sounds more like a television show for some perfection cook." Harold commented in his thoughts but didn't voice them as they entered as Foggy set about covering up the windows, Harold assumed this always occurred to avoid something that distracted Matt, the man offered him alcohol and Harold was wondering if he even knew his age, then again, he was old enough, as in the Wizarding World, they come of age at 16 and he was 18, leaning towards 19, only reason he was older than Harry was due to a small sped up growth rate, but he wasn't a child trapped in an adult body, he aged normally now since that was fixed.

    "Then you do not know the wonders of Firewhiskey." Harold commented after Matt pointed the bathroom and TV, Harold suspected Matt usually walked to cafes to get his breakfast or something, though, he wasn't going to ask that question. "Okay then, I'll be in your care until this is all over." Harold said and went to the bedroom to check it out, it was a standard bedroom with nothing to say it represented the person who'd sleep in it and he dug his hand into his pocket and brought out a miniature chest before tapping it with his wand, the chest becoming a trunk, for Foggy however, he was surprised from the sudden expansion and Harold chuckled a bit a she got up from his crouching position, he figured he might as well watch some television and see what there was on in the past few hours, he likely suspected the News Channels would try to get any information they can grab of him and try and put him into a bad light.

    "Well, the press can't go breaking and entering this building." Harold figured out, perhaps he could use the TV to find something of use, perhaps learn something new. "So, Foggy, any recommendations?" Harold asked the small Pokémon, he was new to the TV as back home, there was no such thing, Nicholas cited it as something to distract the brain.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme


    Harold listened to Matt's explanation. "Really? Huh, Guess Elsa will have to make it up to Anna, but Hans of Norway? I don't think I even heard of him." Harold thought, then again he didn't know much of the outside world's countries, except Japan's, home to well, the birth or almost everything imaginable, he could feel Matt's thoughts had turned to the payments. "He's like a human Goblin, time is money after all." Harold thought as that was one of the Goblin nation's most treasured sayings, especially considering they weren't in any Goblin Wars anymore so that had to pass the time somehow.

    Harold looked as Jenny said he was out on bail, however, eh had to still attend the trial on Friday and he had no doubt there would be the press and so on, but also he imagined Elsa had to attend too and possibly the residents of the Flower Shop to see if he lied or anything as Matt asked him if he had any place to stay the night and Harold gave it a thought. "Well, I can't exactly go back to where I stayed before, If you are offering, I'll take it since it'll give you more time to set up my defence if I'm around and you can consider it additional payment to your work." Harold offered to Matt.

    "After all, Time is Money for someone of your expertise in being a lawyer, no?" Harold asked him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme


    Harold pinched the bridge of his nose as matt explain the situation and he wanted to facepalm the circumstances. "Sweet Merlin, now that shows there's more than what Nichloas thought, the terms fo Conduit and whatever other titles are something new to my family as have been secluded for practically most of of my family's life, myself only about a mere silver compared to how long they done this." Harold answered and looked to Matt.

    "I recall Elsa saying something about some Duke of Weaseltown or something, wherever that place is called who made her go on this run or it was from an argument between her and her sister, whichever came first, she was a bit on the distressed side of that conversation." Harold noted and Matt asking how the isolated area came to be.

    "I do not know if you are familiar with how we can utilize our magic, we can create an expanded space within something small, like for example, I could just expand your briefcase to hold more papers than it could originally contain within it's specifications, or another example will be while camping ina tent, you can only get maybe three people inside normally but with expansion charms and so, you could practically fit something similar to a bungalow's quarters in there and the outside will always remain as a normal 3 person sized tent." Harold explained and he did get an eyebrow raising from that explanation.

    "Elsa's place of isolation to control her abilities was my own trunk, it's been warded with perhaps the best runes and wards that magicals can accomplish, this was ro protect contents of my belongings in case someone to steal anything valuable, it's almost like a fortress as well with it's protections because of a family heirloom is stored within that anyone be it good or evil, will want to own. the runes within acted a s sort of... how do I put it? A magically controlled environment that would redirect Magic to something harmless and absorb it, I simply lead Elsa to this space and helped her control her emotions to the point where she wouldn't accidentally cast a stray spell, though it seems she cannot disperse the magic she creates yet, I believe her Conduit abilities as you say, ties to her emotional state a sI can attest that while I was in a temper in my younger days, my magic made glass bottles explode without being near them, flickering lights, that sort of thing." Harold explained.

    "And I agree we can work together, if you require payment for this, I'll be more than happy to get it at the end of the Trial, after all, as my associates say in Gringotts, Time is Money as well as Coin speaks louder than words in some cases." Harold finished.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme


    Harold gave a sigh and leant back in the chair, he was glad for Occlulency allowed him to remember things more clearly, a nice perk and after a few seconds to gather up his thoughts. "I had just recently arrived in Japan because well, of circumstances pertaining to the family, I found Queen Elsa unconscious after moving into Aerith's flower shop and waited for her to stir awake, giving her food and drink." Harold placed his hands on the table.

    "At this point in time, I did not know of her being royalty or any notion of it, she was a frightened young woman who feared her power so I figured she was a witch as cases of accidental magic aren't exactly pretty despite the world openly accepting it, she asked for sanctuary, I given her that as she stated she never knew how to control it, she did make a snowman come to life by mistake, possibly when her magic wasn't developed enough to be a threat." Harold took a moment to let the information sink in.

    "I granted her a place to stay with special runes and did my bets to teach her how to control it, not by the way her parents did for her, all she gotten was premonition from some stone trolls about how her power can cause great fear and her family separated her and her sister and her magic was making her room freeze, scared to touch her parent sin case she freezes them, just stuck with the mantra of concealing her hands with her gloves and that she shouldn't feel anything." Harold said and rubbed his forehead a bit.

    "I don't know if her parents were contacted by our Ministry of Magic, but it seemed they had little to no knowledge about how to deal with a young girl, but I'm getting off-track here, I shown her what I am and she was fascinated by it, a clear indication she hasn't seen any other magical beings like herself, keep in mind, I did not know she was royalty and nor did she tell me, I did have a small inkling when she wanted a way to contact her sister, Anna while she was on solitude, so I provided the means through a enchanted parchment, the big reveal was during the attempted communication from Yen SId and Officer Jenny, which I'll give Yen Sid credit for bypassing my protections." Harold explained and took a look briefly at the glass, knowing Officer Jenny and whoever else was there watching.

    "I did not hold Elsa against her will, she had pretty much all the freedom she could have and I planned a trip to Diagon Alley to show Elsa there was a Magical side of Japan, btu that was cut short and here I am." Harold turned to look at the man.

    "So let me ask this, not just to you but our onlookers, how familiar are you with accidental magic? It can range from something harmless like water, to inflating someone like a balloon or even a worst-case scenario... death, I was met with a young woman who could create snow and ice and accidently hit her own sister with it and all that was done was remove her sister's memories of magic and told of what her power could bring and her parents lock up the castle and isolate Elsa, so as fellow magical with more sense than anyone, I chosen to help her understand, if I did not, Tokyo may of experienced a snowstorm or something worse." Harold finished and gave a sigh of breath.

    "Sorry about that small rant, my father, Nicholas and mother Perendelle Flamel taught me the wonders but also dangers of magic and what should happen in such circumstances, the Ministiry of Magic should of sent a letter or an person with magical experience to explain the situation, not get information from a small Stone Troll who was vague and didn't exactly help much while her family isolates the castle and makes things gradually worser." Harold said with a deep breath.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme

    ~Police HQ Interrogation Room~

    Harold looked upon the man a she introduced himself and his...small creature, he believed this was a Pokémon, one of over 700 different ones, it was certainly a big number for a species but also the fact that many more were out there, families, colonies and so on, it could possibly border on how many humans populated the world, apparently from Nicolas, he said the two civilizations have been in harmony for quite a long period of his life, well for around 665 years of it and Harold stood up taking Matthew's hand shaking it, he glanced at a bit, the man was blind if he used a cane, but he seemed to know where he was, Harold attributed this to focusing mainly on his other senses as it wa snever stated what the world looked like without sight, that you could probably see things others can't

    "A pleasure to meet you, if you insist I call you Matt, then please, call me Harold and not Mr. Flamel, It'll make me feel like I'm older than I should be." Harold said with a small joking tone, despite the situation and took his seat again. "I imagine you are my lawyer in this case? I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting someone like yourself, but since you taken up my case, I'll fully believe in your abilities despite your handicap." Harold laid his arms upon the table.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme


    Harold gave a sigh as he sat in the back of the police car and just absently looking out the window as he leant back into he seat, his face showing no real concern or worry, he knew he could just apparate whenever he wanted to, but he was following Elsa's request and took time to think. "Well, least they can't get into my trunk, that's going to stay shut tight, I wonder what the other girls I danced with at that party think of this situation?" Harold contemplated, as far he knows, he just might as well be a scapegoat for the system of justice as the police were never ones who want to admit they are wrong, especially if it's through the news.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme


    Harold resigned himself as they went to the Flower Shop as they entered the cops were at the ready as the conversation, he took a glance at the people around, especially Anna and gave a sigh."If it's any consolation, I'll give my memory of the entire meeting with a Pensive and will take Veritaserum if need be." Harold stated to Officer Jenny. "And I'm not sure if that should be a good idea Aerith, changing the outlook of those who believe me to be the culprit can be somewhat difficult, as far as they know, I'm just a kidnapper who potentially destroyed any relations for Arendelle and Japan, most likely, journalists or something will research what I've done and try to shed in a bad light, making your Flower Shop receive potentially less customers." Harold finished and looked to Officer Jenny.

    "Before I take any Veritaserum, I must request that whoever is interrogating me to make sure to never ask me about my family's work, I know some people would kill for that information, if there is any attempt, I am trusting your judgement here." Harold finished.


    Syaoran sat, watching the news with mild interest. "It's that guy with the exceptional magic, him, a kidnapper? he sure didn't look like one." Syaoran commented to Sakura.


    Shotaro was sipping some coffee as it was a hard boiled man's drink and listened to the radio about the recent Elsa kidnapping. "Flamel.... Flamel... why does that name sound familiar?" Shotaro questioned to himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme

    Harold gave a small laugh and gave Yen Sid a stare. "If that's what you believe, then you obviously don't know my history Yen Sid, immature, rash?" Harold gave a sceptical eye at him. "You try living a life knowing you are a clone of someone else and all you have is the kind elderly couple who refused to partake in the ambitions of one old man who merely wants to remain in the spotlight, my uncle taught me that magic should be discreet and hidden because of what it can do in the wrong hands, especially with a reputation like his, if magic's so widely accepted, then I have no qualms against that." Harold said and continued.

    "As for the authorities who you say I view as idiots, while I respect their work when they actually get it sorted, but wrongfully called a kidnapper just because I helped Elsa who had clearly requested help and a place to calm down as well as control her powers, I offered her refuge and magical help of controlling her power while no-one helped her during her childhood to control it, the Ministry of Magic would of sent someone to help her learn but you know what she was taught? To conceal her feelings, don't feel anything, locked in her room out of fear for harming her sister, Anna." Harold gave him a stare.

    "Only information they had? A Troll who vaguely shown Elsa what her magic could do to people after harming her sister accidentally, now I don't know about you or anyone else in the world, but for Merlin's sake, she was separated from her sister for thirteen years of their life which she'll never get back, so don't you dare tell me my ways are ancient, at least Elsa gets someone who isn't afraid of her magic and is magical like herself and as for enforcing my ways onto her, not once." Harold raised a finger. "Not once did I suggest to Elsa that she separate from her life as ruler nor as a sister, I do not enforce my ways Yen Sid, I am helping Elsa learn there is a magical world that experiences the same problems as her, I provided her and Princess Anna a means of communicating while she stayed with me, I'll give myself a magical Oath at the risk of losing my magic to let it be known." Harold said seriously, those who make a Magical Oath had the risk of losing their magic if what they said were a lie and he'd become a mere Squib.

    As Elsa gifted him the flower and said she'd wait outside the room, Harold and Yen Sid were alone. "Congratulations Yen Sid, you ruined what I hoped to give to Elsa a magical day out before returning her home, tell your Officer though by whatever means of communication you so have available, expect me to arrive at the Flower Shop so she along many others see the man who kidnapped Queen Elsa behind bars, now if you'll excuse me, I have to retrieve my Key and apologize to my landlord, oh while we're at it, pass a message to Albus Dumbledore, ask him how his so called 'Greater Good' plan is coming along since his guinea pig is under arrest." Harold finished and left.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    Harold turned his head as Yen Sid approached and Harold rubbed her nose with his index and thumb. "Sweet Merlin, can't get a break can I?" Harold thought as Yen Sid asked for a moment of his time. "I don't see why not, it's not like I have anything to hide really." Harold said with a sigh. "I'll ask Senior Razorclaw for a private meeting room so we aren't disturbed, after which, I plan on meeting Director Ragnok." Harold said casually, getting an surprised expression from Yen Sid, no-one meets the Director of Gringotts unless it's a very valued patron of Gringotts and he has permission to meet said Director as Harold spoke with a Goblin.

    "Senior Razorclaw, I humbly request a room with the strictest confidentially wards your bank can grant, I shall pay in whatever sum of Galleons that is deemed appropriate from the Flamel Valut, here is my Key for identification." Harold produced a key from his robes and handed it over to the Goblin. "May your enemies fall before you and your gold flow without limit." Harold said as Razorclaw nodded, answering with. "And may you share the same, Mr Flamel."

    Harold returned as Razorclaw directed them to a charmed meeting room and Harold took a breath as the door shut to leave them inside, looking at Yen Sid. "While myself and Elsa will hear your reasons, you should listen her side of the story as well as mine, I do not like the idea of being looked down upon like a kidnapper or a criminal, I was aiding a scared young woman who was terrified of her accidental magic that could of gotten worse, perhaps Tokyo would of become an ice age so Officer Jenny should consider the dangers of what magic can do." Harold said hands on the table, looking at the old man.

    "Even the most experienced witches or wizards, like Dumbledore have had a case of accidental magic, I'll hand myself in quietly after I shown Elsa the wonders of the magical side of Japan so she doesn't have to feel like she's alone, just show Officer Jenny what accidental magic can cause." Harold finished.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme


    "No need, I didn't exactly live there, I was just renting accommodation." Harold said as he walked with her to the entrance of the Trunk's stairway. "Well, now that my secret as a Flamel is out, I'll have people breathing down my neck asking for recipes of Nicolas, particularly the Philosopher's Stone, I imagine they'll have anti-magic stuff if they know Yen Sid's calibre, looks like I may have to retreat into the Wizarding World or Apparate into a Fidelius Charmed house as I am the Secret Kepper, so the police or other magicals can't can't in without hearing or knowing the location in the first place." Harold said off-handily.

    "And knowing the Wizarding World, they won't stand for such accusations against a living descendant of well renowned alchemist, looks like I may have to ask for a Portkey to deliver you to Officer Jenny." Harold said and Elsa looked confused at that word. "Oh, it means an charmed item can take you to a specified location, it's like... the sensation is you feel like someone hooked in your navel, magically speaking and it'll take you to your destination, Apparation is like being squeezed through a tube as you imagine yourself to your location, I would guess their cells don't have anti-apparition wards, so they'll have to send me to Azkaban for that treatment except I didn't use any Unforgivables."

    Haorld opened the chest and let Elsa out and tapped the trunk shrinking it down and looked to the out of place bricks and tapped his wand upon a few places as the walls pulled apart to reveal an alleyway that seemed to stretch on as Harold noticed the jaw drop of Elsa.

    "Welcome to Diagon Alley." Harold gestured and walked with Elsa following behind, she was looking in surprise of the shops there was broomstick stores, familiar animals like owls, and the sort, Flourish and Blotts, Quiddtich Supplies, robing stores, Ollivanders Wand Shop and Gringotts in the centre of two different directions and Harold bet Elsa's eyes were opened incredibly wide and trying to have eyes at the back of her head as they approached Gringotts and Elsa saw something surprising, red armoured Goblins at either side of the doorway and she whispered who they were.

    "Goblins, very sensitive creatures, don't insult them or look down upon them, just leave it to me in that department." Harold said and crossed his arms in an X shape and bowed to them as they returned the gesture and the doors opened as he and Elsa walked in as Elsa saw a script.

    Enter, stranger, but take heed
    Of what awaits the sin of greed
    For those who take, but do not earn,
    Must pay most dearly in their turn.
    So if you seek beneath our floors
    A treasure that was never yours,
    Thief, you have been warned, beware
    Of finding more than treasure there.

    "An elaborate warning, don't you think? Gringotts is a Wizard Bank but highly protected, in some deeper places of this place, there are actual Dragons protecting high security vaults, now quietly follow me, we're going to see some old friends." Harold said with a smile.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme


    Harold watched as the communications were cut but he wasn't that concerned as Elsa ha da look of worry as she said she'd release him immediately as she aske dhim to selfishly take her in so she could calm down and learn to control herself and Harold gave a small chuckle. "She'd have a hard time locating me anyway." Harold rubbed his neck and continued. "Besides, I doubt she'll listen to your reasons, she is most likely a sticker for the rules, if anything, I can disappear just as fast as I've appeared, been easy enough before" Harold said without a tone of worry.

    "You asked me to help you, so that's the most important thing, I want to show you the magical side that's hidden amongst society." Harold said and walked with Elsa, producing a black robe for her to put on. "Don't worry, it's got some concealment, disillusion and silent charms so no-one will be able to properly see you, I use this whenever I want to keep things secretive." Harold said as he got a surprised look from Elsa who said such a cloak would surely make Officer Jenny's life difficult.

    "Oh it sure would, that or I apparate back to one of my Uncle's many charmed houses but looks like I won't be able to return to the Flower Shop since she knows I'm a resident, that's a downer, I think Ladies Belle, Yuna and Rikku quite enjoyed their night out with me." Harold said a bit disappointed until Elsa said something, that she'd explain the situation to Jenny or put Harold under her protection as Queen of Arendelle.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme

    ~Harold's Trunk~

    Harold looked and saw Elsa talking with some mist or something as a voice came from it and asked where Elsa was and if he knew where she is and Harold was surprised, whoever cats this spell was an exceptional Wizard to have gotten through his defences on the trunk, he recognised officer Jenny's voice, it was no doubt he couldn't keep Elsa hidden now that his name was out. "Of course I do Officer, she's been residing in my trunk all this time." Harold said rather casually and got a surprise gasp from the Officer and said this would be a kidnapping. "Not really a kidnapping, I found her unconscious and brought her in then she asked for a place where she could calm down." Harold rubbed his neck.

    "And as for how a grown woman can fit in the trunk, magic's the answer to that one, I'll give your wizard credit for bypassing the wards on my trunk since I studied Runes and other stuff for most of my life... Elsa was terrified of her magic and so I told her there are others who are able to do the same, so even if you arrest me on charges of kidnapping, I doubt Elsa would allow it considering how much I've helped her cope, whenever Elsa feels ready to return after conquering her fear of her magic, I'll let her go, but for now, she's under my care until then." Harold stated and continued.

    "If you wish to meet her however, I can arrange that, I'll be visiting Diagon Alley to show Elsa the world of magic, I can meet you Officer at the Leaky Cauldron at say... 2:00? We'll rent a room for privacy matters, just ask the bartender for a young man who rented a room today." Harold explained.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme

    ~Harold's Magical Trunk~

    Harold descended down the steps and called out. "Elsa? You here?" Harold, awaiting a response.


    Masaru kept mainly to himself, he didn't know what to say exactly in a group like this, it was a bit overwhelming.


    Aoi was on the phone at his desk and blinked. "Wait, so let me get this straight, Lady Black Heart wants to organize a Cosplay Convention and wants all of the Hearts to help make it a reality? Well, I don't see why Castfield will refuse the offer, but I'll imagine Lady Green Heart will want it have gaming and White Heart with well, anything related to books or knowledge while Purple Heart... or Neptune will want the food stands." Aoi said, rubbing his forehead and sighed. "Fine, just send a response back to the CPU's that a meeting be held at neutral ground, I'll let Noire decide since she purposed this idea in the first place." Aoi said and put the phone down and leant back into his chair.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme


    Harold appeared in an alleyway, Apparition wasn't one of the fun ways to travel, it felt like being squeezed through a straw or a tube and you pop pout the other end, Portkeys had the sensation of a hook dug into your navel, but the means are better than using the Floo Network, Knight Bus or Broomstick, he followed a magical trail that had seemed to converge upon this spot and noticed a few out of place bricks removed and ran a hand over it. "This is the place, I'll check upon Elsa and see if she wants to explore." Harold thought and dug out his shrunken trunk and placed it on the ground before tapping it with his wand. restoring it to its original size and open up one of the compartments for a cloak that Elsa could wear, he'll have to charm it so no-one dars look under the hood, and also to wait for Elsa to emerge out.


    Overlooking the city of Tokyo, Sagara turned and faced the Woman of the Beginning. "So you have chosen who will fight in this battle for Humanity of obtaining the Forbidden Fruit, I am intrigued as to what you seen in the second youngest child of that Wizarding Family, I'll simply watch and see how this battle will ensure." Sagara said and faded in a light, leaving the Woman
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme

    ~Harold, Sakura and Syaoran~

    Harold wasn't all surprised by Keroberos's change a sthey approached the magical signature they felt and was bearing witness to a fight between some armoured warriors, but rather, it seemed a dark red one was winning despite how outmatched he was, which was impressive by itself, btu Harold could feel a dark magic over him and got off Keroberos when they landed nearby. "I recommend you three stay back, this kind of magic is certainly no average witch or wizard's." Harold suggested and quietly walked into the battlefield.


    Masaru was struck by Ron's blade and fell backwards, Ron's attacks were swifta dn deceisive, surprising him on how one person could stand against them all and as Ron was about to deal the finishing blow to Harry, something connected with him making him turn and everyone looked as to who struck Ron and saw.... Harry? "T-Two of them?!" Masaru gasped in surprise

    Harold seemed to carry himself well and serious. "Sorry, I can't let you kill anyone in the name of magic, Accio." Harold called a garbage bin to block a incoming energy attack and Harold rubbed the bridge of his nose as he held a wand that came down from his sleeve. "Agumenti." Harold simply said and shot concertrated water straight in ROn's face or rather helmet, blinding him as Harold weaved another spell. "Stupfey." A red show of force connected with Ron's chest, causing him to fall over by the unexpected attack after trying to gather his bearings.

    "Accio." Harold pointed at the Red Daidamaru that Ron had lost grip off and caught the sword. "If that's one thing I learnt from fights, it's always best to disarm, Protego." Harold cast a shield charm to block bullet from the Musou Sabre Ron still had and Harold had a concentrated look. "The magic's certainly got a grasp on this one, I can't perform a legilmens on him without eye contact." Harold thought and decided to take a gamble on his next move.

    "Levicorpis." Harold said and The armoured warrior was dangling in mid-air by his ankle. and Harold fired another stunner, a much more charged one and it sent the dangling warrior slamming hard into the building wall behind him as Harold looked to the Red Daidamaru eh held and tossed it away. "So uncivilised." Harold thought and calmly approached the fallen warrior and as soon as he got closer Ron had apparently waited for him to get close enough.

    "Lumos Maximus." Harold said, pointing the wand at Ron's shielded eyes and the bright light had temporarily blinded the youth and Harold took the moment to forcibly remove the strange device on the belt and the armour disappeared and withdrawn his wand. "Now to see whose pulling this guy's strings." Harold placed his hand on Ron's head and closed his eyes.

    ~Ron's inner mindscape~

    Harold found himself within a large field with the most unusual house, the Burrow as Ron's memories depicted and saw the cause, there was apparently someone here with the boy's mind and controlling him and he saw whom, it was some strange witch or something, the fashion style was certainly... unique. "Representation of mind control." Harold thought and pointed his wand at the phantom. "Expecto Patorum Expluso." Harold muttered and the phantom of Rita screamed and was literally expelled from the youth's mind and Harold left.


    Harold removed his hand and turned to the other armoured warriors and tossed the Blood Orange Lockseed to one of them. "I'd be grateful if what you witnessed right now remains confidential." Harold said and just as questions were about to be asked, Harold disappeared by Apparation.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme


    Harold nodded to the young girl and how the plush doll referred to himself. "Some secrets were meant to happen with our lives, but the reason why I'm here is because I'm the last living Flamel because Nicoloas and his wife happily passed away after attending to all affairs that lasted a long time." Harold said and Syaoran spoke. "So you're the one to inherit everything that he made?" Syaoran asked curiously and Harold nodded. "Yes but I'm keeping what I inherited from my family a secret, because of who could want such things."

    Harold turned his head and put a finger in his mouth and stuck it up. "There's some of harmful magic in the air nearby, feels unusual." Harold trailed off and Syaoran tried to sense it. "I don't sense anything." Syaoran said and Harold looked at him. "Well, I been taught to feel magic freely and keep an open mind, you'd be surprised how much of a world opens up when you see it in that view." Harold said.


    Masaru was easily pushed back by Buijin gaim and almost lost his footing had he not regained it in time, it was certainly difficult as he never wielded a weapon in his life.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme

    ~Vs: Buijin Gaim~

    Masaru saw the fight and hesitantly put his Drive ron and opened his Lockseed "Orange! Lock On! Orange Arms: Hanamichi on Stage!" The suit came upon him as he become an exact duplicate of Bujin Gaim with a few exceptions, being orange for one and not looking so evil and he gulped. "Hope I can do this!" Masaru thought to himself and he charge din alongside Hiccup with the Daidamaru to aid him.


    Harold was lead by Syaoran to a more remote area of the city and took note of the small creature that had poked his head out and waited "How can we be sure you are a related to that man?" Syaoran asked him and Harold had a thoughtful pose. "You're right on that, well, I can use my magic without a need for a wand as it just channels it." Harold said and Syaoran was surprised, magic without a channelling conduit was difficult to amster yet the youth befor ehim looked no older than fifteen or sixteen. "I can also sense magic coming from you both, though I'm not familiar with it, but your little teddy bear there certainly looks alive if it's moving about like that, and some old magic surrounding the young girl." Harold said and he gotten another gasp from her.

    "You can sense the Cards?" Syaoran asked and Harold tilted his head slightly. "Cards? Nope, I was just taught to feel magic freely, I don't have to worry about the Statute of Secrecy in effect so I can do this." Harold simply pointed to Sakura and she had found herself levitating off the ground a few centimetres above the ground. "Don't be alarmed, it's just a levitation spell, first year material funnily enough." Harold said.

    "You did it without an incantation?" Syaoran said surprised and Harold set the girl down on her feet. "Well, it's true words have power and empowers the spell in question, but I'm not exactly a master at wordless incantations for the higher tiers, more practice needed on that front." Harold admitted.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    Well Jaden's certainly blunt.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  19. StardustXtreme


    Masaru was on his way back to home before a light blinded his eyes and he found himself somewhere really out of place, confused and didn't know what to say, it wasn't everyday you get teleported on your way back home.


    Harold heard the news, apparently some armoured warrior was attacking and he blinked. "Huh, I would of thought he's be taken down by the law." Harold thought as he finished his food and wiped his hands down with the sink's water. "Then again, this is Japan." Harold noted before deciding to ascend the stairs and tapped his trunk to shrink it in size thought the innards would remain the same size and headed back down. "Hey Aerith, I'm going to head out for a bit, I'll be back possibly by sunset, need to get a feel for the town if I'm going to live here." Harold said with a wave and Aerith asked him almost motherly not to get in trouble with the recent attacks.

    "I'll be fine, I don't go looking for danger." Harold said and headed out down the street. "Now, let's see fi we can locate Diagon Alley, last I recall, I need to find a pub called the Lekay Cauldron, too bad this whole town doesn't have a map on hand." Harold thought and decided to wander around until he came to a pause as maybe about ten or fifteen steps away, his eyes came upon two pre-schoolers, but that wasn't the strangest part, there was a magical aura coming from them "Well, isn't the world full of surprises today." Harold thought as he approached them.

    ~Li and Sakura~

    Sakura and Li were heading on their way back until Li felt a magical presence and looked around before seeing a young black hair male approach them and the male bent his knees down slightly to eye level. "Hiya, you two know I can find Diagon Alley?" He asked rather politely and Syaoran was sceptical of him. "Are you a Mage?" He asked a bit hesitantly and lowly so the conversation wasn't heard by bypassers.

    "Not...exactly, I'm a wizard, similar term but you get the idea, I can sense magic around you and this young lady here, so I figured you might know where to go? If not, I imagine your parents might?" The male asked and Syaoran asked. "Who are you?"

    "Oh right, the stranger danger thing, well, I'm Harold Flamel." Harold said and Syaoran almost gasped. "You are related to Niclolas Flamel?" He asked and the girl looked confused. "How about we take our conversation somewhere more privately, I can't set up privacy wards with this many people about." Harold stated.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme

    ~Rassilion's Office~

    "By your command." Albert bowed and left. "So, Discord is an ambiguous choice for trust, I pray he is at least able to make his mission a success, with the young Miss Elliot's power, I could bring forth that being..." Albert thought in his mind, for now, he'd have to stick with being a pawn of Rassilion's until he had the cards he needed, if not, there was always the alternative back-up plan.


    Harold stared at the smiling Aerith and closed his book. "Whatever you make is bound to be good Aerith." Harold answered, earning a red faced Aerith, being embarrassed and Harold stood up in the room. "Anything's fine, I'm not picky." Harold finished and let Aerith do her job, however, he was concerned, he made it out in time before Aerith got suspicious, fi she knew he headed up to his room and disappeared, that'd cause concern.

    "Might to place a Notification Charm on the door and connect it to something in the trunk while I'm with Elsa." Harold considered, sure his trunk was safely guarded with it's protections but if he wasn't in his room when eh said he'd be, that'll cause suspicion, he didn't want to reveal he was a Wizard yet. "I can't keep Elsa trapped here though, she's been in there for a few days now and trying her best to control her magic." Harold thought, she did say it was slowly getting the hang of it but she had a fear what it was capable of. "Her magic is like wandless and it does seem to work off her emotions, hmmm... maybe I should brew some Calming Draughts or show her there is a world of Magic." Harold thought again, there was supposed to be a Diagon Alley somewhere in Tokyo, perhaps he could try to locate it and invite her.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home