~Flower Shop~ Harold gave a sigh, now things were getting slightly more intriguing, it seemed the girl he put in his room was none other than royalty, he'd have to inquire about that from Elsa and he waved a hand, letting go off the sprinkler watering can as it floated in mid-air and he moved it up to higher flowers out of reach while he crossed his arms in thought and brought ti back down after a few minutes, ensuring the plants remained alive alive and well and took it in his hand, setting it down nearby, he doubted there'd be anymore visitors for this store, not if the Police and such are on a hunt for her, but the question was why. "Probably best to ask her." He thought to himself and decided to check upstairs to see if she had stirred awake yet, when eh opened the door, he saw she was in fact, and cautiously stepped away, while keeping out the window's vision in case anyone saw and he shut the door, effectively locking Elsa in the room with him (A/N: Not in that situation you pervs! I swear you're as bad as a certain red coated Demon Slayer!) "Elsa of Arendelle correct?" Harold asked rather calmly and politely, her body showing a sign of fear. "Care to explain as to why the police are wanting to locate you? Do not worry, I'm going to report you to them until I heard your side of the story." Harold gently spoken, leaning his back against the shut door and aved a hand, casting a wandless silencing charm around the room so none could hear through the walls, of course, Elsa wouldn't know of it. ~ANkh~ Ankh watched as Eiji ran and threatened cutting theTopsicles rate down in half, he was such an idiot, Kazari's yummies were exceptional by growing inside of the container and absorbing it to remain strong, there was nothing Eiji could do except wait, at times, he regretted even having him as OOO. "Baka, I known Kazari's methods more than you ever will Eiji, we all have our ways to creating them." Ankh muttered, topsicle in his mouth. ~Tokyo Catherdal~ Yuri could care less about what Alice said, Gods, demons, whatever, he didn't care, if it was real and in front him, he might change his mind, plus the archdeacon? Didn't car emuch about some guy running the place.
This? it's the mark of the Crimson Dragon, a Signer chosen by the world of Duel Monsters, I hold the Dragon's Head as ewll being the Leader of Team 5D's, and you're in DOmino City, this place lives the rule of Card Games or Duelling if you prefer in layman's terms, I'm one of Five 'Kings' that reside here, Yugi being the King of Games while Jaden here is a Fusion King, I am a Synchro user therefore the Synchro King, Yuma the Xyz King and this new kid Yuya Sakaki who is an up and coming potential candidate for this new Pendulum Summoning method. All people from different eras come together in this building, past, present or future, everyone has one thing in common, Duel Monsters.
Is something the matter?
Only due to conflicting schedules and of course the bane of reality's everlasting reminder. -_- Closest I think I had you on the ropes was Yusei vs Kaiba summong Quasar, Shooting Star, Red Nova and Stardust Drgaon with Assasult Mode.
It's been awhile sicne I RP'ed as Yusei but I don't see why not.
I can do a duel on here Abby if you like.
~Flower Shop~ Harold resumed tending to the planets before hearing the tell-tale jingle and turned to see a police officer enter with the most unusual hair colour he ever seen in his life, if eh didn't know any better, he'd conclude it was hair dye but the officer shown him a picture on her phone, asking if the person has been seen this woman, he noted she was fmailar but question is, why would a Queen run away from whatever it was? Something didn't add up. "No officer erm..." He looked at her nametag. "Jenny, I haven't seen this queen at all, I only just recently came into the country from Britain so this is really the first I heard of her." Harold said casually and stopped sprinkling the flower to make eye contact with her. "But if I do see her, which I highly doubt considering how big Tokyo is, I'll notify you of her whereabouts Officer." Harold finished. ~Alice~ Yuri gave a sigh and stretched his arms, he didn't care much about what this Alice girl did, but the voice in his head stopped annoying him. ~ANkh~ Ankh leapt down and gave Eiji an annoyed stare. "Me rusty? I'll have you know I'm just fine, Kazari's yummies work differently than the Waste Yummies you're familiar with, Hino." Ankh explained.
Funnily enough I'm familiar with 1, 2, 3, and 5 as well as Death Note. still following the manga on Bleach and Naruto and anime, Naruto as well since it's recent episode wa steh Aliied Shinobi Forces Jutsu episode. As for my duel with Abby, she did quite well, she's learning, but my Numbers overwhelmed her. And as for Pendulums... I highly doubt I'll use them ever, I dread to think what konami's idea will be next.
~Flower Shop~ Harold was surprised he was put on register duty for his first day, either Aerith trusted him a lot more than he realised or was confident she'd be back before long, so he decided to start by memorizing the prices of the flowers and giving them a light dousing of water, it was soothing to say the least, plus he remembered Perenelle, his mother tending to her garden and cared for the flowers back then until he heard the door bell ring when it opened to signify a customer entering. "Welcome what would yo-" Harold didn't have tiem to finish before the cloaked person collapsed to the floor and he set the watering can down and went to check on the person, removing the cloak, it was a young woman with platinum blonde hair wearing some dress that wasn't ordinary to see, he placed his fingers on her neck to check she was still breathing, thankfully she was, but the sun wasn't that hot enough to cause her to be like this, maybe an emotional situation happened or something, but he didn't ponder on that for now, what mattered was helping this person and picked her up around the waist, making her somewhat stand with an arm on his shoulders and he waved one of his hands to somewhat make her levitate a few inches of the ground and carried her behind the store and up the stairs to his room, laying the unconscious woman on the bed. Harold then moved to get a bowl of cold water and a cloth to soak in and lay it on her forehead after twisting most of the water out. "Okay I'll admit, she is quite beautiful, but right now, this is more important than just plain staring." Harold thought and putted out a slip of paper and a pen, writing down 'You should be reading this when you wake up, don't go anywhere and wait for me to return, I ensure nothing but your safety within this room, if you do not believe my words, the door will be unlocked as a sign you're not trapped in here.' and set it on the bedside table and got up, closing the door quietly and heading back down to the register. ~Haruto~ Haruto looked at Koyomi, he did wonder if it was possible to transfer Koyomi to his classes or him to hers, but that would simply show favouritism and if that were the cas,e everyone would ask. ~Ankh~ Ankh ate on his topsicle as Eiji talked about Kimberly's desires and scoffed. "Nothing's ever sweet and innocent Eiji, all humans have a selfish desire one way or another, but kazari is a sly one, I shall grant him that much, but there's not much else we can do until the Yummy is born, it's just how Kazari works." Ankh stated as a matter of fact.
Online and ready, just search up StardustXtreme, pop a Private Messege and we can begin[DOUBLEPOST=1401299821][/DOUBLEPOST]Or just state your DN name we'll go on from there
I'm available around 2.30pm until 11pm today BST (British Standard time), I just have a course to attend to at 9.30am and won't finished until 2.00pm, so that gives you plenty of time to be prepared. Just state where you'd like to duel, here or Duelling Network and we'll go on from there ma'am.[DOUBLEPOST=1401290225][/DOUBLEPOST]Awaiting your message Abby.
~Flower Shop~ Harold nodded, following Aerith with his backpack, taking note of a white haired youth and a young woman with brown hair that seemed almost like a singer by her attire, when Aerith lead him up to his room, he felt magic in the air from a room and kept following her till she shown him room which was standard living accommodations and all he had to do was water and plant flowers for rent along with working the cashier if the others were busy, others must of been the youth and woman from before. "That's too much of a good offer." Harold thought to himself as he set his bag down on the single bed as Aerith left him to unpack and start work soon and he dug into his bag, pulling out a miniature sized trunk and set it on the flower while withdrawing a wand of Dragon Heartstring Ash 7in.and tapped it, the trunk suddenly enlarged and he unlocked it, revealing clothes that he moved tot he cupboard on coat hangers and shut it, he then dug into the bag and brought out a red and black box that had a keyhole, he dug his hand into a pocket and brought out a gold key and inserted it inside, turning it and unlocking and there inside the box was the Philosopher's Stone, left by Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel and now under his protection, he closed the box and relocked it before placing the box in an inside pocket of his jacket and the key in another pocket. Harold then got out a towel of red and a toothbrush and toothpaste, all the mandatory things one was required to live and set them on the bedside table and pulled up his sleeve, revealing a holster which eh placed his wand in and recovered it. "Now that's done... let's see what she has for me today." Harold muttered and left the room, making sure to shut it and headed downstairs to the store. ~Marvelous~ Marvelous took a few moments to think and pulled out his Mobirates, flipping it opened and put in a number and brought it up his ear, calling Zordon. "You wouldn't believe what I found, do your teleporter thing and take along the people with us, they are Rangers too." Marvelous said to Alpha who was on the call and he cancelled the call afterwards. "THis is beyond me, maybe he's got a better answer for what you saw." Marvelous simply said. ~Haruto~ Haruto nodded and sat beside her, it was too bad they were in separate classes. ~Ankh~ Ankh lazed high up in the tree, obviously disconcerted for falling as he seemed to have a no problem before hearing Eiji's words and leapt down, extending his hand to Tommy. "Hand those over and I'll think about it human." He said to him. ~Yuri~ Yuri looked at Alice. "I'm coming with you." he said to her, arms crossed.
I can duel on Duelling Network, YGOPro and here if you so ask Abby.
~Flower Shop~ Harold raised an eyebrow if not, mentally, that was extremely kind of the woman, only way to pay rent was to help out in the shop? it was an interesting proposal to say the least. "Should I take up her offer or just continue to find a suitable accommodation" Harold considered in his thoughts, it would be nice to have company than live in a house all alone, plus he bet the house elves kept it tidy and so, but a quiet place would be kind of boring, he decided what to do. "Sure, I'll take you up on that." Harold said finally after a few minutes pause before he felt the magic in the air, something was obviously lingering in this settlement, he didn't recognize the magic behind it but it was there, he stared at the woman, there was something about her that was almost like a magnet, her body wasn't saturated with magic, more like... contained, was it another Stone? "No, Uncle Nicolas said the he never created another stone, the one he gave Dumbledore was a fake, and I have that Stone tucked away," Harold concluded, course, he kept that knowledge a secret, after all, if anyone found out it truly existed and wasn't just a myth, he'd paint a big target on his head by all people who desire eternal youth and the ability to make anything out of gold, even royalty. "Well, show me around and I'll get started miss...?" Harold trailed off. ~Nurse's Office~ Haruto came if not, quickly when eh heard Koyomi collapsed and recharged her mana through the Please Ring, concerned. ~Outside government building~ Marvelous listened to the story. "I see... seems like there's still idiots who mess with powers that aren't of this world." Marvelosu said albeit seriously. "Zordon probably needs to know the details about this." he added in. ~Demonology Class, Session 2~ Vergil had give a slight smirk as students exited looking slightly paler than when they first arrived, of course he wasn't that cruel, if students under a certain age came into his classroom, he'd tone the violence and graphical images of the book, he didn't fancy getting the Board of Directors or the headmaster on his tailcoats by scarring underage children, it would give them nightmares or something, so for the younger audiences, he begrudgingly tone them of less horrifying creatures, for the oldest students in the school year, well, they;s just say pale white children came out after seeing what the most dangerous creatures of the Netherworld had in ti's deepest depths, he quite enjoyed seeing them try and compare theirselves to Conqueror of the Fire Hell, Belial. it was amusing to say the least.
~Flower SHop~ Harold turned his attention to the young woman offering 5 yen for the departed, granted he didn't have time to change his currency from Knuts, Sickles or Galleons to Yen yet, besides wizarding currency doesn't work out much for Muggles, he gave a small smile. "Sorry, I can't buy anything, I just arrived in the country." Harold apologized, it was better to answer than be rude and pass the offering, plus he doubted she'd believe magical money anyway, especially if the Ministry of Magic along with the Statue of Secrecy being in effect, he did take a moment to examine the woman, there seemed to be something radiating about her, not in a magical sense but something else. "It could be puberty." Harold thought to himself, he sweat dropped at the memory of discovering the birds and the bees and how hormones and puberty worked ever so annoyingly. ~Government Building~ Marvelous looked at Kira. "Tell us where you got those, Zordon never mentioned you." he asked or rather demanded from her.
I'll be waiting.
I'm available on YGOPro, Duelling Network nowadays thought, I'm more Xyz-oriented than Synchro nowadays
~Demonology Class~ Vergil watched as his student dispersed after the bell rang, he was interested to see the terrified looks upon their faces of the most foulest creatures to roam the underworld. "If someone's parents complain, I won't care about it, it's my lesson and they can't evict me from here, not if the old man has anything to say about it." A smile left his face, or rather a corner-like smirk as he left the classroom to grab something to eat. ~Chidlren's Card Games 101~ Kazu walked in surprise of the strange scene, the King of Games was this well... odd? "So what? You had crazier things happen, this shouldn't be too surprising." Kazu thought to himself in resignation, Anyone would jump at a chance to be taught by the King of Games himself with the tournaments he had under his belt and owning the only existing copies of the Egyptian God Cards. ~Outside Government Building~ Gokai Red stood side by the Dino thunder Yellow Ranger as he fired upon the X-Borgs. "Sounds interesting! Just try and keep up." Gokai Red then charged forth, slcing any oncoming X-Borgs and running for Vekar. ~Tokyo Airport~ A youth stepped outside the airport looking very strikingly similar to a certain Potter except for a few things, he wore no huge spectacles and had red eyes instead of the usual green Potter had, he wore a black jacket that reached down to his waist and ared shirt showing underneath and some black jeans with white trainers, if one looked at his shirt, they could make out some muscles as he ehaved his backpack. "Okay Uncle Nick, I'm here, now to find a place to live then go on from there." Harold muttered and decided to walk into the city, he could fo taken a cab or something, but it gave hima chance to stretch his legs out. "Hmmm." He walked, viewing the sights before being caught in a crowded area of people, probably coming out from work or something. "Just my luck..." He said sarcastically low and saw a high wall and climbed upon it, balancing himself when he got there and just walked casually, ignoring any stares he received and silently cast a Notice-Me-not charm upon himself with a single ahnd motion, no wand pulled out and when he reached the end of the wall to another which was a small leap and clambered down, pausing for a moment. "There's some magic in the air..." he said thoughtfully and dispelled the charm passing by a certain flower shop.
Placing Keima Katsuragi back into Reserves List and replacing him with an OC. Name: Harold Flamel Age: Same age as harry which would be 16-17 Occupation: Transfer Student Bio: Harold was born in England and been home-school most of his life by an adoptive family, the Flamels, he is related to Harry but Dumbledore using a hair of Harry to clone him and accelerated the hair to a person using the Émigré manuscript, Dumbeldore sent him off to his old friend, Nicolas Flamel and his wife to learn Nicloas's secrets but with the love of the Flamels, Harold breaks away from Dumbledore's thumb and instead chose to live his life way, not by Dumbledore's or the person he was cloned from which makes things awkward, during his 15th birthday, he learnt everything he could from magic to alchemy and many other things, but when Nicolas and his wife passed away, agreeing they seen enough and so, he inherited everything they owned or created, including a remote island, but nto before giving Harold a chance for a school life so they consulted Al Mualim and he was accepted. Other: In order to make sure no one mistake him for Harry Potter, he asked Nicolas to alter his eyes to have excellent vision and change their eye colour to the deepest blue possible and he ahs no lightning scar on his forehead, he's also quite a spell master and alchemist, he's also quite respectful of others and not let his temper get the best of him unlike his original counterpart, on magical terms, he is considered to be perhaps just a level shorter than Dumbledore, but he doesn't show this off.
~Outside Government Build- The X-Borgs sparked with damage as the group turned to notice the male Gokaigers approaching them. "You were right Doc." marvellous said before taking a moment to stare at Vekar. "So, what's a guy like you doing here? Shouldn't you be watching on your spaceship like a good little Commander?" he asked as Gai had a vague idea. "Maybe he's here to interupt the important conference that's being held here?" he asked and Marvelous looked unamused. "Him? I find that hard to believe, but who cares about this high security, royalty stuff? Let's beat them and move on, I'd rather not waste time with a Prince who hides behind his Commanders like a child, Gokai Change." He said as Gokai Red, Blue, Silver and Green stood and role called their names. "Let's make it showy!" A barrage of Gokai Blasters came as they charged into the fray, ~vergil's Class~ Vergil looked amused as students came to collect their copies and back down, obviously nervous. "This book is entitled the Encyclopaedia Demonica, A detailed listign fo the darkest, most foulest beasts to ever crawl their way out of the Netherworld, not only they had the author himself burnt on a fire built of his own works, they went to great lengths to wipe the town off the map, friends family anyone who lived there gone, however, fortunately, a companion of a wizard had enough common sense to vanish from the area, taking the scriptures and notes, even copy the very original master copy of this book." Vergil explained as if the weather today was sunny. "Granted, the Vatican holds many artefacts that wouldn't even see the daylight, the Émigré Manuscript for example, a dark book enclosed with rituals to extend life, return souls from the beyond, create a body to house a soul and even control the flow of time to age a specimen." "But of course, our good Pope and government wouldn't dare mention such books and even forbade themselves to even get access, only way is through the Pope and the Current Monarchy with vocal permission and signature with an escorted guard of men who watch your every move and react at the slightest movement, why am I telling you, our next generation this, because with this, I literally gave you an idea of how to break into the Vatican and get these for yourselves, you're welcome to try but I can promise execution will be swift, no trial, nothing, everything of who you are, what you done will be non-existent, like the village I mentioned before hand and before you ask, how do I know these things? Did I attempt to break into the Vatican? I'm simply not interested in what those old codgers do, now if you all wish to go through the books, let's us start with the beginning shall we? Your first lesson will be to read as much as you are able to for the next lesson, my only question to you all is, how far are you willing to go?" Vergil asked with a stare over the class.