Allrighty, go voteee.
[ surprised there was no thread on this already so if there was and I just missed it please direct me to it and I will merge them @__@ ] I know, it sounds like a bad chain letter. But apparently this is actually happening, and could leave thousands of people without an internet connection. Basically, the FBI has issued a statement that on July 9th, they are taking down safe servers they started up as a response to the DNSChanger virus. Anyone still infected with this virus may lose their internet connection. Source: & FBI Statement here:
[ Note: You guys, I am serious about this, PAY ATTENTION to the 50 question limit. ] Mmk guys, in the spotlight for this week we've got Laurence_Fox! As usual, there are some rules I need to go over before we can start. PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THEM, ESPECIALLY THE QUESTION LIMITS, as it's easy to go over the limitations without thinking! Note that the Staff/Prem QT limitations are a bit different than that of normal QT: 1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still on KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight. 5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote. And now that you have READ THE RULES, you may begin questioning!
Feel free to shoot any of the coordinators a PM if you need help: Send a message to Guardian Soul |Send a message to Stardust | Send a message to What? Hey guys! Yup, that's right, we're back with another MEP for 2012. After the huge success of this community project last year, we couldn't wait to get it up and running for you guys again -- so thanks for all of the support, and here's to another great MEP! So some of you might be wondering, what exactly is this ' MEP'? Well I'm glad you asked! Take a look below to read all about it! Information: Written by project coordinator Guardian Soul What is an MEP? MEP stands for Multi Editor Project. Multiple editors working together on one project. Despite most MEPs usually using one song, one band, or one theme, this project will be more like a worm. Everybody makes a small video and in the end, we'll combine them together to form a whole video to showcase our editors. - Video Sources - Since this is a Kingdom Hearts community, the allowed video sources will be Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Disney. Other sources unfortunately won't be allowed. - Song Selection - Anything you want it to be but keep it PG-13. - Editing - The editing style all depends on the track. If the track is fast-paced, the editing should reflect that, and likewise with a slow song. Use whatever style suits you best, though. Having different styles in this MEP is what I'm shooting for, as having all the tracks look the same isn't fun or appealing at all. This is a collection of our styles all in one project and I want it to look that way. - General Rules - - Two of our lovely staff members, Stardust and What, will be helping me coordinate this project. Their words shall be law! Listen or fear the banhammer or the infraction chisel*shot* - Please DO NOT POST YOUR SONG CHOICES HERE!! You will be posting them in the second phase thread; this thread is just for sign-ups. - Song changes this year will be limited to TWO CHANGES PER PERSON, so pick your song wisely. - It's not a rule per se, but please keep in mind that this isn't a race: you'll have plenty of time to put your part together, so don't feel like you have to turn in anything right off the bat! We want you guys to turn in parts you're really happy with. - If you join the MEP, I expect you to be active or I will hunt you down. You are to keep everyone involved in the MEP up to date with your progress. Be it a little or a lot. I would like to know where everyone stands on their tracks. So try to keep us updated. - There is no limit on participants and no restriction on who can participate based on post count or join date, so everyone is free to join up! - At the moment, the time limit hasn't been decided on yet. It'll be determined by how many editors will be participating in the project. - No bumpers, watermarks, or anything of the such. They're very distracting and people will be able to find out who made what part just by looking at the description. === If you are interested in joining, please post below so we can gauge interest and determine the time limit for parts =]. List of Participants: +Droid +Korosu +chessplayerjames +♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ +Knightshade +Okabe Rintarou +Hayabusa +Leblonk +Anti ☢ Sora +Saxima +Wingly +starlight2011studios +Ienzo +lillovedoctor +Dawn +Hayato +TitanTX +MovingOnMjrn +Cloudrunner62 +muff monkey +darkhorseD
so if I vanish for the next few days I'd just like to let ya'll know I haven't died <3. [ Also Question Time might end up starting late because of the trip, hopefully not but we'll see. ]
vote vote vote
hURTS it also seems to be something i manage to do at least once every suMMER
so this was #1 at the box office over the weekend and... every other film has at least twice as many reviews? does anyone know how that even happens
voting time
[ Note: You guys, I am serious about this, PAY ATTENTION to the 50 question limit. ] This week in the spotlight we have Boy Wonder, otherwise known as LilBueno! As usual, there are some rules I need to go over before we can start. PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THEM, ESPECIALLY THE QUESTION LIMITS, as it's easy to go over the limitations without thinking! Note that the Staff/Prem QT limitations are a bit different than that of normal QT: 1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still on KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight. 5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote. And now that you have READ THE RULES, go ahead and start asking!
A'ight, go ahead and vote~ .
I would take pictures but I'm not taking it out of the tube again until I've got a frame 8'D which hopefully will be later today I got two of them, the other one arrived like a week ago? STOCK PHOTOS AHOY Spoiler
A'ight, get voting!
[video=youtube;V4rKk-NpZjY][/video] Gurren Lagann spoilers. This kind of just happened today and I have no explanation at all, haha. Didn't take very long, it's pretty simple. Feedback super appreciateddd.
My aunt dropped her computer off at my house earlier hoping I could get rid of the virus that's on it. It looks to be in the same vein as most of the other fake virus protection viruses -- pops up claiming the computer is infected with a bunch of things that don't exist, then asks that I pay money to get it fixed. Complete scam and makes the computer nearly unusable. This iteration appears to be called "Best Virus Protection," and I did some research on it and this one apparently makes changes to the registry/disables some important functions so that a system restore won't do the trick. I'm a little lost because researching it nets me a bunch of different sites that recommend different things, none of which I am certain are worth trusting. So I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Does anyone know a good way to get rid of this bug? Any help is highly appreciated.
This week we have Dinny Grayson in the spotlight! This is long overdue, so my apologies for that. As always, there are some rules I need to go over before we can start. PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THEM, ESPECIALLY THE QUESTION LIMITS, as it's easy to go over the limitations without thinking! Note that the Staff/Prem QT limitations are a bit different than that of normal QT: 1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still on KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight. 5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote. And now that you have READ THE RULES, time to start asking! o:
Because rap and Gurren Lagann just go together, or so I thought. No spoilers (I only have the first episode right now which is why this is going so badly :c ) [video=youtube;znsvsWewKJU][/video] But yeah this isn't going very well. I hate how it's looking, idk. I wanted to go for kind of a simplistic style (but not BAD lol) and I just don't like it, haha. Also not sure if I can handle much more of this song. Side note: I go into hysterics every time the white Nikes bit rolls around and I'm not sure I can bring myself to take it out even though logically I should kjfdhg CnC? 8'D I want to fix this before I'm almost done with it lol (provided I can get any farther @___@ ).
[video=youtube;DaxBB0o2m40][/video] I am so excited to play this song you guys you have no idea