Hey all! It's that time again~ Incredible submissions this week! Sorry this is a bit late. This Week's Judge(s): Stardust 1. Beautiful Soul ♥ [ˢᵗᵃʳᶫᶦᵍʰᵗ²⁰¹¹ˢᵗᵘᵈᶦᵒˢ ᵃᶰᵈ ᶜʳᵃᶦᵍᵃᶰᵈʳᵉʷ¹⁷] Beautiful Soul ♥ [ˢᵗᵃʳᶫᶦᵍʰᵗ²⁰¹¹ˢᵗᵘᵈᶦᵒˢ ᵃᶰᵈ ᶜʳᵃᶦᵍᵃᶰᵈʳᵉʷ¹⁷] Submitted by: PrincessKairixXx Song: Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney Details: Short but sweet! Nice use of effects here; the colors especially look very nice. Well done! Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/Beautiful-Soul-♥-ˢᵗᵃʳᶫᶦᵍʰᵗ²⁰¹¹ˢᵗᵘᵈᶦᵒˢ-ᵃᶰᵈ-ᶜʳᵃᶦᵍᵃᶰᵈʳᵉʷ¹⁷.498/ 2. [KH] - That'll Never Be Me Submitted by: FurySp4rk Song: Otherside by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Details: Incredible editing! When I first saw what song you used I was a little skeptical to be honest; songs like this can be really difficult to work with considering the lyrics. But not only was it edited very seamlessly, you did a pretty good job working with the lyrics too. My only real complaint is that sometimes the contrast was low enough that it was hard to see, and it perhaps could have been adjusted more for certain clips. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kh-thatll-never-be-me.501/ 3. Fix You Submitted by: sonicfan23 Song: Fix You by Coldplay Details: Great atmosphere, good fit to the lyrics, and smooth editing make this a really nice watch. A few effects and transitions weren't my cup of tea (ex. I felt some of the flashes could have been softened) but overall excellent video! Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/fix-you.504/ 4. I Become Dull {Day by Day} Submitted by: Ankoku Song: Haru Haru by Big Bang Details: Nice job on this! Solid editing. The text was a little hard to read though, and I felt as though some of the overlays were a bit murky; don't be afraid to experiment with the chroma key to get results that are sharp! Nice touch at the end with the flatline, this was a really cool watch. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/i-become-dull-day-by-day.500/ 5. King Submitted by: cstar Song: King by Lauren Aquilina Details: Good work with the lyrics & impeccable atmosphere! Short, but very nicely constructed. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/king.503/ Congratulations to all who placed this week! Haven't placed yet? Don't give up! Your video certainly was not bad, and you may place in a future week.
Hey guys! Yet another week has gone by, and that means it's time for another Top 5! Be sure to keep submitting those videos -- there weren't enough for a full five places this week, unfortunately (although the submissions were fantastic!). Don't forget to tag entries! Also though, I'd like to clarify something in the rules that was a bit vague (my bad). I'll address that at the bottom of this post. This Week's Judge(s): Stardust 1. Kingdom Hearts III Teaser Trailer Kingdom Hearts III Teaser Trailer Submitted by: AppleTStudios Music: Louder Than Words by Les Friction and Basalt by The Hit House Details: Wow, this is an incredible mock-teaser! The cuts, text, and music all feel really authentic and the clips are well-chosen. I really enjoyed it. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kingdom-hearts-iii-teaser-trailer.476/ 2. Paradise Submitted by: minicoop55 Song: Paradise by Coldplay Details: This has a really awesome sense of atmosphere and the footage feels like it fits in with the lyrics very naturally. Great work with the effects, voice layovers, and especially the cuts & fades! There were some effects that I felt were a bit unnecessary but overall, very nicely constructed. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/paradise.481/ 3. Alive (Dedicated to Starlight2011studios, PrincessKairixXx, and My Good Friend) Submitted by: sonicfan23 Song: Alive by Arrow to Athens Details: This is really sweet! Smoothly edited and fits the lyrics well. My only major critique is that some of the lip-syncing was somewhat off. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/alive-dedi...dios-princesskairixxx-and-my-good-friend.477/ 4. Mt. Eden - The Walk [FULL MEP] Submitted by: lillovedoctor [also featuring editing by Blackcat123pacifica, 1bzoe, & Jrock13Anime] Song: The Walk by Mt. Eden/Imogen Heap Details: Since this is an effort by multiple people, there's not much I can say specifically! A nicely done MEP, very cool. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/mt-eden-the-walk-full-mep.482/ And that's it for this week -- congrats! But that brings me to my next topic, Obviously this doesn't apply to this week's results (the rules simply stated "must be related"), but I'd just like to clarify for anyone else looking to submit MEPs or projects with non-Kingdom Hearts footage. It's fine to submit MEPs/collabs with footage that isn't Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy/The World Ends With You, but please ensure that at least 50% of the footage is relevant to those in the future, or otherwise submit your part of the MEP for judging separately. Thanks!
Hey guys! It's time for another batch of results for our weekly Top 5. Awesome videos this week; it was a difficult choice for the judges! Keep 'em coming! Just a general note: Judging was a team effort this week (thank you Chevalier!), so we've not got a Details section & the individual placements on the list are a little loose. This Week's Judge(s): Chevalier and Stardust 1. The Pieces Fit The Pieces Fit Submitted by: Lucideffective Song: The Pieces Fit by Module Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/the-pieces-fit.446/ 2. Sora... The Knight of the Wind Submitted by: sonicfan23 Song: Knight of the Wind by Crush 40 Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/sora-the-knight-of-the-wind.448/ 3. Kingdom Hearts: This is War Submitted by: calxiyn Song: This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kingdom-hearts-this-is-war.444/ 4. KH-Girls who save the world (SoraxVentusXRoxas) Submitted by: benjizz Song: Girls Who Save the World by 3LAU Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kh-girls-who-save-the-world-soraxventusxroxas.447/ 5. Here's To Us Submitted by: Luxila Song: Here's to Us by Victoria Justice Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/heres-to-us.453/ Congratulations to all who placed this week! Haven't placed yet? Don't give up! Your video certainly was not bad, and you may place in a future week.
Hey guys! Yup, the Top 5's back. Not many entries this week (although they were all wonderful!) -- so if you'd like to submit your AMV(s) next week, be sure and go for it (and tag them as 'top 5' if you do)! We can't keep the contest going without entries! This Week's Judge(s): Stardust 1. {Kingdom Hearts} Will you be ready? {Kingdom Hearts} Will you be ready? Submitted by: Mage Song: 2-1 by Imogen Heap Details: I just adore this video, the atmosphere is impeccable. The effects are subtle and the text simple -- which I think is a great strength here as they're used wonderfully to help make the video pop. It's simplistic, but extremely effective. Awesome, awesome job on this! My only critique is that I wish there was more variety with the text placement; I would have liked to have seen it outside of the top-right corner a bit more. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kingdom-hearts-will-you-be-ready.373/ 2. [KH] - Losing Your Memory Submitted by: FurySp4rk Song: Losing Your Memory by Ryan Star Details: Absolutely wonderful. The effects and text are non-intrusive and complement the footage well, and the voice layovers are really well placed. The result is something genuinely emotional, and the end especially packs a punch! Fantastic work! My only advice is to be careful of typos, haha, but it happens. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kh-losing-your-memory.374/ 4. KH - Me & You Submitted by: Mage Song: Me & You by Nero Details: Short but sweet! Lots of cool effects in this one, I really enjoyed it. Really fun and eye popping. Using static images is always a bit risky and some of the transitions & text felt a little out of place to me, so I suppose if I had any critique for this it would be to use them sparingly, and to make sure nothing sits still on the screen for too long. Nice work! Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kh-me-you.372/ 4. Fall For You:: PrincessKairixXx Submitted by: starlight2011studios Song: Fall for You by Secondhand Serenade Details: Very emotional! The bold text was an interesting choice but it worked well to emphasize the lyrics, and helped create the atmosphere. Nice work with the voice overs as well; when they're too loud they can be distracting but they fit right in. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/Fall-For-You-PrincessKairixXx.375/ 5. Aerith & Terra - I'm H O L D I N G Out for a H E R O Submitted by: Ankoku Song: Holding Out for a Hero by Ellie Mae Bowen Details: Really sweet, gentle video, great job! Solid editing overall. In terms of critique, I felt the overlay was nice but perhaps a bit heavy. Beautiful work! Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/aerith-terra-im-h-o-l-d-i-n-g-out-for-a-h-e-r-o.368/ Congratulations to all who placed this week! Haven't placed yet? Don't give up! Your video certainly was not bad, and you may place in a future week.
NOTE: BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS POST. YES, THE WHOLE THING!>>READ IT<< Hey everyone! As you know, we've been planning to get the KH-Vids.net Top 5 video contest rolling again since the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, some circumstances beyond my control as well as other site events have prevented this from happening until now -- I do apologize for the delay. However, I'm happy to announce that it's ready to go again, and the first set of videos will be judged this week! What does this mean? Simple! We need you to submit your AMVs to our Video Portal for judging. Make sure to TAG YOUR VIDEO PROPERLY if you want it to qualify. How often can we expect to see results? We will judge videos once a week provided we get enough eligible submissions. If we don't, we can't keep the contest going, so be careful to follow the rules and TAG YOUR ENTRIES WITH THE "TOP 5" TAG. The first batch of results will go up on Sunday, March 24th! What are the criteria for submissions? What happens if I win? I'm glad you asked! You can check out the rules and any additional information right here. What happens if I don't tag my submission? I will cover you in chili sauce, set you on fire and feed you to a pack of hungry mutant raccoons. ...Well okay, I won't do that BUT YOU REALLY NEED TO TAG YOUR ENTRIES PLEASE! The tag is 'top 5,' no punctuation or capitalization required! This is VERY IMPORTANT if you want your video to qualify! If you've any questions or concerns, feel free to ask! Looking forward to seeing those videos!
Hello, users of KH-Vids. I hope the wait hasn't been too painful for you -- but do not fret any longer, for I, the Queen of Hearts, am now here! So stop waiting around and hurry to Wonderland to participate in my party, or it's OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! ...Oh, that's right. Your pitiful staff asked me to deliver a message for them. Because I am such a wonderful person, I decided to be merciful and deliver it, instead of beheading them for their ridiculous request. Whatever would you do without me? Now, you've no reason to dawdle further! Stop wasting time and go to my party right now!
Hey everyone! The staff has an urgent announcement for you all today -- As you know, last year we were visited by the Queen of Hearts, who took over the site to host her tea party for Valentine's Day! This year, we thought we were in the clear... But we have just received a letter from her again! It reads as follows: So as you can see, it seems as though she is planning another visit this year! And like last year, we need your help to meet her demands: If you would like to participate in the Queen's Tea Party this year, please RSVP (sign up) below. The Queen is adamant about getting the list to her right away, so RSVPs will be open through Sunday evening. DO NOT sign up with a partner this year, but we strongly recommend signing up alongside friends in case you want/need a partner at any time during the event! Again, sign ups will close by the end of Sunday. If you do not sign up in time to participate in the party events, there will be a general thread where you can enjoy tea and crumpets with the guests... If the Queen hasn't beheaded you for failing to RSVP! Hoping that she doesn't threaten us if things don't go her way this year, - The KH-Vids.net Staff
Hey everyone! KH-Vids' Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Celebration has come to a close, as the staff has now finished judging your contest entries! Thank you for your participation and patience -- we really enjoyed looking at the wonderful submissions everyone made for the competitions! Our Winners: Nonfiction Writing Contest: Cutsceneaddict Spoiler: Entry Runner Up: Saxima Cover Contest: Chevalier Spoiler: Entry Runner Up: libregkd Fiction Writing Contest: Saxima Spoiler: Entry Runner Ups: Jaxter01 & . : tale_wind AMV Contest: lillovedoctor Spoiler: Entry Runner Up: khfan1661 Congratulations to the victors -- we got lots of really fantastic submissions, so kudos to all who entered! Winners and runner-ups will get to choose between a gold or silver usertitle, pictured below: Giveaway winners can expect to be informed via PM between the weekend and mid next week, with a request for shipping details. Contest winners may contact me with their color preference, or will otherwise be contacted when the giveaway winners are contacted. Thank you to everyone for helping to make these events a success!
when you see it
Hey guys! We're down to the last events for our Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Celebration -- Giveaways! That's right, we've got physical prizes in store for you guys, which we're giving away for free. Entering is simple! A thread will be posted for each item, and the winners will be chosen in a guessing game. To enter, please pick a number between 1 and 1000 and post it here. You may enter once per giveaway (so you can post a number once in every thread). The giveaway will run for two weeks, after which the thread will be closed and the closest two posters to the secret number will win! In the event that multiple people post the same number, winners will be decided on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you win more than one giveaway, you must pick one prize and the next closest guesser will receive the other. Today's giveaway is for handmade Wayfinders, constructed by our own staff member Sabby! Here are some photos: Each of the two winners will receive one of the Wayfinders (not both), chosen at random. This giveaway closes November 17th.Good luck! IMPORTANT: You MUST be able to provide a valid shipping address and name to ship to. It can be your name (first name and last initial are okay), your legal guardian’s name, or even a friend that can give it to you, but usernames will NOT be accepted as a ship-to name. Winners will be contacted via PM for this information and it will all stay strictly confidential with the individual member that is shipping the item to you. Contests are open to all registered KH-Vids.net members except current staff members. The owner and staff members of KH-Vids will not be held responsible if the shipment is lost, damaged, delivered late, or anything that is beyond our control once it is postmarked, nor can we replace it if that is the case. This is not an official promotion by or associated with Square-Enix, Ltd.
Hey guys! We're down to the last events for our Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Celebration -- Giveaways! That's right, we've got physical prizes in store for you guys, which we're giving away for free. Entering is simple! A thread will be posted for each item, and the winners will be chosen in a guessing game. To enter, please pick a number between 1 and 1000 and post it here. You may enter once per giveaway (so you can post a number once in every thread). The giveaway will run for two weeks, after which the thread will be closed and the closest two posters to the secret number will win! In the event that multiple people post the same number, winners will be decided on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you win more than one giveaway, you must pick one prize and the next closest guesser will receive the other. Today's giveaway is for Kingdom Hearts keychains, pictured below: Each of the two winners will receive one of the keychains (not both), chosen at random. This giveaway closes November 16th.Good luck, & be sure to check back tomorrow for another giveaway launch! IMPORTANT: You MUST be able to provide a valid shipping address and name to ship to. It can be your name (first name and last initial are okay), your legal guardian’s name, or even a friend that can give it to you, but usernames will NOT be accepted as a ship-to name. Winners will be contacted via PM for this information and it will all stay strictly confidential with the individual member that is shipping the item to you. Contests are open to all registered KH-Vids.net members except current staff members. The owner and staff members of KH-Vids will not be held responsible if the shipment is lost, damaged, delivered late, or anything that is beyond our control once it is postmarked, nor can we replace it if that is the case. This is not an official promotion by or associated with Square-Enix, Ltd.
Hey guys! We're down to the last events for our Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Celebration -- Giveaways! That's right, we've got physical prizes in store for you guys, which we're giving away for free. Entering is simple! A thread will be posted for each item, and the winners will be chosen in a guessing game. To enter, please pick a number between 1 and 1000 and post it here. You may enter once per giveaway (so you can post a number once in every thread). The giveaway will run for two weeks, after which the thread will be closed and the closest two posters to the secret number will win! In the event that multiple people post the same number, winners will be decided on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you win more than one giveaway, you must pick one prize and the next closest guesser will receive the other. Today's giveaway is for Birth By Sleep phone charms, pictured below: Each of the two winners will receive one of the charms (not both), chosen at random. This giveaway closes November 15th.Good luck, & be sure to check out the second giveaway as well! IMPORTANT: You MUST be able to provide a valid shipping address and name to ship to. It can be your name (first name and last initial are okay), your legal guardian’s name, or even a friend that can give it to you, but usernames will NOT be accepted as a ship-to name. Winners will be contacted via PM for this information and it will all stay strictly confidential with the individual member that is shipping the item to you. Contests are open to all registered KH-Vids.net members except current staff members. The owner and staff members of KH-Vids will not be held responsible if the shipment is lost, damaged, delivered late, or anything that is beyond our control once it is postmarked, nor can we replace it if that is the case. This is not an official promotion by or associated with Square-Enix, Ltd.
Hey everyone! The staff has an exciting announcement for you guys today: Some of you may remember that I ran the site's weekly AMV contest, the Top 5, for some time. Unfortunately, I had to stop running it last year due to personal conflicts. However, I'm thrilled to announce that we're all set to re-launch it again -- and this time, a little bit differently! What's different, you ask? Simple: this time, we've got a panel of judges instead of just one! Several of our staff have volunteered to help judge the Top 5 this time around, and we will be switching off or teaming up every week to provide you with the results. As for which staff are on the team, it's a surprise -- you'll find out in due time, so stay tuned! The first week of judging starts today (October 21st), so be sure to get your videos submitted through our Portal. It's worth noting however that there has been a change in how submissions are handled: In order to submit your video for judging, you MUST tag it with the keyword "top 5" (without quotes). Failure to do so means your video will be overlooked! The first set of results will be posted on Sunday, October 28th. Other criteria for eligibility: To be eligible for judging, your video: - As stated, must be tagged with the top 5 keyword. - Must be submitted to our Video Portal - Must not have been submitted before, unless noted in advance that this is allowed (such as after a hiatus). Please do not submit the same video every week! [While we are indeed coming back from a hiatus, please do not resubmit old videos]. - Must be related to Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Disney, and/or The World Ends with You - Must be a complete video (no unfinished works will be judged) - Must be your video. I understand the nature of our Portal allows for you to submit others' videos, but only your own will be eligible for judging. - Must be longer than 30 seconds in length - Can be part of/a complete MEP, worm, or collaboration as long as you are finished working on it - May use music, audio from trailers, audio from comedy sketches, etc. For more information, see this post or feel free to ask. We look forward to seeing your videos! - The KH-Vids.net Staff
Hey everyone! I am proud to announce that our annual summer MEP has wrapped up, and we've got it uploaded and ready to watch for everyone! A huge thank you to everyone who participated, to fellow project coordinators Guardian Soul and What?, and thank you also for your patience while we got it ready to put online. =] A list of participants and songs are available in the video description. Please check there if you're curious! For those of you who'd like to keep this year's MEP, we have a download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?1g853iglh7kd7p7 Hope you enjoy the show, and see you next year!
well played, music library
basic stuff from messing around while trying to make my avatar lol I have NO graphic experience whatsoever and the edits are very simple soo I mean idk what you guys are even going to have to say (except "don't do this again" most likely) but CnC is welcome as always ALSO: The sizes are... Weird. Sorry. Spoiler My overlay kind of turned everything green on this one and idk what to do (he's got... green teeth)you can't escape the green
ready go Spoiler
[ Note: You guys, I am serious about this, PAY ATTENTION to the 50 question limit. ] Aaand for this week's spotlight we have Machina, otherwise known as Tєrrα or ArchAwesomeman! As usual, there are some rules I need to go over before we can start. PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THEM, ESPECIALLY THE QUESTION LIMITS, as it's easy to go over the limitations without thinking! Note that the Staff/Prem QT limitations are a bit different than that of normal QT: 1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still on KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight. 5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote. And now that you have READ THE RULES, you may ask away!~