3 .
Happy Birthday
Hey RvR, I was lurking through google and I ran into this: [IMG] I can't believe I still remember this as your avyy.
**** 1 .
nah, it's fine :)
22 .
18 .
16 .
14 .
err 10 ?
Jaden, I rarely come on, to know anything about what's going on is hard. I don't really like khv anymore, to me the place wasn't what it use be...
okay never mind .
aww, why? .
You okay there Jaden?
Newer versions of vBulletin have a subscribe feature. I don't remember when they added the feature, but I think it was in 3.8. I know 4.0 has it. The easiest way is to upgrade but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.
* = star .
[*url]link goes here[/url*] remove the stars
do what? .
cool .