Happy Birthday, sorry I am late ;~;
the twilight princess link looks better in his original graphics, why redo him in another type of graphics?
Sweet, looks like I am getting better at it. Glad to know it worked. c:
so the ImageMagick suggestion worked?
WW is Wind Waker
np, it looks kinda weird taking link and giving him ww graphics.
it is not out yet from what I know.
Are you guys using ImageMagick or GD? I have never had this problem, and it should not.
Good, you? :)
Ie6 .
Me? No. This will be my first time going to the UK.
It would be fun if I wasn't going there just to visit family. Hopefully I will be able to tour the city.
I am being dragged to the UK. >->
Packing for a trip. :cool:
Hey! What's up?
I live on my own now, but I lived with my dad when I was younger. See ya!
Since I was 8, so about 11 years.
Welcome to the club, my parents are divorced as well.
Awesome, I love puppies. :D Your parents are divorced?
Failing at trying to do something productive. I am trying to think of what to put on the main page of another site, that and youtube. How...