Search Results

  1. Finale
    'I guess its time to explore'
    The so called house was not as friendly as the exterior implied, and that wasn't pretty either. It made him wonder why would anyone live here, at least anyone alive.

    The air was silent and although it was nice as a substitute from the loud world, it seems slightly unsettling. James didn't enjoy it and although he wished to leave, this place was still better than the cold streets.
    Post by: Finale, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Finale
  3. Finale
    *enters the house through a creaking door, which echos through the chamber*
    '...more of a mansion than a house. Tsk.'
    *I put a cigarette into my mouth however I dont light it up*

    Its all dusty. Feels like an infinitely enlarged coffin.
    Post by: Finale, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Finale
    * name: James 'Slasher' Saw
    * age: 19 (when died) 44
    * height: 6'1
    * weight: 152
    * date of death: 25/12/85
    * Character description: Short spiky black hair and unnaturally pale skin. Dark brown eyes and strangely white eye brows. No eye lashes. Wears a burgundy jacket and a white shirt under it. Black jeans and red trainers. He also has a bright red right arm, claiming thats where his arm got slashed however never explained how he got his right eye red.
    * Personal qualities:anti-social and self-involved. He believes all those who cant kill should be killed and is very religious to god claiming that every death is a sacrifice for a better world. He hates Christmas since he died on that day.
    * abilities: Stealth kills. He can move very fast and although physically weak he can use a knife well.
    * race: Undead Human. Evil side.
    Post by: Finale, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Finale
    Profile Post

    Yes, I do ='3

    Yes, I do ='3
    Profile Post by Finale for Jayn, Sep 25, 2010
  6. Finale
    thats a good song
    Post by: Finale, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. Finale
    >.> *sneaks a video camera in*
    Profile Post by Finale for Day~Dream, Jul 29, 2010
  8. Finale
    Profile Post

    Weeeeeeeell? is it?

    Weeeeeeeell? is it?
    Profile Post by Finale for Day~Dream, Jul 27, 2010
  9. Finale
    Yes. When he dies, because he normally cant, he disappears. fades away in an unflashy way.
    Post by: Finale, Jul 21, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Finale
    Can you play as an average heartless, cause in some ways he is similar.
    For instance when he dies he disappears.
    Post by: Finale, Jul 20, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Finale
    Thats not bloody Right!! :why?:
    Post by: Finale, Jul 20, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Finale
    Profile Post

    Sup Ladder-goater

    Sup Ladder-goater
    Profile Post by Finale for ipredv3i, Jul 20, 2010
  13. Finale
    not much of that here at all D=
    Profile Post by Finale for Kenni-Chan, Jul 20, 2010
  14. Finale
  15. Finale
    Profile Post

    well how are you?

    well how are you?
    Profile Post by Finale for Kenni-Chan, Jul 16, 2010
  16. Finale
    Ok then. ..................
    Profile Post by Finale for Kenni-Chan, Jul 14, 2010
  17. Finale
    You hate it >3

    I believe the world will end if I turn up music too loud
    Post by: Finale, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. Finale
  19. Finale
  20. Finale