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  1. Finale
  2. Finale
    Profile Post

    and whys that?

    and whys that?
    Profile Post by Finale for rikuxking, Sep 26, 2010
  3. Finale
  4. Finale
    1. Cure only works for injuries, not 'deaths' which they thought he was.

    2. Who knows, what is it anyway and why was it made?

    3. No he couldn't, time was little and they were about to sleep before their memories disappeared. Play KH:COM for more info.

    4. To do Maleficent bidding, she aint the smartest one in KH. As we all now.

    5. I believe Testuya Nomura wanted to turn them into fairies so they could fit all 3 in on one screen and since its KH, noone would mind. As for Atlantica, I suppose it DOES have Disney in it.
    Post by: Finale, Sep 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Finale
    Profile Post

    ...huh? '-'

    ...huh? '-'
    Profile Post by Finale for rikuxking, Sep 26, 2010
  6. Finale
    The tea was not safe, was James' instant thought. Even though it looked normal James ignored it.

    Why. Why did he not grab and force an interrogation on the girl. His body just froze up and he didn't know why. 'I've got to get out of here.'

    And with that he ran out of his room, where he noticed some sounds in the house.
    Post by: Finale, Sep 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Finale
    Profile Post

    >:3 Raaawr.

    >:3 Raaawr.
    Profile Post by Finale for Hopefulwishes, Sep 26, 2010
  8. Finale
    Profile Post

    Yes, epic is it not?

    Yes, epic is it not?
    Profile Post by Finale for Panda Face, Sep 26, 2010
  9. Finale
    Profile Post

    One last one [IMG]

    One last one [IMG]
    Profile Post by Finale for Panda Face, Sep 25, 2010
  10. Finale
  11. Finale
    The theres a filing room. AH!
    =/ I need blueprints! Would it be safe to ask? No, no it wouldn't. I should stay where I am and wait for the tea...then I can interrogate the girl. Shes small and harmless, what could she do? Mentally a bit ill but otherwise weak.

    Yeah....thats the plan.
    Post by: Finale, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Finale
  13. Finale
    James said nothing, only recognising that this little girl is more than she looks. Her intimidating aura made the air stuffy and its very difficult to say anything witty in front of her.
    'I dont want any tea...'

    James knew that she didn't want him to snoop but better know whats happening then not. Now....where to start.
    Post by: Finale, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Finale
    ...that easily? '-' [IMG] [IMG]
    Profile Post by Finale for Panda Face, Sep 25, 2010
  15. Finale
  16. Finale
    (when did ya get there)
    James was shocked and surprised

    Was this a sign? Or a warning from the grave? the person seems to show know positive emotions. I'll have to be wary.
    ' sorry, I dont feel like eating'
    Post by: Finale, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Finale
  18. Finale
    There was suddenly alot more activity in this house.
    'More fools?' he questioned the darkness. James' guard was always up, there were traps so he had to be wary of them but its not because of that he is so afraid.

    He is afraid of the message and what it means. He hasn't heard of it and it is a very common thing but Jack has multiple meanings, what on earth could this one be?
    Post by: Finale, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Finale
  20. Finale