what does Victory pose do?
Lilo got a new boyfriend and was 'washed up with 626' Too bad she isnt referenced in the Japanese one at all >_> Meeeeessed up.
the hell? When did they change?
Real life ish boring on the internet >->
Do you mean January 2011?
Back to the Funture. Where it was more interesting here.
Since the site was reset I'm just wondering if there were other codes. Such as Role models.
http://help.com/post/247416-kingdom-hearts-cosplay-wig-help Found it >_>
We aren't like you lot ='3 At least I'm not >.> Only posh people can say that, not people from plymouth which is the opposite D:< Im gonna...
oh and what did ya think of youtube vid? and why were you in the Xion avatar search?
Still better than yours ='3 You see we ish intelligent enough to not get bored >:3
Noor, your newspapers are not worthy compared to my 'The Guardian' >:3
Haha http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?103764-Khv
...its page 3 on mine ='3 and thats only in the Sun. Your newspaper.
Its you! ='3 On a google search for Xion avatars xD
Look at page 3.
http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&rlz=1R2WZPC_enUS370&biw=1402&bih=469&tbs=isch:1&sa=1&q=Xion+avatars&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= Looky...
huh? ummm cool? ^_^'
I know that -.-'
I think only an admin or Super mod can do it.