That sounds horrible... I'll pray for you tummer!
It's required for taking exams. And to have that, you need to complete the requirements for it. (Lectures, projects, quizzes, seatworks, etc.)...
I pray for the victims and the ones who lost their homes and loved ones from the quake. Source: CBC World News Published: October 16, 2013
I give my condolences to the families and friends of the victims. This just makes me sad. No news yet of any survivors. May God bless their poor souls.
If the attackers were so eager to get it, why won't they pre-order? Anyways, This isn't news to me, I've heard about some cases that are related to video games. But I'm happy that they showed proper treatment for the handicapped man.
Good for you! Meanwhile, I'm stuck here trying to finish all of my requirements for clearance.... -_- Everyone of the students are anime fans....
Welp, That ruined the mood.... :( Anyways, Yes, I'm excited but I think that there's a catch in this.... I thought she won't make a new song in future games. I wonder what made her change her mind....
Well, I'm sorry! But I rarely get online too if it makes you feel any better....
For me. Just the signature. It's giving me nightmares for a few days..... And TheseMyths are not helping!!!
You were gone? I never noticed. But Welcome back! Hope we can get to see you more in the future!!!
Lol. Me too! I'm more of an indoor person. I rarely leave home unless my parents ask (forced) me to go with them to the mall or somewhere far...
Happy Birthday to you, Enzy!!!
I already sent mine. Is this for a project or something?
Yeah Same with me playing games and making internet friends! I would too if I live near that university. XD But if there's an anime society in...
Huh.... He does make a pretty good antagonist of God Hand
Yeah it would! I'll miss my friends though.... :( ....wut..... There's something like that? WHY NOT AN ANIME OR WHOVIAN SOCIETY?!?!?! XD
Hey Plums! I need your opinion on this TotA thread.
I wish I could go too, but I'm very, very, VERY far away from Disney World. If my family had plans for Disney World this year, maybe I would go. :3 But there's always next year!