Live version.
Happy Birthday to you, Myst!
And it was okay. Although in my opinion, the King and I is better.
Happy Belated Birthday to Labrys! And it's too bad. But we'll get to see him back here, don't worry.
I agree. But Hey, Once you get the platinum card, you can use it when your health is low. You can use the chance to heal, since it lasts 20 attacks.
Same reason with me. But I usually use block often on bosses to see if any of their attacks are blockable. True dat. Also, who do you think will...
I died like 10-15 times in one playthrough of KH3D. Which is why I usually block since most boss attacks in the game are blockable. Yeah. It's...
How did this thread turns from discussing about Kingdom Hearts to MGS4?
-_- I can only do proud..... But If I can survive that, then I can survive Critical mode. After many resets and resets..... I love Gin and...
Yeah. It's originally a video game for the PS2 and recently for the 3DS. I got my 3DS last summer. Best Decision ever made. XD If you want to know...
I'm just average at math, but I ace at geometry.
I agree! For The top 5 animes. Either Bleach or Fairy Tail. If it's in general, then it's The Tales of the Abyss Anime
Yes..... -_- Sucks to be me..... Hmm? I'm saying that I'm not one of them anime haters. I LOVE ANIME!!!! :3
Ugh. Tell me about it. There's so much school work that it's impossible for me to finish it with the time that I have before semester break starts! -_-
I wonder what the two of them were doing in the alleyway....
If you post in the Playground, then nope. But I think that it counts as a post in other parts of the forums that are not a part of the Fun and Games area.
Second one looks epic to me.
Whew! At least I don't need to worry.... much..... I'm about the part where I get to play as Asch for the first time, and OMG, I can't believe...
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I can do whatever I want! /Yup