I just can't believe that I had a lot of projects to do before my semester break starts.
I choose sword a lot because I'm one of those types that charge at the opponent without thinking of a strategy. Now, thanks to Lingering Will and...
I see..... So you really busy at school?
I just hope that there's a boss that will punish you greatly if you use the same attack all over again. Hehe.
Fine. Just celebrated my mom's birthday, and that it's already my semester break.
Oh, so you recently joined the site. Welcome to KH-Vids! Hope you read the rules, have fun and hope we can see each other in the forums!
I mean, Fight against them as Terra and that you cannot use Thunder Surge or any similar attack commands. That's the challenge there.
It's great that you finally beat Terranort at Critical mode! Now do Vanitas Remnant and Mysterious Figure, I dare you! >:3
Heyo! Welcome back to KH-Vids! Please read the rules and hope I can see you in the forums!
Nope. I mostly choos sword and sacrifice the shield. Now it's the other way around! XD L. No one beats L. NO. ONE. :3
Oh hai, Luneth! What's up?
Yeouch, hope your wrists feels better, Jayn..... Hope you get a new keyboard! Which state do you live, if you do not mind asking? Hope you have a safe trip on the way to San An- California! Hope we can see you soon!
I agree that re:Coded has better gameplay than Days, but Days has a better story than re:Coded. Well for me that is. The only thing that makes me think that this game is like a port of KHI is that most of the worlds are from KHI. (Excluding Deep Jungle and Castle Oblivion.)
It's okay. I am busy myself. :3 Ironically, I'm that type of player way back, but I'm starting to focus more on defense. which is why in KH1, I...
You got a point there. Like I said before, I'm playing basketball with my cousin and our other friends. :)
Yeah, I'm going to play b-ball with my cousin, don't worry about me sitting my butt all day near my computer. Well, I am studying for my entrance exams... But it's like a few months away.
And I'm not sure what should I do during the week of no school. What do you guys suggest? I would usually watch anime or play video games non-stop (Not really. I have my limits.).
I see your point there. It would be better if Phantom in Final Mix is all white.
I can't argue with that. You've got your opinion and I got mine. But I do agree that the color scheme of the original Phantom makes more sense for it.
Exactly. Like most of the Heartless models.... ugh...... But Phantom's new model in Final Mix is the only one that I liked for some reason.