Spices as in spicy? If so, I hope it's really spicy! I love spicy stuff! Thanks. Pizza, Calamari, Mozzarella Sticks, steaks, and som frozen...
For me, I do not think that age matters, because I make a lot of friends who are older and younger than my age group. As of this school year, I made some friends from the Freshmen and Sophomore class, and I would just talk to any of them when I have the chance.
It kinda depends on my mood. When I'm Happy, "500 Miles" is the first song that I think of, then I want to get hyper, I listen to" Nine Thou (Superstar Remix)" When I'm angry, any dark and sinister song. But for some reason, Best Song Ever is still stuck in my head.
Oh! A returning member! Welcome back to KH-Vids! I don't know you for obvious reasons (I joined earlier this year.) But I hope we can see you here again more!
Ain't that the truth! >:3 Really? Hope you feel better! And what did you eat? Fine! School is starting and I still feel sick from the food that...
Yeah Me too. ..... :D You took those word right out of my mouth.... So how are you nowadays?
Next year, I hope I can join you guys! It sounds like a cool event, and I really want a KH attraction in Disney World.
Welcome back to KH-Vids! Please read the rules and I hope you have fun! Hope we can see you a lot from now on and hope we can see each other in the forums!
Happy Birthday to you Kites!
I see.... I never get used to that when I visit America days before DST starts.
Welcome to KH-Vids! Remember to read the rules, and have fun! Hope we can see each other in the forums! .....Nice username! How come I didn't think of that?!
You're leaving? It's sad to see a member leave our community.... Hope we can see you soon!
Hey! Who's the girl in your avatar?
Is it Daylight Savings time in the US?
Welcome back! I was wondering where you've gone. Hope we can get to see each other more!
Yeah, I also think that this is one of the best KH games ever. Somehow, I feel that this is the most underrated game in KH history. But yeah, the story is good, the characters are cool, the gameplay is awesome, and nice character development. Definitely worth playing in my book.
This was already shown to us, but thanks! I have been looking for the YouTube version since forever!
Like what hatok said, Lea and Axel are the same person. The same goes for the other Nobodies. Roxas and Namine are an exception since Sora was a heartless for a really short time, and Kairi never turned into a heartless.
Same feeling too, man.... But I gotta study so that I can have a good job.
Just went Trick or treating. Even though I don't have a costume. I'd rather have a horror game marathon. From Amnesia, to Silent Hill, to Outlast.