Why? Because it's raw? Well I just need to find a good college to enter first. And then I'll celebrate my way. Which is usually just eating out...
Huh. I like it as well. Even though I give it less attention.....
And I am verry happy that I got my own tablet! :3
Actually, I got Kaze's car, which is the CLK 500. Does it perform well than the Gallardo?
Yeah...... I really liked that car.... I got Ming's Gallardo and I upgraded it's performance as much as possible. Thanks for your tips!
Hooray for you trying sushi sometime! Around March. Just started the 2nd Semester Yeah. The Philippines is always like that..... It's a racing...
O_o YOU SHOULD THY SOME!!! I was never the same again once I tasted the glourious taste of sushi and Japanese curry!!! Around a month before...
Well, for the Japanese.... Cherry Blossoms represent Life and Death. Which means.... Scythe-wielding man + the power of Cherry Blossoms = Embodiment of Death itself. So.... Yeah, you're right.
I see. And you missed the Itroduction part of the game where you briefly drive the M3 GTR. Same for me. when I unlocked all the cars, I usually use the grand Prix cars. Not sure why though. Also, do you recommend any cars that I can use against the 6 remaining Blacklist members? From Sonny until Kaze, I've been using a Lexus IS300 since it has good handling. And as of now, it's performance is the same as Ming's Gallardo. Should I keep using it, or use I different car? I got Kaze's car by luck so maybe I can use it.
Really? Well dang. I was hoping I can use it in Quick race or something that isn't Career mode.... Same goes for me. Although, I've always had difficulty when playing as a cop car.
That pisses me off about Carbon too. And this time, it's permanent. :( Ahhh Burnout! I remember the times that I raged at my PSP when I played Burnout Legends. XD
Well, back to school again..... And I'm getting addicted to NfS again....
Yeah. Never played the older ones though since I first played Underground. I agree. EA could have just remade the original Most Wanted with better Graphics, A.I. And extra content, but nooooooooooo..... D:< Don't you dare diss Carbon! jk It's your opinion anyways. it's kinda good, though I do still miss the streets. It had potential, but EA kinda screw it up. No arguements there. I agree with this one. I played the original and that one was way better than the reboot. Same goes for Most Wanted. I agree on this too. The idea sounds interesting, but the gameplay needs to be revamped.
The only problem in my opinion is that there's no story mode. I agree. For me, Underground to Carbon are the NfS games that I really, really like.
Ooh! A returning member! Welcome back to KH-Vids! Hope we can get to see you often around here! See you around the forums!
This: Spoiler: Here it is This was one of the few games in the series that I actually enjoy. Because I recently heard about the reboot, I feel like I should play this version.
Hmm.... I don't have any say in the matter. COD Ghosts is pretty must the same as the other COD games for me, but Battlefield 4 looks kind of fun. Eminen, you'll never force me to buy COD Ghosts unless I want to! D:
Let's just say that it's usually mild or not spicy at all. At least, from all of the Japanese curry that I had tasted in restaurants.... My...
Oh you mean stuff like parsley and oregano? And speaking of spicy food, I'm planning to eat some really spice Japanese curry soon. I know. Nah, I...
Oh hey, you're back.