I'm stuck here playing either GTA IV, or the Need for Speed series. HELP ME GUYS!!!!
That really sounds like BS. My country's main religion is Roman Catholic, and most teachers don't force students to convert into Christianity. Of course, there are some stubborn people....
Oh it's fine now? Great then. But that still doesn't change the fact that I'm going to wait for a slim version in about a few years.
Nice, a returning member! Welcome back to KH-Vids! Hope we can see you more often on the site and I wish we could see each other around the forums!
Huh. No wonder my uncle told me to wait a year orntwo before buying a console...
Nah, it's okay.
Well, it is a remaster. Square-Enix would revise the graphics to the next lever when they make a remake of it.
Well, Sora did want to reunite with Kairi from KHI to KHII. She's just a plot device. Hopefully, she will play an even bigger role than before in Kingdom Hearts III.
I can think of one lesson from Chain of Memories.... Memories are still with you even if nthey're forgotten. You just need to dig deeper in your heart.
If Disney didn't have a say against a KH-themed Dissidia, then it would be possible. But sadly it will never happen....
Well, we already know that Master Xehanort; Young Xehanort; Xemnas; Ansem, Seeker of Darkness; Saix and Xigbar are members. I have high hopes for Vanitas and Riku Replica, since A figure who exactly looks like a 15 Year old Riku appears in DDD when the real Riku is in Prankster's Paradise. Not sure about the others, but I'm guessing that Terranort might be in it, since we still don't know what happened to him.
Aqua's voice actor is just fine. Terra and Marluxia's are terrible in my opinion though, both of their VAs either need more practice or need to be replaced.
To be honest, I don't really care about summons unless I use Tinker Bell in KHI or when using them in the Underworld Arena in KHII. As for the guns, It looks very cool to me, though I hope that we can get to see a few more others.
Welcome to the site! Make sure that you read the rules and have fun here in KH-Vids!
My school is a Catholic school, so that's why. ..... How did you know my teacher is a female?
Meh, Not too bad. But strangely my Religion teacher gave me a 92....
Happy Birthday to you Hayabusa!
I envy you. I love pasta..... Especially when there's cheese in it!!
Well, Nomura said it himself during an interview.
Lol. You really don't like fish? Yeah! Hmm.... Either Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Lol. Makes you feel like a kid again? XD