Your signature and your post count. And yes, I do keep track.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to you Llave!!
Can you actually do this or is it a glitch? View attachment 37161
I'm waiting for it too. Just watched the Day of the Doctor and I can say that I'm not disappointed.
For now, I'd rather lie down on the bed and take a nap....
... And I don't even know what to do..... Except for going on a trip to Korea.
I think it can be too much if you play it non-stop for a few days.... I like all of the generations, II being my favorite, but I never played X or Y yet so I can't say anything about it yet.
Oh. welcome back to KH-Vids! I mean.... It's an honor to have you return to the sight, Judge Sunrose....
I really don't see Wreck-It-Ralph in KHIII, but it would totally be funny when witnessing that scenario in the game. Anyways, I can see Frozen having a chance in KHII, since the game is still pretty much early in development.
In my opinion, it's better to not know it.
To me, I do not really have a preference between the two, but the original ones gave me nostalgia most of the time....
And no, It's not gross. I'm serious. View attachment 37086 I had some Dory and Cod Fish and Chips.
Currently playing the GBA version of Chain of Memories, and I am having difficulty with Dragon Maleficent. Any tips to defeat her?
Why not use a glove?
What do you mean by slightly different?
Happy Birthday to you Plums!!!!
And I cen definitely see an ElsaxJack Frost pairing...... Favorite part of the movie? The part where Mickey and the others are chasing each other in a film inside a film. In all seriousness, I think that it is a good movie. But when the part where (Spoiler Alert) Elsa saves Anna from being *Ahem.* Frozen. And when the curse can be broken by true love, the troll shaman did not say that it should be true love between a man and a woman. I thought of two possiblites. One. It's love between siblings. As for possibility number two..... I'll leave that to your imaginations.....
Played Skyrim, and I completed that, Dawnguard and Dragonborn (Even though I still have some side missions to do. Never Played Morrowind, but I never finished Oblivion. I'm also planning to get one of the Fable games. As for Dragon Age, I'm going to check it out. I play that a lot on my tablet, I don't want to play it on the PC though. Sounds interesting. Do you mean the mod or the HD remake? I already played most of Valve's games. (Except Day of Defeat.) Ha. Ha. jk I just played DDD, I just want to take a break from the KH series for a while. (OH THE HORROR!!!) Played the Sims games (Still waiting for Sims 4!), Never played Railroad tycoon. I'll check it out. ..... No comment here..... Never heard of it.
Welcome to the site, Roxas! And I agree with kingdomheartsgeek. If you know what's good for you, don't go to the Spam Zone too often. Pffff. Like I'm the one to talk....