Season 9 just came out over the summer I believe, it's only a few issues in so far. I just started myself over the summer and I'm at the end of Season 7, and plan to watch Angel after
Ahhh, I would love to join this if I had a mic..
I actually want it to happen, even though they won't be involved. Though I do agree it's a horrible idea, I just want to see how it goes.
7 seasons in the Television series is what I'm referring to. So I'll be addressing that here.. and there's 2 extra seasons in the comic book universe (so 9 Seasons), but I'm not following that yet. And yes, I have seen the movie, and I liked it for it's stand alone worth. It's used as canon actually, for the origin story... Considering also I haven't seen Angel yet, I won't say anything in regards to Angel
Ah, I might pick up Red Hood and The Outlaws too and maybe even Nightwing His appearance in Batgirl made me want to follow it
Maybe you should close it and turn it on... We don't want another Madoka and Homura incident to happen
I'm actually surprised that there isn't a thread here about it: Has anyone seen this amazing series? I've been watching since summer break and I'm hooked. If you haven't here's a little summary for you: It's 7 seasons long, but it's so worth it. And it's similar to Supernatural in a way too.
I've (hopefully) fixed it now, so it shouldn't be an issue But yeah The only ones I'm currently following actively is Batgirl, Green Arrow and Wonder Woman. Might pick up Batwoman and Teen Titans next
College is good, though a bit of a bothersome on the deadlines, but I have good grades so far. How about you? Didn't you just start High School?
Hi there! I've been good, how are you?
I have to re-size it, I know... I don't think I'm being wrong here though I'm not saying "wah wah the site is going to ****." but whatever Nice to see you, Mr. Bataclaus [Also have you read Batwoman yet because I'm hesitating on it]
I have a very small group of friends at college. Then there are the people who I happen to know but don't call friends
They are thinking about doing so if enough fans ask for it
Wait.. This is a game? Oh man for a second I really thought this was for the game. It looks really pretty, I might pick this up
Ah, everything is great! How have you been?
But what about 5ever
It's pretty simple, it's just color theory Blue has always stood for loyalty, wisdom, and intelligence. Sony is going to try to get that across Green (Xbox) Suggests Freshness and surprisingly greed if a darker green...I think it's Freshness because it was the "new thing" to hit the market in it's time. White (Nintendo's Wii) is used for simplicity and coolness, maybe even purity. They haven't changed their formula in years and it still makes them a hard hitting company.
Ah, am I the only one a bit amused that the girl is named "Ellie" and that she looks a lot like Ellen Page? I guess I am. Anyway, the trailer looks amazing. And an interesting note: Ellie states that the man within the trailer that the streets had people thriving in it. And the streets look like they've been taken over by plant life a lot. So it must of been years...since the first "outbreak" It also gives me the idea that she was born within the timeframe of the first outbreak.
I actually enjoy the new controls to be honest It's more interactive, plus, aiming the bow and arrow is so much fun.
Um... Considering the fact that the next console that will most likely get the next big Zelda title is Wii U Why is this a surprise?