I agree with the second article, though. I feel optimistic about the reboot that's being written by a fan herself, and I think if she is a fan, she knows if she messes one thing up that she has hell to pay with the Buffy fandom, they are not forgiving.. Though I don't think it'll be a "Twilight-cash in" because it's the totally different from Twilight EDIT: Also, a great post by a LJ user about the movie reboot. http://angearia.livejournal.com/196645.html ANOTHER EDIT!: The script was rejected! http://www.hypable.com/tv/2011/12/2...ayer-movie-script-rejected-project-in-danger/
What, what pin? I haven't been here in awhile so someone please explain?
It's pretty similar to Izeno's, but with Kingdom Hearts I already had a PS2 with a few games such as Final Fantasy X and some other random games. I was watching TV one day and this commercial came on with Donald, Goofy and all these Disney movies and icons fighting with a kid. I was instantly hooked by this, I loved Disney (and still do) so I asked my mom "Please, can I have this game?" and a few days later she came home with it. I never stopped playing it and was memorized by everything.
Yeah, it looks interesting but I actually...don't know how I feel about it. Though I hope it isn't that game that Corocoro mentioned to be revealing next month... I want a R/S/E remake so bad
I still do hang out with them time to time... We don't live that far from each other
Wait... Are you talking about the actress? Uh....
Ammy (Wolfie), Advent, Xaale.... Those three
Remember when they told you to not meet your online friends ever? I did, oops Spoiler From here too, and they are still my best friends...well some
People who are asking about their "gimmicks" are most likely going to get self conscious about it...and then worry about it. Whatever floats your boat
I do too It feels like she's wearing what her Persona is wearing (under her plates)
The bad thing is when I saw that piece of news I actually said the same thing
Considering that this is a total 180 from his actual personality I'm taking this with a grain of salt
I don't think so either And yes, he did state he'd veto it I believe it's not passed yet, it's still being debated against since there are a lot of people going against it. And I think it has to go through another process of it being edited if passed and most likely veto'd
Spoiler I mean they did register for the domain website finalfantasyxiii-3 or something like that
Considering I have seen all the movies up to this point and read all the novels, I'll bite Twilight is...fairly interesting. It's both a good and bad catalyst in a way, and here's a few reasons why. 1. Twilight actually has re-introduced our generation and some of the new generation into the Vampire and Werewolf lexicon. Even if you can (and most people say) that the novels are poorly written, it has introduced good novels that deal with both Vampires (Anne Rice, for example) and Werewolves (Blood and Chocolate is one, I'm sure there are many others) 2. The Twilight series has made kids read. A lot of kids didn't read until this novel came out, and suddenly a lot of teenagers picked up this series and started to like reading. It may be not the best choice, but why is it so bad to read something that may be interesting to you, and eventually find something that strikes your interest? I remember when Harry Potter came out, a lot of my friends wanted more novels like it. Same with Twilight, they are going to try and find a similar vampire romance or werewolf romance novel. Or hell, maybe something just about Vampires! Now, the bad... 1. Bella isn't the best role model, or Edward...or anyone in the novels that matter. Like I stated before, a lot of younger kids/teens read this series, even adults. Bella isn't the ideal role model for a young girl.... What she ends up doing in both the movies and novel is showing girls this, even if they might not catch on: "I'm Bella, an awkward young girl who has nothing going for her in this small town until this boy rolls in and steals my heart! I can't live without him and I break down for about 3 months when he announces he's leaving! I'm not a function, independent girl without Edward!" Now, you can argue that there are many many girls like this within novels, of course there are. But usually, they are older, and considered "classics". It was expected at the time, but now girls can and (should, in my opinion) be independent. You can be independent and have a healthy romantic relationship with another person. Edward, hands down, has an unhealthy obsession with Bella, even states that she is "his own brand of cocaine". He compared her to a drug. He watches her while she sleeps "for protection" which isn't normal...and doesn't let Bella become her own functioning person, he does everything for her. Robert Patterson even stated he hates Edward, he hates playing his role and says that this has to be the authors own wet dream. Edward's description is totally fabricated! He's perfect in every single way. He's rich, he has the eye of almost every girl in Forks, his body is described as the most perfect statue. He's a walking god basically. This can lead very, very confusing expectations for girls in guys, and even effect guys in a way. Twilight is called the "Modern Love Story". This shouldn't be the expectations in a relationship, at all. I hope that people who read the novels and watch the movies have enough sense that this shouldn't and the expectations in a guy or girl like Edward (or even Bella in her Vampire form) should be a basis for a relationship Also, I guess this is my own personal pet peeve about the series: I love how everyone swears series such as True Blood, Vampire Diaries and the like were started after Twilight came out. The Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries series was started in (I believe) 2001 Vampire Diaries was re-published recently but started in 1998
Ah, I actually saw this recently so it's still fresh in my mind! What I believe happened: Spoiler I believe that the "Club" events were made by Baby Doll all along, not Sweet Pea. She was the one sent onto the chair in the beginning, and seen at the end. The girls who Baby Doll met, Rocket, Sweet Pea, and the others were also real. She just made up the "imaginary world" to fill in the looming danger of her final day being "alive" The list presented to Baby Doll in the beginning was real also, she knew how to get out. And I also believe that Sweet Pea wasn't crazy, she just went after Rocket and made it seem she was. Baby Doll knew she couldn't leave, so she let Sweet Pea escape. The deaths of Rocket and the other girls did happen in the asylum though. As shown with the missing knife (she did stab the orderly, but I believe that Rocket was still stabbed but it was kept hush hush.) and the two others were killed by said orderly when they were put in that room where we find Baby Doll at the end of the film. I also like to believe that those events in the imaginary world did happen...
Yes, I did meet many amazing people on this site as well, and it's good to hear that you are too.
Please don't misunderstand my previous comment last night,, I'm willing to make friends here : D, but it is very different from when I was active....
Well hello there, I am kind (I like to think so) but it's nice to meet you. And no, a lot of people think so though to best honest. It isn't...
Holy crap the score is done by The Motorcycle Diaries composer? Going to get this And yes I'm indeed hyped about this now.