Skin color, gender or size should never stop you. Ever. You just need to find a cosplay you find yourself comfortable in, and that fits you. Hell, I've cosplayed Nick from Left 4 Dead 2, Touya (from Pokemon Black and White) and Male!Maka from the Soul Eater manga Three totally different body types, haircolors and skin, height etc. I've made it work.
What you could do is install Rocket Dock which I did (the little bar on top of the screen I have in my picture) It makes it neat.
Sounds like JSA in High School for me.... Heh, I guess I would like it.
So far I have this I want to add nicer stuff but.....I'm not sure how lol. Spoiler
I've been trying to get the task bar to look like the one in the first post But I can't for some reason .___.
Sorry to ruin you fun, kiddies It's fake
Or you can always go the romantic way and sacrifice a lamb to Lord Satan and then you'll get the girl. But a note is nice too
I'm actually not sure I have my Captain America tee there ready for the movie, but I'm not sure who I'm going with yet I know on Saturday I'm supposed to go with one of my friends, but on that Friday I think my best friend got tickets for us already.
While I'm excited for the movie, I'm not sure on the casting.... Andrew Garfield (to me) has been in the same role for a lot of movies and one play he's been in. He's always angry or brooding or the punk. When I saw him in The Social Network, I liked him, but seeing his other roles are very similar (he's more of an angry, yelling person like in Death of a Salesman on Broadway when he played Biff Loman) I just hope he doesn't play Spidey the same, always angry and brooding.
Actually Bayonetta should be really cheap now. But anyway, god I was upset when there was a rumor of it being announced at TGS last year and nothing happened. :c Though I'm getting AR just because of Bayonetta, I'm still going to wait for a sequel. And then I have Lollipop Chainsaw to hold me over till then.
Well I had an issue with Iron Man and Cap only... Spoiler With Iron Man pretty much taking the lead role and being focused on a lot throughout the movie, and Captain America just kinda...being there.
It really isn't hard either to just google it (I know you said your lazy to do that but seriously? it takes about 5 seconds) It's been getting a lot of press too...
The movie was good, it was really wasn't as um....amazing as I thought it would. Though I found a liking for Thor and Hulk. And thank god Black Widow and Hawkeye actually got some screen time.
I think the whole (and great move) was the ad placements If and when you watch the movie, think about it's been marketed. Nothing really reveals to its actual true motive, it just looks like another teen slasher.
And I believe it states in the rules that you cannot name a pokemon another pokemon name Such as naming your Snivy "Tepig"
Radioactive by Marina and the Diamonds
I actually wrote a lot more on my Tumblr, so here's the full post I made Spoiler Since I had about a day to think about it, I'm just going to put my view on it. It was an amazing movie, not so much on the actual....plot, but character wise, it was good. I honestly found myself surprised that two characters that didn't have their own movies (Hawkeye and Black Widow) had really good character development and were really great within The Avengers. Honestly, my two favorites out of the movie were Black Widow and Hulk Now, Hulk? Really? I was surprised that I came out of watching it liking him so much. The history behind Hulk's movie career was terrible, but this new guy played him pretty much perfectly and I began to respect the character of Bruce Banner a lot. Black Widow, on the other hand, she wasn't actually what I thought it was going to be, another pretty face on a screen with her boobs and ass right in frame as she kicked someone's ass. Maybe because Joss Whedon directed the film, and he's had a great track history with writing strong female characters (Buffy, of course, among his other series) that made her much more than that. Don't get me wrong, BW was definitively sexy in the movie, but it wasn't really...forced or expected, if that makes sense. She was a respectable female within the club of boys she was with, she had as much power as say Thor or Cap, even if it was in a different way, he wits and smarts. I mean, like the Loki and Black Widow scene, when you see that, you'll understand how she operates. She was amazing for that scene. Anyway, on to the others: Thor, Cap, and Iron Man. I liked Thor, Thor was actually really one of the stars of the film to be honest. He was really likable, and the Loki and Thor dynamic the respective actors had going on was really cool, because it felt genuine and real. Brothers fighting, while one is trying to honestly help him, and the other just refusing to. On the other hand, I really didn't enjoy Iron Man and Captain America within the film. Which, to me, was surprising because Captain America (was) my favorite out of the movies. For Iron Man, I guess because we've had so much of him, and to me, The Avengers movie felt like it revolved around him and his escapades, and not the whole team. Yeah, you had a lot of stuff with the others, but it also reverted back to Tony. The beginning and ending pretty much started and ended with Tony, a lot of the fighting, where it had its moments of having various members teaming up, went right back to him. The whole thing with the "flying fishies" as I called him, almost none of The Avengers couldn't take them out, without Tony doing it. Oh, and his snarky sarcastic commentary was good, but that's a staple of RDJ for any of his characters, right? And then Captain America, he was just...kinda there. He had his scenes, but he wasn't really memorable. Yeah, he gave the team orders and stuff but that was it. That was all that was really important. They didn't really expand on him actually adjusting to the modern world. You can argue since its a two hour movie, they can't hit all the bases but It was like "Oh ****, I'm not in the 1940's anymore- oh well" I mean, he was not really...convincing I guess? I dunno. As for Loki, I never really liked him before this, but I LOVED his role in the movie. I thought it was going to be a generic villain like some are, and forgettable, but you can actually feel bad for him, and debate if you actually want to root for The Avengers or him. But overall, the movie was GOOD, and I loved they showcased characters we haven't seen in action at all, but ones we know (save Thor and Hulk maybe) were kinda flat.
Spoiler I saw it last night, in a stream [and I'm going to see it when it officially releases here in America] But I was honestly surprised by it. I mean last night I thought it was amazing and all, but thinking about it now.....I thought it was good in the sense for the characters. I'm REALLY glad that they didn't do what I thought they would do, make Black Widow and Hawkeye just there and have little screen time, but Black Widow was really one of my favorites out of the movie among even the "bigger names". Hulk, I never even liked and I found a new found respect for him because of the way he was portrayed in the movie. Thought, I was kind of eh about giving Iron Man a lot of the spotlight, or at least that's how I felt about the movie. Most of it revolved around him in my eyes. Even the whole Loki and Thor battle was kinda overshadowed by Iron Man fighting of Loki's army. And Captain America's role in the movie was not really up to my standards in the film as much as I would've liked. His lines were good, but it didn't feel like how he was in his own standalone movie. Maybe when I see it again my opinion will change, but yeah, that's how I feel
Of course, I think no one wants to feel bad, yeah.
That's good, at least!