Yeah, pretty much (I'll try to stop pulling that stunt but honestly I forget to check in)
As much as I loved Alan Wake, it wasn't anything SUPER amazing. Plus, JPRGS have been on the decline, but a few gems here and there have appeared over the years (coughNieRcough) The only game(s) I've recently liked/played was Arkham City (really great story wise) and Lollipop Chainsaw (I LOVE CAMPY STUFF, plus the B movie references and nods to TV shows and movies, A+) And then you have Dead Island which could've been amazing but... yeah
Dude I was here....ok wow maybe it was. I know I was here a few days like months back ok I just don't remember much
Actually, a few things can. But whatever you fancy.
Wow every time I come back there's a major change to the site [its like I have KHV Senses or something] But how is everyone?
No, because not everyone wants to talk about Ponies Instead, it could be a subject that can appeal to all
I still love you for watching that movie and making screenshots of it
They said the same thing about Titanic and look what happened
At least he didn't call you a bloodmouth or something
Oh they are so fun! I mean, they really showcase only Comic Books and Sci-Fi stuff, and very little anime, but you can find it! It's worth it, seeing the cosplayers (Some are really amazing, I remember the first one I went to I took pictures with a Naa'vi from Avatar as a Left 4 Dead character, so cool) But really, do it.
To my defense I was about 10 when I sold 1-2 back and 3-4 were borrowed and never finished
I actually need to re-buy Silent Hill since...I kind of sold them for some reason (I think because it scared the **** out of me)
Oh lets see Nier (for the other endings B-D) Final Fantasy IX, VIII, III, II, I Eternal Sonata Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater Viewtiful Joe Resident Evil 1-3 Silent Hill 1-4 Take your pick
Oh I guess I should put down what I really am
Kawaii desu sugoi chan! ~^___^~
This episode was so good Spoiler many things that were perfect, and YES, I knew that Tenzin and Lin had some sort of romantic past haha! And its really needed to note that she had a good relationship with his dad Aang. AND THEN THE WHOLE MATCH I WAS SO UPSET AT THE REF GOD. I really dislike the Wolf Bats, and then the whole fight scene with Korra, Lin and the Chi-Blockers was damn amazing. I really can't wait till the next episode
I would really like to do this with people but I'm not sure who I do have Skype though which is good
Well, everyone can be assuming that Makaze is a girl Just like they did with me when I joined ;A;
I haven't been there since I was 10 wow But if you do end up going to Magic Kingdom you should totally go on the Toy Story ride its like this 3-D shooter thing and I heard its fun. Of course go on Space/Splash/Thunder Mountains. OH! Yeah, I believe my brief stint living in Florida they have a 3 ticket thing for Universal/Sea World/ and Wet and Wild, it might of changed but yeah there's that. If you do go to Universal Studios you have to go to the side where they have the Harry Potter park I mean it's Harry Potter.
It happens for about 2 chapters But anyway, if you feel comfortable that way, then that's cool too.