hey, those nerds can kill you /been watching too much Buffy The Vampire Slayer this summer
I start college on Thursday, woooo. But it is kind of weird that I started on this site around the end of 8th grade... Wow I feel old now
Oh wait I am
You are so horrible HORRIBLE ):
I'm excited for this new game, since I haven't played P4 yet at all (I haven't gotten around it yet) but the fighting game looks fun, a bit like Blaz Blue. And I think they might have "secret" people to use, like all fighting games usually have. So don't rule out a appearance by someone from a different game
I always had Fang on my team, always. She was the one who helped me defeat the final boss.
DONT STOP ME NOW! I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball!
oh, you did a bit haha. But it is nice to see a few old faces still here
Oh hey Rat! I was hoping you were here : D What photos? Sorry my mind is a bit blank right now
And I do too. It is nice to see you're still around Meanie, you're just mad that your not kawaii : D
Pretty much, that's what happened