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  1. Ienzo
  2. Ienzo
    Needs more alcoholic beverage names.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Ienzo
    I feel like this will be a task equal to trying to remove all porn from the internet- you can try to take down a lot of the major sites and even the minor ones but you will never get rid of them all, new ones will pop up and replace the old ones- they won't go away. I wouldn't have gotten into animes if it weren't for free online streaming, it has allowed me to go and spend money on some on the things that I like, Conventions for example: you go to them and see all these fans of shows dressing up and spending money on stuff they like which they probably got introduced to online. Besides Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-gi-Oh (and Bayblades?) and Naruto I can't remember many animes that are on British TV (can't speak for American TV), I know there will be channels out there but I don't have them and if I did then I would watch the anime there. I don't pirate for pirate sake, I pirate because I enjoy the show and want to carry on watching it and it's the only way for me to do so.

    My main hope is for them to find legal ways of reaching out and giving the Western world their shows as currently it's just them taking the shows and manga away from us.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 31, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  4. Ienzo
    This trailer makes the film look so fun : D and now I am excited! I do hope I get the chance to go and see it as all my friends are poor ;-; and I am poor...

    I guess it's a shame really if this is the case, I like characters to be more than just caricatures, I sort of hope that the tone of the film makes up for it or is the sort of tone where emotional connections aren't overly important. Still, I will go and see it : D also, I am incredibly envious of your job right now Misty :3
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 31, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Ienzo
    Well Source is very outdated... I just wish they'd hurry up the creation of the new one.

    Unless they managed to make the entire game out of binary code >:3
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Ienzo


    I don't know how much fabulous I can take, I may die before I can see any more fabulous.

    <3 Holy crap, that's at least 7 fabulous.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Ienzo
    DKHFKSJHDFKHJ Surely there are better engines by now ;-;

    Part of me feels like this game will never be made xD Valve don't know how to count to 3.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Ienzo


    Damn I feel at least 18% more fabulous right now.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Ienzo
    You know what I am still waiting for?

    ... The next installment of Half Life.

    We used to have that joke saying "KH3 will never come out" but now it's coming out so the joke is redundant.... but really it should be Half Life 3 that's joked about... it's been 10 years since HL2 and 7 years since episode 2.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Ienzo
  11. Ienzo
  12. Ienzo
  13. Ienzo

    Nerds :)

    It was a sweet victory.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Ienzo

    Nerds :)

    Yes please
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Ienzo
    At work everyone drinks soda water.... I don't like soda water ;-; like why would you do that to water...?
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Ienzo


    With many hats.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Ienzo


    All my friends went drinking and partying in birmingham and I stayed at home and played Team Fortress 2 all night : D

    ... well I had fun.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Ienzo

    Free Pizza

    Yeah! Well there are less people who live in the UK so really we should all just buy each other pizza >:3 and enjoy it from our respective areas in the country :3
    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Ienzo
    Also, new teaser out! Didn't realise these would continue but cool! : D

    Post by: Ienzo, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Ienzo
    Profile Post Comment

    I can't fix it, tell an admin.

    I can't fix it, tell an admin.
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Jul 26, 2014