This is the point when other people should start making threads so it can never be just all >:3
Why so many threads Nova? :3
Can you imagine what our friendship would be... without.... nubbiness? 0.0 CAPALDI DAYS UNTIL THE EPISODE WITH NO FLIRTING BUT THERE IS.
Oh yes >:3 We all know this friendship is built on sincerity xD That's what I thought you were going on xD oh well, Capaldi days now : D
Yeah... I suppose >:3 If I have to. But it's the 10th and 23-10 is 13 so that is 13 days silly >:3 and Capaldi, I suppose is the 12th, 13th and...
Oh has it? >:3 Well hello poops. What do you want? >: D isdjglkijdfg 13 days! : D Soon, we can start counting down using Doctor's names, now...
xD Well I will say she didn't ask it in this episode but I suppose that question is up for debate. Steven Moffat is not, he has no mercy xD
So today I was incredibly luck to get to see the very first episode : D I also got autographs from Jenna, Peter and Sam (Danny Pink who will appear later on in the series). Anyway, I shall give a spoiler free review of the episode (Firstly because I don't want to spoil it and secondly, I've sworn secrecy to Moffat and the head of BBC Drama Wales xD) but I will say that it is brilliant and you are in for a treat. Spoiler On Peter: he is a very different Doctor to the others but also the same, I would liken him to Tom Baker in his erratic nature, he's got a bit of a comic element as well as his fierce exterior which I feel hides his scared interior. He is a genius but also shows the wear of his years through forgetting stuff. I don't know if it's just this episode but he doesn't seem too hung up about his past like the other brooding Doctor's were. All in all, he is exceptional, I hope his accent doesn't make it hard to watch for some people xD (the sound wasn't as good from my seat so I did miss quite a bit of dialogue). On the episode: Wow. Well it starts with a shock and ends wonderfully by making you ask SO MANY QUESTIONS. Yes, that is right, more questions, you can't escape them. They are quite blunt with the fans issues they have raised (i.e. he's old, he's Scottish, he's been in Doctor Who before) and they do it brilliantly. The effects are so exceptional, the main bad guy in it is proof of that and it's a cool monster : D One more thing: The best scene is the bedroom scene. So, only 17 more days to go. I hope you guys are excited : D Some photos: Spoiler
The way to stop sexism (or racism or any type of discrimination) is to stop talking about it. Segregating men and women as rape victims and turning it into a competition about who suffers more is stupid. Rape is a horrific and terrible crime regardless of who or what the victim and rapist are. Men and women are more similar than we think and I recon it's more the social stigma that affects us i.e. Men are supposed to be super tough and either fend off their attacker or just deal with it. Not true, perhaps they are scared of hurting the woman, perhaps it's another male raping them or perhaps there is another reason- like they were asleep, it doesn't matter, the psychological trauma will still be the same. Of course, women are seen as the frail gender who will be so deeply psychologically affected by the event that they must suffer more. Also not true, well the deep psychological trauma is but not the fact they suffer more. It's like the "What hurts more: Giving birth or being kicked in the balls?" No one will know because no one can experience both. I don't know whether or not it is classed as rape but about 4 years ago I had a boyfriend who I was deeply infatuated with and he always strongly hinted that he wanted to have sex which I didn't want to do, I was 14, I wasn't ready. We did other stuff which I didn't want to do (he never asked, he just sort of did it and I joined in out of fear of losing him). But one day I said no and cried, he hugged me and said it wouldn't happen again. That night we went to his Grandparents wedding anniversary party (so I only knew him and his immediate family) and he didn't say a single word to me, it felt like I had done something terribly wrong and all that evening I was so petrified of losing him so I just went with it, hating every second of it. It has caused me an awful lot of problems with self image over the last few years but I don't know if it is classed as rape or not.
In Shakespearean times... http://sex.omgfacts.com/Sex+Facts/In-William-Shakespeares-time-the-word-ld/29321 I've got my fair share so I'm good >:3
Perhaps this was the start of an overlap of the RP and Spamzone arena >:3 and it has been shot down! Valiant effort Abby :3 Alas, I am neither big on anime or role play, well, I do enjoy RPing but I haven't done it in so long xD This section is the most logical place to start as this is the most active area :3
Well hello there! We only had 1 entry this week again but no matter : D Welcome to the top 5! Please posting your AMV's in the video portal, they are always great to see even if you are new to the art of editing :3 This Week's Judge(s): Castiel (Ienzo) 1. Kingdom Hearts: Guren No Yumiya Kingdom Hearts: Guren No Yumiya Submitted by: @Calxiyn Song: Lullaby version of Guren No Yumiya by Amanda Lee Details: I thought the emotive feel of this was brilliantly done, you chose a good theme to go with the beautiful song. One of my favourite things was your use of the footage that was simply text on a screen, it was incredibly effective. It may be a good idea to experiment with a few more effects to make certain parts of the AMV to fit more with the song. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kingdom-hearts-guren-no-yumiya.924/media Congratulations to you, Calxiyn! You will be receiving a Top 5 pin if you haven't got one already! Haven't placed yet? Just enter your video and you may place in a future week!
I have become increasingly attached to my nobody name "Xektia". Orlea?
I want to meet ugly married people from the other side of the world : D but apparently they aren't advertised as often ;-;
I laughed : D Can I laugh? :3
I want to try this but I don't want another game to want to play ;-;
I keep getting ones for penis enlargement. Help ;-;
Because this isn't a forum about KH >:3 We don't dare mention that game outside it's designated section. It's like, why do people have usernames that relate to Kingdom Hearts? That is totally silly >:3
Cracking : D